define([ 'dojo/_base/declare', 'dojo/_base/lang', 'dojo/_base/array', './Store', './Promised', './SimpleQuery', './QueryResults' ], function (declare, lang, arrayUtil, Store, Promised, SimpleQuery, QueryResults) { // module: // dstore/Memory return declare([Store, Promised, SimpleQuery ], { constructor: function () { // summary: // Creates a memory object store. // options: dstore/Memory // This provides any configuration information that will be mixed into the store. // This should generally include the data property to provide the starting set of data. // Add a version property so subcollections can detect when they're using stale data = 0; }, postscript: function () { this.inherited(arguments); // Set the data in `postscript` so subclasses can override `data` in their constructors // (e.g., a LocalStorage store that retrieves its data from localStorage) this.setData( || []); }, // data: Array // The array of all the objects in the memory store data: null, autoEmitEvents: false, // this is handled by the methods themselves getSync: function (id) { // summary: // Retrieves an object by its identity // id: Number // The identity to use to lookup the object // returns: Object // The object in the store that matches the given id. return[[id]]; }, putSync: function (object, options) { // summary: // Stores an object // object: Object // The object to store. // options: dstore/Store.PutDirectives? // Additional metadata for storing the data. Includes an 'id' // property if a specific id is to be used. // returns: Number options = options || {}; var storage =, index = storage.index, data = storage.fullData; var Model = this.Model; if (Model && !(object instanceof Model)) { // if it is not the correct type, restore a // properly typed version of the object. Note that we do not allow // mutation here object = this._restore(object); } var id = this.getIdentity(object); if (id == null) { this._setIdentity(object, ('id' in options) ? : Math.random()); id = this.getIdentity(object); } storage.version++; var eventType = id in index ? 'update' : 'add', event = { target: object }, previousIndex, defaultDestination; if (eventType === 'update') { if (options.overwrite === false) { throw new Error('Object already exists'); } else { data.splice(previousIndex = index[id], 1); defaultDestination = previousIndex; } } else { defaultDestination = this.defaultNewToStart ? 0 : data.length; } var destination; if ('beforeId' in options) { var beforeId = options.beforeId; if (beforeId === null) { destination = data.length; } else { destination = index[beforeId]; // Account for the removed item if (previousIndex < destination) { --destination; } } if (destination !== undefined) { event.beforeId = beforeId; } else { console.error('options.beforeId was specified but no corresponding index was found'); destination = defaultDestination; } } else { destination = defaultDestination; } data.splice(destination, 0, object); // the fullData has been changed, so the index needs updated var i = isFinite(previousIndex) ? Math.min(previousIndex, destination) : destination; for (var l = data.length; i < l; ++i) { index[this.getIdentity(data[i])] = i; } this.emit(eventType, event); return object; }, addSync: function (object, options) { // summary: // Creates an object, throws an error if the object already exists // object: Object // The object to store. // options: dstore/Store.PutDirectives? // Additional metadata for storing the data. Includes an 'id' // property if a specific id is to be used. // returns: Number (options = options || {}).overwrite = false; // call put with overwrite being false return this.putSync(object, options); }, removeSync: function (id) { // summary: // Deletes an object by its identity // id: Number // The identity to use to delete the object // returns: Boolean // Returns true if an object was removed, falsy (undefined) if no object matched the id var storage =; var index = storage.index; var data = storage.fullData; if (id in index) { var removed = data.splice(index[id], 1)[0]; // now we have to reindex this._reindex(); this.emit('delete', {id: id, target: removed}); return true; } }, setData: function (data) { // summary: // Sets the given data as the source for this store, and indexes it // data: Object[] // An array of objects to use as the source of data. Note that this // array will not be copied, it is used directly and mutated as // data changes. if (this.parse) { data = this.parse(data); } if (data.items) { // just for convenience with the data format ItemFileReadStore expects this.idProperty = data.identifier || this.idProperty; data = data.items; } var storage =; storage.fullData = = data; this._reindex(); }, _reindex: function () { var storage =; var index = storage.index = {}; var data = storage.fullData; var Model = this.Model; var ObjectPrototype = Object.prototype; for (var i = 0, l = data.length; i < l; i++) { var object = data[i]; if (Model && !(object instanceof Model)) { var restoredObject = this._restore(object, // only allow mutation if it is a plain object // (which is generally the expected input), // if "typed" objects are actually passed in, we will // respect that, and leave the original alone object.__proto__ === ObjectPrototype); if (object !== restoredObject) { // a new object was generated in the restoration process, // so we have to update the item in the data array. data[i] = object = restoredObject; } } index[this.getIdentity(object)] = i; } storage.version++; }, fetchSync: function () { var data =; if (!data || data._version !== { // our data is absent or out-of-date, so we requery from the root // start with the root data data =; var queryLog = this.queryLog; // iterate through the query log, applying each querier for (var i = 0, l = queryLog.length; i < l; i++) { data = queryLog[i].querier(data); } // store it, with the storage version stamp data._version =; = data; } return new QueryResults(data); }, fetchRangeSync: function (kwArgs) { var data = this.fetchSync(), start = kwArgs.start, end = kwArgs.end; return new QueryResults(data.slice(start, end), { totalLength: data.length }); }, _includePropertyInSubCollection: function (name) { return name !== 'data' && this.inherited(arguments); } }); });