
[中文]( | English ## Function introduction: ~Convenient use in Shell environment through management script [Clash](
~Support management of [Clash functions](
~Support online import [Clash]( supports sharing, subscription and configuration links
~Support configuration timing tasks, support configuration file timing updates
~Support online installation and Use local web panel to manage built-in rules
~Support routing mode, native mode and other mode switching
~Support GNOME, KDE desktop automatic configuration native mode
~Support online update
## Equipment support: ~Support various router devices based on OpenWrt or secondary custom development using OpenWrt
~Support various devices running standard Linux systems (such as Debian/CenOS/Armbian, etc.)
~Compatible with Padavan firmware (conservative mode), Pandora firmware
~Compatible with various types of devices customized and developed using the Linux kernel
~For more device support, please submit an issue or go to the TG group for feedback (the device name and the device core information returned by running uname -a must be provided)
How to use: -- ~Confirm that the router device has enabled SSH and obtained root privileges (Linux devices with GUI desktops can be installed using their own terminal)
~Use SSH connection tools (such as putty, JuiceSSH, system built-in terminal, etc.) router or Linux device SSH management interface or terminal interface, and switch to the root user
~Confirm that the curl or wget download tool has been installed on the device. If not installed, please [refer to here]( for LInux devices to install curl. For devices based on OpenWrt (Xiaomi official system, Pandora, Gaoke, etc.), please Use the following command to install curl:
```sh opkg update && opkg install curl ``` ~ Then execute the following installation commands on the SSH interface, and follow the subsequent prompts to complete the installation
##### ~Use curl:
```Shell #by export url='' && sh -c "$(curl -kfsSl $url/" && source /etc/profile &> /dev/null #by export url='' && sh -c "$(curl -kfsSl $url/" && source /etc/profile &> /dev/null #by github export url='' && sh -c "$(curl -kfsSl $url/" && source /etc/profile &> /dev/null #by jsdelivrCDN export url='' && sh -c "$(curl -kfsSl $url/" && source /etc/profile &> /dev/null ``` ##### ~Use wget:
```sh #By jsdelivrCDN export url='' && wget -q --no-check-certificate -O /tmp/ $url/ && sh /tmp/ && source /etc/profile &> /dev/null ``` ~**Use a low version of wget (prompt not to support https) local installation**:
First clone the project to the local under the window (or [click to download the project source code zip package]( to the local and decompress it) ```sh sh git clone ``` Then open /project address/ShellClash/bin/hfs/hfs.exe Click menu-add directory from disk-{find the directory where ShellClash source code is located}-add as real directory Click on the menu-IP address-{choose the actual IP address of your LAN} Click ShellClash-click to copy to clipboard Then use the following command to install in SSH ```sh sh export url='Paste the copied address here' && wget -q -O /tmp/ $url/ && sh /tmp/ && source /etc/profile &> /dev/null ``` Later, when updating the version, you need to update the local version library and open the hfs service, and then update in the SSH menu, and then you can build a local server through hfs to realize the function of uploading and updating the yaml configuration file ~**After installation by non-root users**, please execute the following additional commands to read environment variables:
```shell source ~/.bashrc &> /dev/null ``` ~After installing the management script, execute the following command to **run the management script**
```Shell clash #normal mode clash -h #help clash -u #uninstall clash -t #test mode ``` ~**Install in Docker:**
Use: ~**Additional dependencies at runtime**:
``` Most of the equipment/systems are pre-installed with most of the following dependencies, you can ignore them if there is no impact when you use them. ``` ```sh bash/ash necessary Cannot install and run scripts when all are missing curl/wget necessary When all are missing, it cannot be installed and updated online iptables important Only use pure mode when missing systemd/rc.common general Only use conservative mode when all are missing iptables-mod-nat general Cannot use redir mode, mixed mode when missing ip6tables-mod-nat lower Affects redir mode when missing, mixed mode support for ipv6 crontab lower Cannot enable timing task function when missing net-tools minimal Cannot detect port occupancy normally when missing ubus/iproute-doc minimal The host address of the machine cannot be obtained normally when missing ``` ## Update log: ### [Click to view]( ## Exchange feedback: ### [TG Discussion Group]( ## Related Q&A: ### [See blog for details]( ## Donate: ​ Alipay WeChat ##### ## Friendly promotion: ### [Top 8K Airport-Dler](