A package that makes the usage of the serialport package easier.
This package was made to make reading an Arduino serial comm easier as normally you have to write many lines of code and end up getting a buffer instead of a string.
> npm i --save ez-serial-read
(Arguments prefixed with ?
are optional and will have a default value)
var success = ezSerial(comPort, ?baudRate, callback); // basic initialization
// typeof success = boolean
ezSerial.listAll(result => { // list all open serial ports
// typeof result = object array
const ezSerial = require("ez-serial-read");
var success = ezSerial("COM4", 9600, data => { // serial port, baud rate, data callback - if you don't know your serial port, run the listAll method like demonstrated below this snippet
// this function gets called every time a line is being received and the "data" variable contains that line
if(success) { // the ezSerial() function returns a boolean value that is true, if the connection could be established and false, if not
console.log("Successfully connected to the serial port!");
else {
console.log("Couldn't connect!");
const ezSerial = require("ez-serial-read");
This lists all serial ports to the console. It will look something like this:
[ { comName: 'COM3',
manufacturer: 'FTDI',
serialNumber: 'A702H5DS',
pnpId: 'FTDIBUS\\VID_0403+PID_6001+A702H5DSA\\0000',
locationId: undefined,
vendorId: '0403',
productId: '6001' },
{ comName: 'COM1',
manufacturer: '(Standard port types)',
serialNumber: undefined,
pnpId: 'ACPI\\PNP0501\\0',
locationId: undefined,
vendorId: undefined,
productId: undefined },
{ comName: 'COM4', // <- <- <- <- this is the actual port of our arduino we want to talk to, so we need to enter "COM4" in the initialization function
manufacturer: 'Arduino LLC (www.arduino.cc)',
serialNumber: '85633323530351905232',
pnpId: 'USB\\VID_2341&PID_0043\\85633323530351905232',
locationId: 'Port_#0003.Hub_#0003',
vendorId: '2341',
productId: '0043' } ]