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Proposal tracking

Pull request

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How should we:

  • Draft proposals?
  • Store under review proposals?
  • Archive proposals?

Each of these is a distinct, important step. We may be able to use the same storage for multiple steps.


One thing that is not under question is that we will have accepted proposals in Markdown. This is critical, as we are essentially only delaying when a proposal goes to Markdown.

The evolution process expects that community contributors will author proposals for review by the core team. Things to consider are:

  • How easy is it for an author to write a proposal?
    • What if there are multiple contributors to a proposal?
  • How easy is it to comment on a proposal?
    • What about small typo fixes?
  • How do we prevent unwanted edits during the comment process?
  • How much work does it take to convert a proposal into a final doc edit?
  • How do we prevent edits after a decision is complete?

In any situation, it's necessary that proposals be clearly contributed to Carbon (even if in a draft phase, even if never accepted), and have an appropriate license attached.

Although the evolution document currently makes statements about how to manage proposals, changes in approval from this doc may affect the evolution process. Explicit wording changes aren't outlined here because they are assumed to be part of executing this proposal rather than the substance of this proposal.

For reference, a version of this proposal is also available in GitHub.



This proposal presents two possible flows: one Google Docs-centric, one Markdown-centric. This is an open question.

In either case, it's assumed that we will want a Carbon language shared drive for any Google Docs we may create, and a Proposal archive GitHub repository.

Open question: Do we use a Google Docs-centric or GitHub Markdown-centric flow?

Decision: GitHub Markdown-centric flow

All documents will end up in Markdown. Some members of the core team have a stated preference for reviewing proposals in Google Docs, and some have a preference for Markdown. No other clear options exist. This would yield two possible flows:

Option: Google Docs-centric flow

  • Draft proposals: Google Docs
  • Under review proposals: Google Docs
  • Archive proposals: Google Docs + PDF
  • Final format: Markdown
Flow summary

For reviewing a proposal:

  • Authors create a Google Doc in the Proposals shared folder.
    • Authors may want to trim down edit access, leaving only comment access.
  • When ready for review, the authors share the Google Doc on Discourse Forums.
    • Community comments on the Google Doc.
  • To move for a decision, ownership is transferred to a review manager.
    • The review manager trims down all access to comment access.
  • When a decision is reached, the review manager updates the doc and moves it to the Proposal Archive folder in the Carbon language shared drive.
  • A PDF is saved to the carbon-proposals GitHub repository.
  • The author converts any long-term documentation portions of the doc to Markdown.

If the proposal needs to be checked later to figure out why a decision was made:

  • Pragmatically, the PDF should have the same viewable content as the Google Doc, and so can be used.
  • The Google Doc's comments will be a mess to read, and so should likely be treated as inaccessible later.
  • The edit history of a Google Doc is only visible to users with edit access. Since most people will have comment-only or view-only access to reviewed docs, we should treat edit history as not accessible.


  • Supports collaborative editing.
  • Commenting in Docs is a slightly better UI, even though the commenting workflows are equivalent.
  • Images can easily be embedded in the Google Doc, without needing separate files.


  • Has an easier suggested edit workflow than GitHub.
    • For commenters, this may be a pro because they can see their suggested edit as they make it.
    • For the author, this is a mixed bag:
      • When a suggestion is for multiple, fragmented edits, it's harder to read.
        • for example, "foo ~~bar baaz bangwiz ~~bing" -> "foo baaz bangbing"
      • It's easier to accept changes.
      • It's harder to comment on changes, as the change is still visible and hiding the original state of the doc.
        • This is especially true when trying to respond to comments by others on a suggested edit, as you can't both have a discussion and apply/reject the edit.
      • It's harder to make alternative edits and/or reject changes, as it effectively resolves the comment thread and hinders further discussion.
    • For other readers, this is likely a con: it's harder to read the original state of the doc that's been suggested on, and it's not clear how the author will respond.


