Python script built with Scrapy to scrape inspections from Pa. Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs website.
- Python 3.6+
Open the terminal. Clone the project repo:
git clone
If you don't have pipenv installed on your machine, run:
pip install pipenv
Navigate into the project directory:
cd ddap_scraper
Use pipenv to create a virtual environment and install the project dependencies. Run:
pipenv install
This project uses Scrapy and takes advantage of its excellent CLI.
In the terminal, navigate to the project's root directory and then into the ddap directory.
cd ddap
NOTE: It's important that you are in this directory otherwise the subsequent commands will not work.
To begin the scrape and generate a CSV of scraped data, run:
scrapy crawl inspections -o scraped_data.csv
To generate a JSON or XML file, just swap the file extension. Eg.
scrapy crawl inspections -o scraped_data.json