#Import import time startupTime_start = time.time() import asyncio import datetime import discord import json import jsonschema import os import platform import psutil import sentry_sdk import signal import sys from aiohttp import web from CustomModules import bot_directory from CustomModules import log_handler from dotenv import load_dotenv from urllib.parse import urlparse from zipfile import ZIP_DEFLATED, ZipFile #Init discord.VoiceClient.warn_nacl = False load_dotenv() BOT_VERSION = '1.6.9' APP_FOLDER_NAME = 'AutoPublisher' BOT_NAME = 'AutoPublisher' if not os.path.exists(f'{APP_FOLDER_NAME}//Logs'): os.makedirs(f'{APP_FOLDER_NAME}//Logs') if not os.path.exists(f'{APP_FOLDER_NAME}//Buffer'): os.makedirs(f'{APP_FOLDER_NAME}//Buffer') ACTIVITY_FILE = os.path.join(APP_FOLDER_NAME, 'activity.json') sentry_sdk.init( dsn=os.getenv('SENTRY_DSN'), traces_sample_rate=1.0, profiles_sample_rate=1.0, environment='Production', release=f'{BOT_NAME}@{BOT_VERSION}' ) #Load env TOKEN = os.getenv('TOKEN') OWNERID = os.environ.get('OWNER_ID') SUPPORT_ID = os.getenv('SUPPORT_SERVER') TOPGG_TOKEN = os.getenv('TOPGG_TOKEN') LOG_LEVEL = os.getenv('LOG_LEVEL') # Set-up Logging log_folder = f'{APP_FOLDER_NAME}//Logs//' buffer_folder = f'{APP_FOLDER_NAME}//Buffer//' log_manager = log_handler.LogManager(log_folder, BOT_NAME, LOG_LEVEL) discord_logger = log_manager.get_logger('discord') program_logger = log_manager.get_logger('Program') program_logger.info('Engine powering up...') #Create activity.json if not exists class JSONValidator: schema = { "type" : "object", "properties" : { "activity_type" : { "type" : "string", "enum" : ["Playing", "Streaming", "Listening", "Watching", "Competing"] }, "activity_title" : {"type" : "string"}, "activity_url" : {"type" : "string"}, "status" : { "type" : "string", "enum" : ["online", "idle", "dnd", "invisible"] }, }, } default_content = { "activity_type": "Playing", "activity_title": "Made by Serpensin: https://gitlab.bloodygang.com/Serpensin", "activity_url": "", "status": "online" } def __init__(self, file_path): self.file_path = file_path def validate_and_fix_json(self): if os.path.exists(self.file_path): with open(self.file_path, 'r') as file: try: data = json.load(file) jsonschema.validate(instance=data, schema=self.schema) # validate the data except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as ve: program_logger.debug(f'ValidationError: {ve}') self.write_default_content() except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as jde: program_logger.debug(f'JSONDecodeError: {jde}') self.write_default_content() else: self.write_default_content() def write_default_content(self): with open(self.file_path, 'w') as file: json.dump(self.default_content, file, indent=4) validator = JSONValidator(ACTIVITY_FILE) validator.validate_and_fix_json() class aclient(discord.AutoShardedClient): def __init__(self): intents = discord.Intents.default() super().__init__(owner_id = OWNERID, intents = intents, status = discord.Status.invisible, auto_reconnect = True ) self.synced = False self.initialized = False class Presence(): @staticmethod def get_activity() -> discord.Activity: with open(ACTIVITY_FILE) as f: data = json.load(f) activity_type = data['activity_type'] activity_title = data['activity_title'] activity_url = data['activity_url'] if activity_type == 'Playing': return discord.Game(name=activity_title) elif activity_type == 'Streaming': return discord.Streaming(name=activity_title, url=activity_url) elif activity_type == 'Listening': return discord.Activity(type=discord.ActivityType.listening, name=activity_title) elif activity_type == 'Watching': return discord.Activity(type=discord.ActivityType.watching, name=activity_title) elif activity_type == 'Competing': return discord.Activity(type=discord.ActivityType.competing, name=activity_title) @staticmethod def get_status() -> discord.Status: with open(ACTIVITY_FILE) as f: data = json.load(f) status = data['status'] if status == 'online': return discord.Status.online elif status == 'idle': return discord.Status.idle elif status == 'dnd': return discord.Status.dnd elif status == 'invisible': return discord.Status.invisible async def on_guild_remove(self, guild): program_logger.info(f'I got kicked from {guild}. (ID: {guild.id})') async def on_guild_join(self, guild): program_logger.info(f'I joined {guild}. (ID: {guild.id})') async def on_app_command_error(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, error: discord.app_commands.AppCommandError) -> None: options = interaction.data.get("options") option_values = "" if options: for option in options: option_values += f"{option['name']}: {option['value']}" if isinstance(error, discord.app_commands.CommandOnCooldown): await interaction.response.send_message(f'This command is on cooldown.