  • Documents will go through at least three different file formats (Docs, PDF, Markdown).
    • Docs->Markdown conversion has limited tooling support.
    • Comment history will be lost on conversions.
    • Using different formats for proposals and documentation/specification creates additional work when pulling text into a proposal to suggest modifications, and when applying those modifications.
    • Any differences between the text in different formats will be difficult to notice, particularly if the author makes a change when converting long-term documentation from Docs to Markdown.
  • Difficult to manage access control on files.
    • Docs does not provide access to version history (desirable) without granting full edit access (undesirable).
    • Shared drives combine permissions for adding files to a folder and editing files. Permissions can also only be added, not removed, from individual docs. As a result, contributors who can create new proposals will also receive the ability to edit all proposals.
    • Docs will not automatically mirror permissions if we use two different sharing systems (shared drive and shared folder).
  • Difficult to archive documents as read-only.
    • If we set archived documents to be view-only, users won't be able to read comments. At that point, the PDF version that we plan to commit to the Proposal archive GitHub repository is sufficient, and we could delete the proposal.
    • If we set archived documents to allow commenting, then users can comment on and add suggested edits to archived documents. Only review managers could close suggested edits. This could confuse the history of the doc, and stop archives from looking read-only.
    • In any case, archived documents would not be editable, and so revision history could not be seen.
  • Managing comments over time is infeasible.
    • It's infeasible to point people to old comment threads, to suggest they read and engage if they disagree with the original request.
    • Even identifying whether a comment led to a particular change is infeasible.
    • Comments vanish if the text they're on is removed.
    • There is no way to quickly check for unresponded comments: instead, authors will need to repeatedly crawl the doc. This is exacerbated by process advice that the commenter be left to decide whether to resolve comments, or slow-to-respond commenters.
  • No support for seeing deltas.
    • Only editors can see the delta. However, it should be expected that only the author is an editor.
    • Even if deltas were accessible, Docs delta support requires extra work on the part of a doc editor to set up markers in the version history.
  • Restricted support for extensibility.
    • Proposals frequently have duplicated/boilerplate text that the authors may need to rewrite in bulk, for example when renaming something. Google Docs has built-in regex search. However, regex replace with capture groups isn't directly supported, so users would need to learn and use Google Apps Script to do the replacement.
    • When URLs need to be replaced, Google Docs has no support. Authors must audit every URL.
  • No low-friction support for formatted code blocks and inline code snippets.
    • Extensions exist; we'll probably want to recommend a specific extension to the community.
  • Intra-document links break frequently, just from moving headers.
    • It's also difficult to determine when an intra-document link is broken. There doesn't seem to be support (built-in or add-on) for identifying issues.
    • It's also not supported to search through links, so even if the author knows what they're breaking, they won't be able to find it.
  • Google Docs comment syntax is essentially text-only.
    • Syntax can interfere with "*" insertion in code snippets due to bolding confusion.
  • May enhance Google-centric views of Carbon.
    • Swift and Rust use Markdown-centric flows.
  • Some companies may block Google Docs, because it's a file transfer service.
    • It's unclear how prevalent this would be. GitHub may also be blocked under similar security rules, but it's a requirement for participation whereas Google Docs is avoidable.
    • Ref: [1], [2], [3]
  • Some individuals may refuse to use Google Docs over privacy (or other) concerns.
    • We've considered creating a GSuite domain for Carbon contributor accounts to help address this. However, it may not address everyone's concerns.

Option: GitHub Markdown-centric flow

  • Draft proposals: Markdown, possibly in Google Docs (but not required)
  • Under review proposals: Markdown with review comments by way of GitHub
  • Archive proposals: Markdown
  • Final format: Markdown
Flow summary

For reviewing a proposal:

  • Authors prepare a markdown doc using their favored tooling.
  • Authors create a pull request with the markdown doc, to the carbon-proposals GitHub repository.
    • Community comments on the pull request.
  • To move for a decision, no special action is taken.
  • When a decision is reached, the review manager ensures the markdown doc is updated appropriately and approves the pull request.

