# MusicManager An Android application to learn latest technologies in android world!

MusicManager is an Android application for those who want to get familiar with the latest technologies in Android World. ## Description ### How app works This application is designed to find singers and their top albums. I used the api from last.fm website (you can find the details in the api section). There are 4 main pages: 1. Saved albums : shows albums saved by user. 2. Search artist 3. Top albums : shows top albums of the selected artist. 4. Album details : shows details of the selected album. ### Technologies and Architecture Technologies that have been used in this projects are : * Clean Architecture * MVVM in presentation layer * Modules * Room * ViewModel * Dark/Light Mode * DI via Hilt * Retrofit * Kotlin Coroutines * Kotlin * LiveData * Navigation * Single Activity * Safe Args * DiffUtils * View Binding * Paging 3 ### API All the api's has provided by the last.fm website. for more information please visit their website. ## License MusicManager is released under the Apache License 2.0. See [LICENSE](https://github.com/SirLordPouya/MusicManager/blob/master/LICENSE.md) for details. Copyright (c) 2019 Pouya Heydari