\nTime left: `{str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(error.retry_after)))}`', ephemeral=True) return if isinstance(error, discord.app_commands.MissingPermissions): await interaction.response.send_message(f'You are missing the following permissions: `{", ".join(error.missing_permissions)}`', ephemeral=True) return else: try: try: await interaction.response.send_message(f"Error! Try again.", ephemeral=True) except: try: await interaction.followup.send(f"Error! Try again.", ephemeral=True) except: pass except discord.Forbidden: try: await interaction.followup.send(f"{error}\n\n{option_values}", ephemeral=True) except discord.NotFound: try: await interaction.response.send_message(f"{error}\n\n{option_values}", ephemeral=True) except discord.NotFound: pass except Exception as e: program_logger.warning(f"Unexpected error while sending message: {e}") finally: try: program_logger.warning(f"{error} -> {option_values} | Invoked by {interaction.user.name} ({interaction.user.id}) @ {interaction.guild.name} ({interaction.guild.id}) with Language {interaction.locale[1]}") except AttributeError: program_logger.warning(f"{error} -> {option_values} | Invoked by {interaction.user.name} ({interaction.user.id}) with Language {interaction.locale[1]}") sentry_sdk.capture_exception(error) async def on_message(self, message: discord.Message): async def __wrong_selection(): await message.channel.send('```' 'Commands:\n' 'activity - Set the activity of the bot\n' 'broadcast - Broadcast a message to all server owners\n' 'help - Shows this message\n' 'log - Get the log\n' 'shutdown - Shutdown the bot\n' 'status - Set the status of the bot\n' '```') if message.author == bot.user: return if message.channel.type == discord.ChannelType.news: message_types = [6, 19, 20] if message.type.value in message_types: return await Functions.auto_publish(message) if message.guild is None and message.author.id == int(OWNERID): args = message.content.split(' ') program_logger.debug(args) command, *args = args if command == 'help': await __wrong_selection() return elif command == 'log': await Owner.log(message, args) return elif command == 'activity': await Owner.activity(message, args) return elif command == 'status': await Owner.status(message, args) return elif command == 'shutdown': await Owner.shutdown(message) return elif command == 'broadcast': await Owner.broadcast(' '.join(args)) return else: await __wrong_selection() async def on_ready(self): if self.initialized: await bot.change_presence(activity = self.Presence.get_activity(), status = self.Presence.get_status()) return global owner, start_time, shutdown shutdown = False try: owner = await self.fetch_user(OWNERID) if owner is None: program_logger.critical(f"Invalid ownerID: {OWNERID}") sys.exit(f"Invalid ownerID: {OWNERID}") except discord.HTTPException as e: program_logger.critical(f"Error fetching owner user: {e}") sys.exit(f"Error fetching owner user: {e}") discord_logger.info(f'Logged in as {bot.user} (ID: {bot.user.id})') if not self.synced: program_logger.info('Syncing...') await tree.sync() program_logger.info('Synced.') self.synced = True await bot.change_presence(activity = self.Presence.get_activity(), status = self.Presence.get_status()) #Start background tasks stats = bot_directory.Stats(bot=bot, logger=program_logger, TOPGG_TOKEN=TOPGG_TOKEN) bot.loop.create_task(Functions.health_server()) bot.loop.create_task(stats.task()) program_logger.info('All systems online...') start_time = datetime.datetime.now() clear() self.initialized = True message = f"Initialization completed in {time.time() - startupTime_start} seconds." program_logger.info(message) bot = aclient() tree = discord.app_commands.CommandTree(bot) tree.on_error = bot.on_app_command_error class SignalHandler: def __init__(self): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self._shutdown) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self._shutdown) def _shutdown(self, signum, frame): program_logger.info('Received signal to shutdown...') bot.loop.create_task(Owner.shutdown(owner)) # Check if all required variables are set support_available = bool(SUPPORT_ID) #Fix error on windows on shutdown if platform.system() == 'Windows': asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(asyncio.WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy()) def clear(): if platform.system() == 'Windows': os.system('cls') else: os.system('clear') #Functions class Functions(): async def health_server(): async def __health_check(request): return