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Twitter Sentiment Analysis

  • This task was performed as an academic assignment on NLP.
  • performed sentiment analysis on twitter dataset.
  • the data was extracted from twitter API using tweepy module.
  • the tweets are divided into three - positive, negative, neutral. These tweets are divided based on sentiment analyzer scores.
  • these scores were calculated using TextBlob module.
  • performed EDA, visulaization and analysis on the tweets.

A gist of what i did...

  • import the necessary libraries.
  • used twitter API to extract tweets.
  • defined functions which clean the tweets, apply sentiment to the tweets.
  • The user is asked to enter the keyword of tweets and number of tweets.
  • stored the tweets in tweet list.
  • stored positive, negative, neutral tweets in separate lists.
  • next, i converted these lists into separate dataframes.
  • plotted a pie chart for the tweets depending on their sentiments.
  • now our tweets dataframe conatins tweet and a sentiment as separate columns.
  • added positive, neutral, negative, compound scores of each tweet as sperate columns in dataframe.
  • created a function for word cloud and displayed the word cloud of all tweets, positive tweets, negative tweets, neutral tweets.
  • added polarity and subjectivity for each tweets as separate column names in dataframe.
  • added word count and tweet length for each tweet as columns.
  • next i removed punctuations from tweets, removed stopwords, tokenized them and stemmed them and made separate columns for each in the dataframe.
  • next, i cleaned the tweets and applied Countvectorizer on these cleaned tweets.
  • made a separate dataframe for these count vectorized tweets and displayed the most used words.
  • made a function to convert the tweets to n-gram.
  • displayed the bi-grams and tri-grams of tweets on screen.
  • next, separated the training and testing data and applied sentiment analysis on logistic regression. Displayed the classification report for the same.

How to get data from API?

  • To get the data from twitter API you have to make an account on twitter and then fill a form giving details about how you'll use the data.
  • Then you have the access the consumer key, consumer secret, access token and access token secret