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CombatLogX Plugin

This is the plugin module for CombatLogX.
It contains all the implementations, commands, and listeners that will be used on the Spigot server.


  • /combatlogx:

    • Aliases: /clx, /ctx, /combatlog, /combattagx, /combattag
    • /combatlogx help: View the list of sub-commands for CombatLogX.
    • /combatlogx about <expansion>: View information about an expansion.
    • /combatlogx reload: Reload the configuration files for the plugin and expansions.
    • /combatlogx toggle <bossbar/actionbar/scoreboard>: Toggle the action bar, boss bar, and scoreboard for yourself.
    • /combatlogx tag <player>: Force a player to be tagged into combat.
    • /combatlogx untag <player>: Force a player to be untagged from combat.
    • /combatlogx version: View version information and a list of enabled expansions.
    • /combatlogx forgive request <player>: Send a request to an enemy to get out of combat.
    • /combatlogx forgive accept: Accept a request from an enemy to escape combat with you.
    • /combatlogx forgive reject: Deny a request from an enemy to escape combat with you.
    • /combatlogx forgive toggle: Prevent enemies from sending forgiveness requests to you.
  • /combat-timer:

    • Aliases: /combattimer, /combattime, /ctime, /clt, /ct
    • /combat-timer: Check how much time you have left in combat.
    • /combat-timer <player>: Check how much time a player has left in combat.


  • combatlogx.bypass: Default bypass permission, can be changed in the config.yml file.
  • combatlogx.bypass.force.field: Default bypass permission for the force field, can be changed in the configuration file for the force field expansion.
  • combatlogx.command.combat-timer: Gives access to the /combat-timer command.
  • combatlogx.command.togglepvp: Gives access to the /togglepvp command from the NewbieHelper expansion.
  • combatlogx.command.togglepvp.admin: Gives access to the admin features of the /togglepvp command.
  • combatlogx.command.combatlogx: Gives access to the base /combatlogx command, but not the sub-commands.
  • combatlogx.command.combatlogx.toggle: Gives access to /combatlogx toggle command to toggle boss bar, action bar, and scoreboard.
  • combatlogx.command.combatlogx.about: Gives access to information about expansions with /combatlogx about.
  • Gives access to information about CombatLogX commands with /combatlogx help.
  • combatlogx.command.combatlogx.reload: Gives access to reload configurations with /combatlogx reload.
  • combatlogx.command.combatlogx.version: Gives access to version information with /combatlogx version.
  • combatlogx.command.combatlogx.tag: Gives access to force tag players with /combatlogx tag.
  • combatlogx.command.combatlogx.untag: Gives access to force players out of combat with /combatlogx untag.
  • combatlogx.command.combatlogx.forgive: Gives access to /combatlogx forgive.
  • combatlogx.command.combatlogx.forgive.accept: Gives access to /combatlogx forgive accept.
  • combatlogx.command.combatlogx.forgive.reject: Gives access to /combatlogx forgive reject.
  • combatlogx.command.combatlogx.forgive.request: Gives access to /combatlogx forgive request.
  • combatlogx.command.combatlogx.forgive.toggle: Gives access to /combatlogx forgive toggle.