web.Response(text="Healthy") app = web.Application() app.router.add_get('/health', __health_check) runner = web.AppRunner(app) await runner.setup() site = web.TCPSite(runner, '', 5000) try: await site.start() except OSError as e: program_logger.warning(f'Error while starting health server: {e}') def seconds_to_minutes(input_int): return(str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=input_int))) async def auto_publish(message: discord.Message): channel = message.channel permissions = channel.permissions_for(channel.guild.me) if permissions.add_reactions: await message.add_reaction("\U0001F4E2") if permissions.send_messages and permissions.manage_messages: try: await message.publish() except Exception as e: if not message.flags.crossposted: discord_logger.error(f"Error publishing message in {channel}: {e}") if permissions.add_reactions: await message.add_reaction("\u26A0") finally: await message.remove_reaction("\U0001F4E2", bot.user) else: discord_logger.warning(f"No permission to publish in {channel}.") await message.remove_reaction("\U0001F4E2", bot.user) if permissions.add_reactions: await message.add_reaction("\u26D4") async def create_support_invite(interaction): try: guild = bot.get_guild(int(SUPPORT_ID)) except ValueError: return "Could not find support guild." if guild is None: return "Could not find support guild." if not guild.text_channels: return "Support guild has no text channels." try: member = await guild.fetch_member(interaction.user.id) except discord.NotFound: member = None if member is not None: return "You are already in the support guild." channels: discord.TextChannel = guild.text_channels for channel in channels: try: invite: discord.Invite = await channel.create_invite( reason=f"Created invite for {interaction.user.name} from server {interaction.guild.name} ({interaction.guild_id})", max_age=60, max_uses=1, unique=True ) return invite.url except discord.Forbidden: continue except discord.HTTPException: continue return "Could not create invite. There is either no text-channel, or I don't have the rights to create an invite." ##Owner Commands class Owner(): async def log(message, args): async def __wrong_selection(): await message.channel.send('```' 'log [current/folder/lines] (Replace lines with a positive number, if you only want lines.) - Get the log\n' '```') if args == []: await __wrong_selection() return if args[0] == 'current': try: await message.channel.send(file=discord.File(r''+log_folder+BOT_NAME+'.log')) except discord.HTTPException as err: if err.status == 413: with ZipFile(buffer_folder+'Logs.zip', mode='w', compression=ZIP_DEFLATED, compresslevel=9, allowZip64=True) as f: f.write(log_folder+BOT_NAME+'.log') try: await message.channel.send(file=discord.File(r''+buffer_folder+'Logs.zip')) except discord.HTTPException as err: if err.status == 413: await message.channel.send("The log is too big to be send directly.\nYou have to look at the log in your server (VPS).") os.remove(buffer_folder+'Logs.zip') return elif args[0] == 'folder': if os.path.exists(buffer_folder+'Logs.zip'): os.remove(buffer_folder+'Logs.zip') with ZipFile(buffer_folder+'Logs.zip', mode='w', compression=ZIP_DEFLATED, compresslevel=9, allowZip64=True) as f: for file in os.listdir(log_folder): if file.endswith(".zip"): continue f.write(log_folder+file) try: await message.channel.send(file=discord.File(r''+buffer_folder+'Logs.zip')) except discord.HTTPException as err: if err.status == 413: await message.channel.send("The folder is too big to be send directly.\nPlease get the current file, or the last X lines.") os.remove(buffer_folder+'Logs.zip') return else: try: if int(args[0]) < 1: await __wrong_selection() return else: lines = int(args[0]) except ValueError: await __wrong_selection() return with open(log_folder+BOT_NAME+'.log', 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: with open(buffer_folder+'log-lines.txt', 'w', encoding='utf8') as f2: count = 0 for line in (f.readlines()[-lines:]): f2.write(line) count += 1 await message.channel.send(content = f'Here are the last {count} lines of the current logfile:', file = discord.File(r''+buffer_folder+'log-lines.txt')) if os.path.exists(buffer_folder+'log-lines.txt'): os.remove(buffer_folder+'log-lines.txt') return async def activity(message, args): async def __wrong_selection(): await message.channel.send('```' 'activity [playing/streaming/listening/watching/competing] [title] (url) - Set the activity of the bot\n' '```') def isURL(zeichenkette): try: ergebnis = urlparse(zeichenkette) return all([ergebnis.scheme, ergebnis.netloc]) except: return False def remove_and_save(liste): if liste