# Changelog _dates are in dd-mm-yyyy format_ ### 23-06-2018 VERSION 4.3.0 - Add macOS `mojave` label - Add generic `android_*` labels for android versions `p` through `z`. ### 24-12-2017 VERSION 4.2.3 - Loosened some Android label version ranges - `Browserino::Version` can now also parse floats float `1.1` equals major version 1, minor version 1, patch level 0 ### 12-10-2017 VERSION 4.2.2 - Added support for `high_sierra` ### 11-06-2017 VERSION 4.2.1 - Fixed a bug which caused arguments in the form of `version: v` to return true by default - Added 174 additional clients - Added some global properties - `smarttv?` and `tablet?` in addition to `mobile?` - Added device detection using `device? :namOfDevice` - Added `not` method that allows calling `client.not.firefox?`. It simply inverts the original result - Added `not?` method which is the opposite of `is?` - Added `:mediaplayer` type ### 30-04-2017 VERSION 4.1.0 - Changed some internal naming - Added ~200 additional browsers / bots - Added list of browsers / bots and platforms to the documentation ### 22-04-2017 VERSION 4.0.0 - Complete rewrite - Complete documentation rewrite #### 14-11-2016 VERSION 2.12.0 - Added support for SamsungBrowser - Added `samsungbrowser?` method - Added support for `:samsungbrowser` (`Symbol` and `String`) in methods - Added support for Tizen - Added `tizen?` method - Added support for `:tizen` (`Symbol` and `String`) in methods - Added support for WebOS - Added `webos?` method - Added support for `:webos` (`Symbol` and `String`) in methods - Added support for WebOSBrowser - Added `webosbrowser?` method - Added support for `:webosbrowser` (`Symbol` and `String`) in methods - Added Android Nougat (7.0 and 7.1) detection - merged OS map files into _/core/mappings.rb_ and removed the _lib/maps_ folder - Reduced amount of (overkill) tests #### 13-11-2016 VERSION 2.11.0 - Add `:macos` alias for `:macintosh` systems. - Added support for MacOS `:sierra` alias in methods. - Added deprecation notice for dropping support of Ruby < 2.0.0 #### 19-10-2016 VERSION - Test on ruby 2.3.1 - Fix missing questionmarks on method names in the README. - Change gem homepage to io domain #### 25-08-2016 VERSION 2.10.1 - Replaced `require` with `require_relative` where possible - Fixed cli not loading due to failing `require` #### 24-07-2016 VERSION 2.10.0 - Added support for the servo browser: - Added `servo?` method - Added detection for various programming languages: - Added `library?` method - Added `php?` method - Added `perl?` method - Added `python?` method - Added `java?` method - Added `curl?` method - Added `pycurl?` method #### 29-05-2016 VERSION 2.9.0 - Stricter checking for: * `social_media?` * `bot?` * `browser?` * `platform?` These methods used to be callable with unrelated symbols (e.g `agent.platform?(:firefox) # => true`), they will now correctly return false. - Added support for consoles * Added `console?` method * Added `wii?`, `playstation?`, `xbox?` and `nintendo_ds?` methods - Added general `name` method to store any browser / bot / search engine / social media agent - `social_media_name`, `search_engine_name` and `bot_name` are now aliasses of `name` - removed `:bot_name` from data structure (now stored in a general `name` property) - removed `:browser_name` from data structure (now stored in a general `name` property) - Added `console_name` method to get the name of a console #### 27-05-2016 VERSION 2.8.2 - Removed Guard gem dependency #### 26-05-2016 VERSION 2.8.0 - Added `search_engine?` method - Added `holmes?` method - Added `ask?` method - Added `duckduckgo?` and alias `ddg?` methods - Fixed `respond_to?` method signature - Added executable for parsing useragents in terminal #### 02-03-2016 VERSION 2.7.0 - Added `solaris?` method #### 22-01-2016 VERSION 2.6.0 - Fixed `to_a` method - Fixed `to_s` method - Removed **bot** suffixes from every bot name - Replaced `googlebot?` with `google?` - Replaced `msnbot?` with `msn?` - Replaced `bingbot?` with `bing?` - Replaced `yandexbot?` with `yandex?` - Replaced `exabot?` with `exa?` - Added `platform?` method - Added `browser?` method - Added `social_media?` method - Added `facebook?` and `fb?` methods - Added `twitter?