If the proposal needs to be checked later to figure out why a decision was made:

  • The committed markdown represents the final state of the proposal.
  • The pull request may be viewed to read through comments, even after it is merged.
  • The pull request will have edit history publicly visible.
    • GitHub has a nice renderer for markdown diffs.


  • No need to convert file formats.
    • Markdown reviews can be committed directly, putting all history in one place.
    • When dealing with a proposal that results in separate long-term documentation, any differences between proposal text and long-term text will be relatively easy to see in a diff.
  • Access control is straightforward, determined by location.
  • Referring to older comments is feasible.
    • There may be some cases where comments disappear in certain situations, but these problems should be avoidable.
  • The archival copy of a document will include an easy link to comment history.
  • Easy to see Markdown-formatted deltas in GitHub.
  • The style of all documents can be updated centrally by changing a style sheet.
  • Multiple comments may be sent together in a review.
    • Comments may also be sent individually as in Docs.
  • GitHub comment syntax supports Markdown, allowing code in comments.
  • Multi-author editing is possible by using a shared GitHub branch as a source.
    • This may still be less convenient than Google Docs flows, but multi-author proposals could still use Google Docs to collaborate on the Markdown.


  • Has a more difficult suggested edit workflow than Google Docs.
    • For commenters, this may be a con, as it takes a little more work to add a suggested edit. This may still lead to fewer suggested edits.
    • For the author, this is a mixed bag:
      • Whereas Google Docs may often see multiple, fragmented edits for the same sentence, commenters would be more likely to suggest them together (a pro).
      • It's seamless to comment on changes, as it follows the normal comment flow.
      • It's seamless to make alternative edits and/or reject changes.
      • The author may need to do extra reformatting/word wrapping after accepting a Markdown change, which Docs would handle internally.
    • For other readers, this is likely a pro: the current state of the doc remains visible.


  • GitHub comments on pull requests can be difficult to find in certain situations.
    • Comments can disappear when a pull request is rebased and force-pushed.
    • Comments generally don't get tracked across revisions to a pull request.
    • If we disallow force-pushes on pull requests, they are probably okay most of the time.
  • Can't comment on the rendered Markdown, only the raw Markdown.
  • Images need to be stored separately from the main Markdown file.
    • Final documentation may or may not need the images; they may only be added to explain the proposal. that is, this may be extra work without later benefit.


Carbon language shared drive

Main shared drive

A shared drive will be used as a nexus for any Google Docs materials. This mainly offers a central point for contributors to locate materials, as most will not be able to modify contents.

A shared drive should be assumed to be present, regardless of whether we choose a Google Docs-centric flow: if we allow/encourage the use of Google Docs for collaborative editing in a Markdown-centric flow, we should still provide storage.

Access controls:

  • Managers: a minimal set (chandlerc + review managers?) to prevent accidental edits.
    • Not the entire core team, in order to discourage the core team from using privileges not accessible to the rest of the community (including sub-teams).
  • Content managers: the review manager group, so that they can archive proposals.
  • Contributors: none - does not provide sufficiently distinct access from content managers.
  • Commenters: full community
  • Viewers: none

Proposals (shared folder)

Community members need to be able to add proposals to the shared folder. This will be available as a shortcut from the main shared drive.

In shared folders, edit access to the folder allows adding/moving/removing files, but doesn't grant control over the actual file, which is still owned by the individual creator. Unlike shared drives, proposal authors can remove edit access from individual files.

Access controls:

  • Owner: chandlerc
  • Editors: full community
  • Commenters/viewers: none (non-public)

Proposal Archive (folder in shared drive)

The archive will be used to store reviewed proposals. This will mainly make comments on proposals available for future reference.

