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MediaPipe(Python版)を用いて手の姿勢推定を行い、検出したキーポイントを用いて、簡易なMLPでハンドサインとフィンガージェスチャーを認識するサンプルプログラムです。(Estimate hand pose using MediaPipe(Python version). This is a sample program that recognizes hand signs and…
The documentation content home for
Character Animation (AnimateAnyone, Face Reenactment)
Data Science for Dynamical System Course
📗🌐 🚢 Comprehensive and exhaustive JavaScript & Node.js testing best practices (July 2023)
Programming Assignments for Georgia Tech's "Introduction to Operating Systems" Udacity course
Lecture Slides and R Sessions for Trevor Hastie and Rob Tibshinari's "Statistical Learning" Stanford course
Lecture Slides for Philip Levis and Nick McKeown's "Introduction to Computer Networking" Stanford course
This guide is for those who know some math, know some programming language and now want to dive deep into deep learning
Programming Assignments and Lectures for Stanford's CS 224: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning
Programming Assignments and Lectures for Andrew Ng's "Machine Learning" Coursera course
Programming Assignments and Lectures for Stanford's CS 231: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
Lecture slides and quizzes for Leskovec, Rajaraman, and Ullman's "Mining of Massive Datasets" Stanford course
Programming Assignments and Lectures for UC Berkeley's CS 294: Deep Reinforcement Learning
4 different recommendation engines for the MovieLens dataset.
Programming Assignments and Lectures for Geoffrey Hinton's "Neural Networks for Machine Learning" Coursera course
An exploratory data analysis and data visualization project using data from Spotify Web API
✋ Recognizing "Hand Gestures" using OpenCV and Python.
µC/OS-III is a preemptive, highly portable, and scalable real-time kernel. Designed for ease of use on a huge number of CPU architectures.
Platform for General Robot Intelligence Development
An Open Source YouTube app for privacy
Documents Exfiltration project for fun and educational purposes
Official codebase for TRILL (Teleoperation and Imitation Learning for Loco-manipulation)
Research code & papers from members of vx-underground.
Simulator for Course of Autonomous Networking a.a. 20-21