` method - Added `linkedin?` method - Added `instagram?` method - Added `pinterest?` method - Added `tumblr?` method - Added support for the Brave browser and the `brave?` method - Added `ff?` method #### 20-01-2016 VERSION 2.5.4 - formatted / refactored code with rubocop - iOS `system_name full: true` returns the version no. of iOS if found #### 19-01-2016 VERSION 2.5.3 - Minor refactoring of code #### 15-01-2016 VERSION 2.5.2 - **DEPRECATE** Custom return values (passed through `Browserino.parse`) will no longer alter the output of the agent object - Added support for windows phone detection - Added `windows_phone?` method #### 12-01-2016 VERSION 2.5.1 - Patched blackberry mapping, this used to be done by model number instead but is now corrected #### 12-01-2016 VERSION 2.5.0 - Added support for the Vivaldi browser - New method `#vivaldi?` - Added support for the bsd family of operating systems - New method `#bsd?` - Fixed using symbols for system version identification (e.g. `:vista` or `:el_capitan`) without a version number #### 11-01-2016 VERSION 2.4.1(.1) - Caching the agent object in Rails - **DEPRECATE** Using a custom return value for when a property isn't found #### 10-01-2016 VERSION 2.4.0 - Added rails integration #### 06-01-2016 VERSION 2.3.0 - Added `#compat?` method to test if IE is in compatibility mode - Extended `#browser_version` to now also take an argument - Added `#locale` method - Empty UA's are identified as bots through `#bot?` #### 04-01-2016 VERSION 2.2.0 - Added more bots - `#bot?` method can now take a bot name as argument to check for an exact bot #### 04-01-2016 VERSION 2.1.0 - Small restructuring of test suite - Added bot detection - Added `#bot?` method - Added dynamic method support for bots - Added support for the seamonkey browser #### 03-01-2016 VERSION 2.0.0 - **IMPORTANT** Changed behaviour of all dynamic methods to include version as an argument rather than in the method name. - **IMPORTANT** Changed the behaviour of version checking to be more strict - Changed tests to reflect new behaviour - Added convenience methods `#win?`, `#osx?` and `#bb?` #### 03-01-2016 VERSION 1.6.0 - Added more tests - Added more browsers to check: *(bolt, opera mini and ucbrowser)* - Added `#known?` method to check if the agent is known - Added a `#ua` method to return the User Agent string as given to `Browserino.parse()` - Added `#x64?` and `#x32?` convenience methods to check system architecture - Added `#mobile?` to check wether or not a user agent is mobile - Moved older changelogs to its own [CHANGELOG.md](https://github.com/SidOfc/browserino/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) file - Changed `#to_s` to add dashes (`-`) between browser names if they have a space - `#to_s` now has an optional (`sep = ''`) parameter that allows info and version numbers to be seperated #### 31-12-2015 VERSION 1.5.3 - Added blackberry support - Added tests for blackberry user agent strings #### 31-12-2015 VERSION 1.5.2 - Added user agents - Patterns could falsely identify a 64bit system, made the pattern more strict - using `X11` in a user agent as a synonym to a `#linux?` system #### 23-12-2015 VERSION - Removed print statements from method - Builds are now executed for Ruby 1.9.3 as well as 2.2.1 #### 20-12-2015 VERSION 1.5.1 - Fixed `respond_to?` method which would first return inverted results (e.g. false when it should be true) #### 19-12-2015 VERSION 1.5.0 - Implemented to_s to return a concatenated string of property values - Implemented to_a to return an array with arrays containing property name-value pairs - Implemented to_h to return a hash containing property name-value pairs - Removed unused code #### 19-12-2015 VERSION 1.4.0 - Added not method to invert questions about browser / system - Added random test cases to verify that all inverted answers are correct #### 17-12-2015 VERSION 1.3.0 - Added Edge detection - For supported browsers, it is now possible to check name and version through `method_missing?` #### 16-12-2015 VERSION 1.2.0 - Opera tests didn't run before - For supported systems, it is possible to check OS and version through `method_missing?` #### 15-12-2015 VERSION 1.1.2 - User definable 'unknown' return value