To allow viewing comments, comment access must be granted: Google Docs comments are not visible to users with view-only access. At the same time, this means contributors will still be able to comment on archived docs: this should be discouraged.

Access controls:

  • Inherited from Carbon language shared drive.

Google Docs proposal ACLs

In this setup, pending proposals go into the Proposals shared folder, where they'll still have their own ACLs.

Note that, in the Markdown-centric flow, this is generally not relevant: using Google Docs is optional and may often be skipped.

Access controls:

  • Owner: proposal author (transferred to review manager, for proposals going to decision)
  • Editors: any collaborators
  • Commenters: community
  • Viewers: none

Markdown-specific questions

Open question: Where should proposals be stored in GitHub?

Decision: Store proposals in the repository they affect

Option: Proposal archive GitHub repository (carbon-proposals)

In this approach, the review managers are presumed to be responsible for commits to the proposal archive.

Access controls:

  • Commit privileges: review managers


  • Easy to find pending proposals; just look at the carbon-proposals issue tracker.
  • All proposals will be uniquely numbered.
  • No need for a proposal label: everything's a proposal.


  • Proposals affect other repositories; may miss opportunities to combine changes.
  • Harder to filter for proposals that are relevant to a specific repository.

Option: Store proposals in the repository they affect

In this approach, we would store proposals in the same repository as they affect. for example, a proposal about the spec would be stored in carbon-lang, while a proposal specific to the compiler would be in carbon-toolchains. If a proposal affected multiple repositories, we'd probably choose a single primary repository for the proposal.

Specific to a GitHub Markdown-centric flow, we could additionally allow the proposal's pull request to include the specific proposed changes to documentation where appropriate, allowing for the author to avoid duplicating text in the proposal itself.

We would likely still want a proposal document with a summary at a minimum, even for small proposals. The summary can link to the pull request for details, creating additional breadcrumbs for reading the full (with additional document edits) proposal.

Rejected proposals should commit only the proposal document. A link to the pull request in the proposal document should make it easier to research rejections. Alternatively, rejected proposals could have their pull request abandoned, but that would leave only the tracking issue as a breadcrumb for history.

Access controls:

  • Commit privileges: normal repository access, possibly with review managers getting broad access in order to finalize proposals.


  • Makes it easier to demonstrate the actual changes a proposal suggests making.
  • Reduces possible redundant work by the author of making changes in two places (the proposal, and affected documents).
  • Keeps discussion about the proposal and discussion about the proposed changes on a single review thread, for most cases.
  • Makes it easy to find most/all proposals relevant to a given repository.


  • Proposals would need to be tracked separately per-repository.
    • This could also end up being a pro if we get a bunch of different repositories, as it may become easier to find relevant proposals for a given repository. It's only really a con for as long as we have few repositories (which may last long-term, as having many repositories may lead to other scaling problems).
  • Access controls are part of the parent repository, and so will be less restricted than if we had a separate proposals repository.
  • Proposals won't be uniquely numbered.
    • We'll need to refer to proposals with the repository, for example, carbon-lang/456.
  • Need to make sure we have a proposal label, to separate from non-proposal traffic.

Open question: Should we push comments to focus on GitHub?

Decision: Push high-level comments to GitHub

Common principles

  • Proposals will be declared on Discourse Forums at important stages; for example, asking for input on ideas, RFC, decisions, etc.
  • Some discussion is expected to occur on the GitHub PR.

Option: Push high-level comments to Discourse Forums

We could push for high-level comments to be added on the same thread as the Discourse Forums RFC.


  • Discourse Forums offer better interfaces for pure, non-code-comment discussion.
  • Email notifications are easier to parse with less threading, more use of quotes, and "In Reply To" automation.
  • More familiar for people familiar with mixed Discourse/GitHub workflows.
    • Both Rust and Swift use Discourse, and are closer to this option.
    • May also be better for people used to using email lists to discuss proposed changes.


