import ffmpeg import os import random class VideoGenerator: def __init__(self, env): self.env = env def generateVideo(self, backgroundVideoFileName, ttsAudioPath, outputVideoPath, directory, subtitlesPath): backgroundVideoPath = self.getBackgroundVideoPath( backgroundVideoFileName, directory) if not os.path.isfile(backgroundVideoPath): print(f"Video file not found: {backgroundVideoPath}") return False if not os.path.isfile(ttsAudioPath): print(f"Audio file not found: {ttsAudioPath}") return False audioDuration = self.getAudioDuration(ttsAudioPath) videoProbe = ffmpeg.probe(backgroundVideoPath) videoStream = self.getVideoStream(videoProbe) videoDuration = float(videoStream['duration']) startTime = self.getStartTime(audioDuration, videoDuration) # Calculate new dimensions only when necessary newWidth, newHeight = None, None if videoStream['width'] != 9 or videoStream['height'] != 16: newWidth, newHeight = self.getNewDimensions(videoStream) video = self.processVideo( backgroundVideoPath, videoDuration, audioDuration, startTime, newWidth, newHeight, subtitlesPath) audio = ffmpeg.input(ttsAudioPath) self.mergeAudioVideo(video, audio, outputVideoPath) return outputVideoPath def getBackgroundVideoPath(self, backgroundVideoFileName, directory): if backgroundVideoFileName.upper() == 'RANDOM': return self.getRandomMP4(directory) else: return os.path.join(directory, self.env['BG_VIDEO_FILENAME']) def getAudioDuration(self, ttsAudioPath): probe = ffmpeg.probe(ttsAudioPath) return float(probe['streams'][0]['duration'])+2 def getVideoStream(self, videoProbe): return next((stream for stream in videoProbe['streams'] if stream['codec_type'] == 'video'), None) def getStartTime(self, audioDuration, videoDuration): randomizeStart = self.env['RANDOM_START_TIME'].upper() == 'TRUE' if videoDuration > audioDuration and randomizeStart: return random.uniform(0, videoDuration - audioDuration) else: return 0 def getNewDimensions(self, videoStream): width = int(videoStream['width']) height = int(videoStream['height']) if width / height > 9 / 16: # wider than 9:16, crop sides return int(height * (9 / 16)), height else: # narrower than 9:16, crop top and bottom return width, int(width * (16 / 9)) def processVideo(self, backgroundVideoPath, videoDuration, audioDuration, startTime, newWidth, newHeight, subtitlesPath): video = ffmpeg.input(backgroundVideoPath) # Loop the video if it is shorter than the audio if videoDuration < audioDuration: loopsNeeded = int(audioDuration // videoDuration) + 1 videos = [video for _ in range(loopsNeeded)] video = ffmpeg.concat(*videos, v=1, a=0) # Trim the video to match the length of the audio and crop to the desired aspect ratio video = video.trim(start=startTime, end=startTime + audioDuration) video = video.setpts('PTS-STARTPTS') # Crop the video to the desired aspect ratio if dimensions were calculated if newWidth is not None and newHeight is not None: video = ffmpeg.filter_(video, 'crop', newWidth, newHeight) # Add subtitles if provided if subtitlesPath is not None and os.path.isfile(subtitlesPath): # Set style for the subtitles style = "FontName=Arial,FontSize=20,PrimaryColour=&H00ffffff,OutlineColour=&H00000000," \ "BackColour=&H80000000,Bold=0,Italic=0,Alignment=10" video = ffmpeg.filter_( video, 'subtitles', subtitlesPath, force_style=style) return video def mergeAudioVideo(self, video, audio, outputVideoPath): vcodec = self.env['VCODEC'] numThreads = self.env['THREADS'] output = ffmpeg.output(video, audio, outputVideoPath, vcodec=vcodec, threads=numThreads) output = ffmpeg.overwrite_output(output) def getRandomMP4(self, directory): # Filter the list to include only .mp4 files mp4Files = [entry.path for entry in os.scandir( directory) if entry.is_file() and'.mp4')] # Select a random .mp4 file randomMP4 = random.choice(mp4Files) return randomMP4