Simple server for testing ( and mocking) back-end service
Simply drop it in a folder whose content you want to serve. It's just one exe file
Download the lattest release here or get it from nuget
Taking a page from the npm package 'serve' , this little app does the same thing :
` Assuming you would like to serve a static site, single page application or just a static file (no matter if on your device or on the local network), this package is just the right choice for you.
It behaves exactly like static deployments on Now, so it's perfect for developing your static project. Then, when it's time to push it into production, you deploy it. `
Given a request
/let/us/go.php?w=tree is {{pathandquery}}
/let/us/go.php is {{path}} is {{noscheme}} is {{httpsurl}} is {{httpurl}}
http is {{0}} is {{1}}
456 is {{2}}
let is {{3}}
us is {{4}}
go.php is {{5}} or {{file}}
w=tree is {{6}} or {{query}}
php is {{extension}}
456 is {{port}}
http is {{scheme}} is {{root}}
is {{domain}}
contains /{{3}}/js/, /{{3}}/js/{{file}}
Ok, so you want to do more, like serve json data like it's coming from a real REST api server ? No worries :) I've got you covered !
To serve json in response to an REST request, create a server.csv file containing url/json mapping of url pathAndQuery mapping to the json filename containing the json that should be served.
If you are using server.csv then note that the csv format is : [ pathAndQuery , some.json , httpMethod , responseCode ]
Note : that you can use regular expressions to pattern match the PathAndQuery !
For example, to return content or orders.json when GET or POST /GetOrders , then server.csv will contain
GetOrders , orders.json
Another example, to return content or orders.json when only GET /GetOrders , then server.csv will contain
GetOrders , orders.json , get
Another example, to return {'orderId':'1001'} when only POST /UpdateOrder , then server.csv will contain
UpdateOrder , json {'orderId':'1001'} , POST
Another example, to return a 404 when only GET /AllData , then server.csv will contain
AllData , json {} , GET , 404
Another example, to return {'orderId':'1001'} when only POST /UpdateOrder, matching the path and query exactly , then server.csv will contain
equalto /UpdateOrder , json {'orderId':'1001'} , POST
Another example, to return content when only GET /google, matching the path and query exactly(not case sensitive) , then server.csv will contain
equalto /google , , GET
Another example, to return content when only GET and the path and query ends with /google (not case sensitive) , then server.csv will contain
EndsWith /google , , GET
Another example, when a POST comes in , turn around and make a GET request to the server
EndsWith /google , , POST - GET
Wrap the result in a jsonp, useful if client makes a jsonp call but server is not setup to return jsonp
EndsWith /google , , GETJSONP
Using filters : when a POST comes in , turn around and make a GET request to the server. When the result comes back, wrap it in jsonp (same effect as above)
EndsWith /google , , POST - GET | jsonp
Another example, to return content when only GET and the path and query starts with /google (not case sensitive) , then server.csv will contain
StartsWith /google , , GET
Another example, to return content when only GET and the path and query contains /google (not case sensitive) , then server.csv will contain
Contains /google , , GET
Another example, to return content when only GET and the path and query matches using regular expression with /go(.*) (not case sensitive) , then server.csv will contain
Regex /go(.*) , , GET
In order to negate any of the above, simply add ! prefix. For example, to return content when only GET and the path and query does NOT start with /google (not case sensitive) , then server.csv will contain
!StartsWith /google , , GET
Notice the '!' prefix
---- Please note that the default is regex
when ever nothing is specified
---- If you want to relocate your server settings to another folder , put this in your server.csv app LoadSettingsFromFile,path/to/file/nameOfFile.cxv
---- To enable logging to file put this in your server.csv app log, log.txt
and to log only to console , so app log
exclude the file name.
---- To specify a port number to use, put this in your server.csv app port,8080
. The port must not be in use.
---- To open your default browser automatically when you start ServeMe.exe , put this in your server.csv app openDefaultBrowserOnStartUp
---- Ok, how about this, imagine you'd like to call a method from an assembly from a dll file. Here is how to do it in server.csv getSome,assembly file:https:///D:/ServeMe.Tests/bin/Debug/ServeMe.Tests.DLL ServeMe.Tests.when_serve_me_runs DoSomething w,get
Inside unit tests you can use this helper method to compose the execution instruction string instruction = ServeMe.GetMethodExecutionInstruction(this.GetType(), methodName, arg);
---- Ok, finally, how about this, imagine you'd like to execute a c sharp script that lives in a file. Here is how to do it in server.csv getSome,sourcecode csharp xyz.txt w,get
. This will execute the script when ever a get request is made for /getSome
The script can be something like this
return DateTime.UtcNow;
inside a file called, say, code.txt
The server entry will be
getSome,sourcecode csharp code.txt,get
so a get to /getsome will return the value of DateTime.UtcNow;
This is how a sample server.csv looks like
You get the gist :)
From the command line tool , you can enter 'help' or '?' for more information