  • Leads contributors to two different places for comments - some high-level discussion will inevitably be in GitHub.
  • Contributors must read both Discourse Forums and GitHub to get context.

Option: Push high-level comments to GitHub

We could push for high-level comments to be added to the proposal PR, with other discussion.


  • The GitHub PR becomes a single hub for conversation.
  • More familiar for people familiar with GitHub-only workflows.


  • Discourse Forum topics cannot have "create" without "reply" permissions, so some high-level discussion will inevitably be in Discourse Forums.
    • We could address this by only allowing moderators to post RFCs, but that may be overly exclusive.
  • Email notifications include only the lines of code affected, not what is being replied to. This will generally make it infeasible to get context from emails.
  • Comment threads sometimes make it unclear what's being replied to. for example, and ttps: are equivalent, but the replied-to-comment is only visible in the file view.
    • This may be particularly visible as an issue if high-level discussions are often not line-specific.
  • Not clear what to do about resolving high-level discussion comment threads.
    • If comment threads are resolved, it's harder to read them, discouraging third-party comment.
    • If comment threads are not resolved, they may create a bunch of noise. As noted above, GitHub manages the file view better than the discussion view.
    • Mixed solutions will leave it to the author to choose the balance of issues.

Option: Give no guidance, see what happens

Rather than trying to guide high-level discussion to a particular medium, we could offer no guidance.


  • Less policies, more freedom.
    • Discover what happens, switch back and forth over time based on individual contributor preferences.


  • Advantages of a primary hub are discarded. Disadvantages of multiple hubs should be assumed to remain.

Open question: Should there be a tracking issue?

Decision: Don't require tracking issues

Common principles

  • Discourse Forum topics are minimally used to announce when a decision is going to RFC, going to decision, and the decision once made.
  • The proposal's PR may be used for discussion of the proposal.

Option: Tracking issue for all proposals

In a workflow where there's always a tracking issue:

  1. Create the tracking issue, for example #123.
  2. Create the PR, for example #456, naming the proposal after the tracking issue.
    1. Use GitHub features to link #123 and #456.
  3. Update the status in and labels of #123 when progressing a proposal.
  4. When a decision is made, create a new PR, for example #789, containing the decision
    1. This does not replace the Discourse Forum topic announcing a decision.
    2. Use GitHub features to link #123 and #789.
    3. Comments on the decision may go on the decision PR, similar to the proposal PR discussion.
  5. Declined/deferred proposals may be committed or not; it doesn't matter.


  • Easy to find the full decision in
  • The PR to create the decision is clearly visible in the associated tracking issue.


  • The tracking issue separates more state.

Option: Don't require tracking issues

In a workflow where there's no need for a tracking issue (although contributors may create them for bucketing work, they are non-essential):

  1. Create the PR, for example #456, naming the proposal
  2. Update the labels of #456 when progressing a proposal.
    1. Don't bother putting the status in people should rely on the PR labels since it's in the same place.
  3. When a decision is made, add it as a comment to #456.
    1. This does not replace the Discourse Forum topic announcing a decision.
    2. Comments on the decision should go in Discourse Forums.
    3. The author is asked to link to the decision in before the commit is approved.
  4. If declined/deferred proposals are committed, it would be best to add a status in before committing.


  • Lighter weight process: no tracking issue, and no need to update status in


  • Harder to store the decision in a way that clearly links it to the original proposal.
    • In particular, finding discussion about the decision is hard to resolve. Neither below ideas clearly improve on this, so preference to keep everything in Discourse Forum topic.
    • Could in theory have the full decision in Pro is it's easy to find, con is it makes it look more like the author's writing the decision.
    • Could keep storing Pro is it's easy to find, con is the lack of association with #456 and extra file+PR. Not clear that storage offers enough independent value to justify.
  • Restricts where discussion about a decision should occur.

Open question: Should declined/deferred proposals be committed?