and isURL(liste[-1]): return liste.pop() else: return None if args == []: await __wrong_selection() return action = args[0].lower() url = remove_and_save(args[1:]) title = ' '.join(args[1:]) program_logger.debug(title) program_logger.debug(url) with open(ACTIVITY_FILE, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: data = json.load(f) if action == 'playing': data['activity_type'] = 'Playing' data['activity_title'] = title data['activity_url'] = '' elif action == 'streaming': data['activity_type'] = 'Streaming' data['activity_title'] = title data['activity_url'] = url elif action == 'listening': data['activity_type'] = 'Listening' data['activity_title'] = title data['activity_url'] = '' elif action == 'watching': data['activity_type'] = 'Watching' data['activity_title'] = title data['activity_url'] = '' elif action == 'competing': data['activity_type'] = 'Competing' data['activity_title'] = title data['activity_url'] = '' else: await __wrong_selection() return with open(ACTIVITY_FILE, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=2) await bot.change_presence(activity = bot.Presence.get_activity(), status = bot.Presence.get_status()) await message.channel.send(f'Activity set to {action} {title}{" " + url if url else ""}.') async def status(message, args): async def __wrong_selection(): await message.channel.send('```' 'status [online/idle/dnd/invisible] - Set the status of the bot\n' '```') if args == []: await __wrong_selection() return action = args[0].lower() with open(ACTIVITY_FILE, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: data = json.load(f) if action == 'online': data['status'] = 'online' elif action == 'idle': data['status'] = 'idle' elif action == 'dnd': data['status'] = 'dnd' elif action == 'invisible': data['status'] = 'invisible' else: await __wrong_selection() return with open(ACTIVITY_FILE, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=2) await bot.change_presence(activity = bot.Presence.get_activity(), status = bot.Presence.get_status()) await message.channel.send(f'Status set to {action}.') async def shutdown(message): global shutdown program_logger.info('Engine powering down...') try: await message.channel.send('Engine powering down...') except: await owner.send('Engine powering down...') await bot.change_presence(status=discord.Status.invisible) shutdown = True tasks = [t for t in asyncio.all_tasks() if t is not asyncio.current_task()] [task.cancel() for task in tasks] await asyncio.gather(*tasks, return_exceptions=True) await bot.close() async def broadcast(message): already_send = [] success = 0 forbidden = 0 error = 0 for guild in bot.guilds: guild_owner = await bot.fetch_user(guild.owner_id) try: await guild_owner.send(f'Broadcast from the owner of the bot:\n{message}') success += 1 already_send.append(guild_owner.id) except discord.Forbidden: forbidden += 1 except: error += 1 await owner.send(f'Broadcast finished.\nSuccess: {success}\nForbidden: {forbidden}\nError: {error}') #Support Invite if support_available: @tree.command(name = 'support', description = 'Get invite to our support server.') @discord.app_commands.checks.cooldown(1, 60, key=lambda i: (i.user.id)) async def self(interaction: discord.Interaction): if str(interaction.guild.id) != SUPPORT_ID: await interaction.response.defer(ephemeral = True) await interaction.followup.send(await Functions.create_support_invite(interaction), ephemeral = True) else: await interaction.response.send_message('You are already in our support server!', ephemeral = True) #Tell user what permissions are required @tree.command( name='permissions', description='Tell what permissions are required or check if the bot has necessary permissions in a channel.' ) @discord.app_commands.describe(choice='Choose an option.', channel='Select channel.') @discord.app_commands.choices(choice=[ discord.app_commands.Choice(name="Explain permissions", value="explain"), discord.app_commands.Choice(name="Check bot permissions", value="check") ]) async def permissions(interaction: discord.Interaction, choice: str, channel: discord.abc.GuildChannel = None): if interaction.guild is None: await interaction.response.send_message('This command can only be used in a server.', ephemeral=True) return if interaction.user.guild_permissions.manage_roles or interaction.user.guild_permissions.manage_channels: if choice == 'explain': await interaction.response.send_message('In order for this bot to be able to publish messages, he needs the following permissions for each channel he publishes messages for:\n`View Channel`, `Send Messages`, `Manage Messages` and `Read Message History`.', ephemeral=True) elif choice == 