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⭐ The project is an implement of piano transcription inference. 🌠

🔨 Build & Run

  • FFMPEG is required, please install it in PATH.

  • Download ONNX file and put it on the root of Folderpianotranscriptioncli/src/main/resources.

  • Modify the input audio file path in the main function of pianotranscriptioncli/src/main/java/pianotranscriptioncli/

  • Well, if your running system is not Windows, you need to change the string of the file path of the input and output files to make it work.

  • Build and run the project, feel free to run the test.http file in the resource folder if you use IDEA as the IDE.

    And you'll find the output midi file in Folderpianotranscriptioncli/src/main/resources/output.

    By the way, you can see the process on the command lines in your terminal.

  • 🎉 Go bears! Just enjoy it!