Decision: Do not commit declined/deferred proposals

Common principles

  • Accepted proposals are always committed.
  • We may (or may not) commit decisions for any committed proposal (accepted or otherwise).
    • See notes in the above open question.

Option: Do not commit declined/deferred proposals

Under this approach, declined/deferred proposals are never committed. Instead, the PR is abandoned and we at most save a link to it.

Note that GitHub does (at least to some extent) retain closed PRs, even those coming from a fork.


  • The proposals directory remains a list of only accepted proposals.
  • No need to spend effort saving declined/deferred proposals.


  • Lose an easy way to check declined/deferred proposals for history.
    • More reliance on searching forums for history.

Option: Commit declined/deferred proposals

Under this approach, declined/deferred proposals are committed.


  • Easy to skim through declined/deferred proposals.


  • Finding accepted proposals may become more difficult.
    • Could put declined/deferred proposals in a different directory.
  • Requires a little more effort in order to save declined/deferred proposals.

Alternatives considered

Use a shared drive for everything

Instead of adding a shared folder for proposals, we could instead use a shared drive for everything. However, this puts us in a bad situation for taking in new proposals. We would need to choose between:

  • Allowing all community member edit access to all proposals.
  • Requiring authors ask a review manager to create a blank proposal for them to edit.

Neither of these feel like great situations - they are either overly-broad or overly-restrictive sharing, neither approximating what we actually would want, which is for anybody in the community to easily create proposals.


General concern about multiple Markdown flavors

Different markdown implementations have subtly different rendering rules for the same input. for example, per CommonMark Spec, table syntax is not specified, although GitHub uses a table extension. However, we do plan on using GitHub consistently; this only stands to confuse users of other Markdown systems.

Choosing the Google Docs-centric flow does not eliminate this issue, since proposals will be archived in Markdown either way.

Google Docs vs GitHub comment flow comparison

Comment clustering

Google Docs only allows sending comments individually.

GitHub supports either sending comments individually or clustering multiple comments together, as in a review.

Basic comments

Google Docs:

  1. Follow the link to the doc
  2. Select text to comment on
  3. Click on "+" to add a comment (or use keyboard shortcut)
  4. Enter text
  5. Click "Comment"


  1. Follow the link to a pull request
  2. Click on "+" next to line to comment on
  3. Enter text
  4. Click "Add single comment"

Suggesting edits

Google Docs:

  1. Follow the link to the doc
  2. Select text to suggest edit on
  3. Type suggested edit


  1. Follow the link to a pull request
  2. Click on "+" next to line to comment on
  3. Optionally select multiple lines
  4. Click on the left-most button
  5. Edit quoted text
  6. Click "Add single comment"

Google Docs add-ons

Docs to Markdown

This plugin actually looks pretty good, and may actually work better than Google's internal-only equivalent. I'm not seeing obvious downsides.


  • Provides easy conversion of Google Docs to Markdown.


  • ?

Code blocks

This is another code formatting tool, but doesn't seem to work as well as Google's internal-only equivalent. Google's internal-only equivalent happens to do some syntax highlighting, whereas Code blocks does none.


  • Public code formatting.
  • Works with "Docs to Markdown" plugin to get ```-block escaping.


  • Mediocre syntax highlighting for Carbon.
  • No inline foo highlighting, unlike Google's internal-only equivalent.
  • Different highlighting from that in the eventual Markdown document.

Advanced Find & Replace

Advanced Find & Replace offers more advanced functionality than the built-in features, particularly around URL and regexp support.


  • Offers improved functionality around key Google Docs friction problems.


  • 2 of 5 stars: we should not expect quality.
  • $6 purchase price may turn off contributors.
  • Requires permissions that are banned by Google internally.

Markdown editing

There are multiple markdown editing tools.


StackEdit may look good on the surface, but we may effectively be restricted to using it as a WYSIWYG markdown editor, not for collaboration. For that, it's simply one option amongst many, and not necessarily the best.