'check': if channel is None: await interaction.response.send_message('Please specify a channel.', ephemeral=True) return if isinstance(channel, discord.TextChannel): if not channel.is_news(): await interaction.response.send_message('The specified channel is not an announcement channel.', ephemeral=True) return perms = channel.permissions_for(interaction.guild.me) needed_permissions = ['view_channel', 'send_messages', 'manage_messages', 'read_message_history', 'add_reactions'] missing_permissions = [perm for perm in needed_permissions if not getattr(perms, perm)] if interaction.guild.me.guild_permissions.administrator: await interaction.response.send_message('The bot has Administrator, so he has all the necessary permissions in this channel.', ephemeral=True) elif not missing_permissions: await interaction.response.send_message('The bot has all the necessary permissions in this channel.', ephemeral=True) else: await interaction.response.send_message(f'The bot is missing the following permissions in this channel: {", ".join(missing_permissions)}.\nYou can also give him Administrator.', ephemeral=True) else: await interaction.response.send_message('Please specify a text channel.', ephemeral=True) else: await interaction.response.send_message('You need the `manage_roles` or `manage_channels` permission to use this command.', ephemeral=True) #Bot Information @tree.command(name = 'botinfo', description = 'Get information about the bot.') @discord.app_commands.checks.cooldown(1, 60, key=lambda i: (i.user.id)) async def self(interaction: discord.Interaction): member_count = sum(guild.member_count for guild in bot.guilds) embed = discord.Embed( title=f"Informationen about {bot.user.name}", color=discord.Color.blue() ) embed.set_thumbnail(url=bot.user.avatar.url if bot.user.avatar else '') embed.add_field(name="Created at", value=bot.user.created_at.strftime("%d.%m.%Y, %H:%M:%S"), inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Version", value=BOT_VERSION, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Uptime", value=str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int((datetime.datetime.now() - start_time).total_seconds()))), inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Owner", value=f"<@!{OWNERID}>", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="\u200b", value="\u200b", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="\u200b", value="\u200b", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Server", value=f"{len(bot.guilds)}", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Member count", value=str(member_count), inline=True) embed.add_field(name="\u200b", value="\u200b", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Shards", value=f"{bot.shard_count}", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Shard ID", value=f"{interaction.guild.shard_id if interaction.guild else 'N/A'}", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="\u200b", value="\u200b", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Python", value=f"{platform.python_version()}", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="discord.py", value=f"{discord.__version__}", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Sentry", value=f"{sentry_sdk.consts.VERSION}", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Repo", value=f"[GitLab](https://gitlab.bloodygang.com/Serpensin/autopublisher)", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Invite", value=f"[Invite me](https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id={bot.user.id}&permissions=67423232&scope=bot)", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="\u200b", value="\u200b", inline=True) if interaction.user.id == int(OWNERID): # Add CPU and RAM usage process = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) cpu_usage = process.cpu_percent() ram_usage = round(process.memory_percent(), 2) ram_real = round(process.memory_info().rss / (1024 ** 2), 2) embed.add_field(name="CPU", value=f"{cpu_usage}%", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="RAM", value=f"{ram_usage}%", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="RAM", value=f"{ram_real} MB", inline=True) await interaction.response.send_message(embed=embed) if __name__ == '__main__': if not TOKEN: error_message = 'Missing token. Please check your .env file.' program_logger.critical(error_message) sys.exit(error_message) else: try: SignalHandler() bot.run(TOKEN, log_handler=None) except discord.errors.LoginFailure: error_message = 'Invalid token. Please check your .env file.' program_logger.critical(error_message) sys.exit(error_message) except asyncio.CancelledError: if shutdown: pass