  • Provides preview when editing Markdown files.
  • Provides application-specific comment support.


  • Cannot use shared Google workspaces with Google corp accounts, due to security restrictions. Will likely cause issues for others, too.
  • Google Docs only works as passive storage.
    • StackEdit docs aren't Google Docs, comments aren't Google Docs comments.

GitHub Markdown syntax highlighting

GitHub's syntax highlighter allows adding third-party extensions, but requires them to have significant use.

Note we can't take advantage of this until Carbon is public. We may be able to find a language with sufficiently similar syntax to override the language and get reasonable highlighting.


During the decision process, several of the individual rationales were influenced by the idea that one could view the proposal process in one of two ways:

  1. A PR-centric model. The review team is trying to achieve consensus around a PR as a whole. The PR may (and often will) implement the proposed changes. The proposal as essentially a description of the changes.

  2. A proposal-centric model. The review team is trying to achieve consensus around a proposal. The PR may show a preview of the implementation, but it is purely informative.

If one favors a PR-centric model, this steers one away from committing proposals that are not accepted, towards committing proposals to the affected repository, etc. In general, the PR-centric model was favored.

Rationale for using a GitHub markdown-centric flow

  • The GitHub markdown-centric flow makes the on-ramp as smooth as possible for external contributors.

    • This positions the project to maximize the ease of engaging with and gaining contributions from the wider industry.
  • The final documents must be in markdown form, so it is best if contributors have the option to stay in markdown for the whole process. This is significantly less complex than something that converts between formats:

    • Less to learn
    • Fewer steps in the process
    • No outdated versions in the old format left behind
  • The technical flow seems on balance better than the Google Docs-based workflow. The proposal does a really good job explaining advantages and disadvantages. In summary, the Google Docs-centric workflow has a lot of disadvantages that make it difficult to work with proposals over the long term.

Rationale for not requiring tracking issues

There were several members who had no strong preference on this issue. The consensus was that until there is a compelling reason to require tracking issues, the process is more light-weight without them.

Rationale for not committing proposals that are declined or deferred

  • This approach seems simpler.
  • When a proposal PR includes the changes put forth in the proposal (PR-centric model), the declined PR might need to be considerably changed--and might lose context--in order to be committed.
  • The community will put a lot of work into developing, discussing, and making a decision on a proposal. There may be valuable insight in rejected proposals, so it makes sense to archive them. However, as noted, committing the PR will not always be possible with reasonable effort if not working in a proposal-centric model, as the proposal text may not stand on its own.
  • While we may discover issues with this approach, it is better to try this way, see if any issues can be rectified, and propose changes as necessary.

Rationale for committing a proposal to the repository it affects

  • This keeps the proposal close to the repository, and therefore, the community, that it affects.
  • It facilitates autonomy of (future) review teams responsible for a particular aspect of Carbon. For example, a reference implementation team responsible for the carbon-toolchain repository.
  • It simplifies the common case and makes it easier to find how each repository evolves over time.

Rationale for pushing high-level comments to GitHub

While opinions were not as strong, reasons given for preferring comments in GitHub:

  • This flow will maximize the alignment with “normal” GitHub development flow.
    • This both improves pulling external/new people into the flow, and will reduce the number of flows they need to learn/remember/tool for.
  • We will get ecosystem benefits as this flow continues to be optimized by GitHub and those using it.

Open questions

Do we use a Google Docs-centric or GitHub Markdown-centric flow?

Decision: Use GitHub Markdown-centric flow.

Where should proposals be stored in GitHub?

Decision: Store proposals in the repository they affect.

Should we push comments to focus on GitHub?

Decision: Push high-level comments to GitHub, rather than focusing these discussions in Discourse.

Should there be a tracking issue?

Decision: Don't require tracking issues.

Should declined/deferred proposals be committed?

Decision: Do not commit declined/deferred proposals.