# insta-chat The simplest Instagram chat automation tool made with Google Sheets, for my wife. ![screenshot](screenshot.png) + 60 lines of Javascript for the frontend (`Code.gs`, `index.html`) + 60 lines of Python for the backend (`bot.py`) + Made with <3 # Background My wife is a [Youtuber](https://www.youtube.com/c/bambigirltv)/[Influencer](https://www.instagram.com/hi_bambigirl/?hl=en). One day, I saw her about to subscribe to an Instagram chat automation tool for $15/month. She needed to automatically reply to comments containing specific keywords, with a predefined message. "Baby, I can make this for you in 2 weeks", said I. Turns out, I only needed 3 days. # The Tech I'm convinced now almost all web apps can be an Excel file. With [Apps Scripts](https://developers.google.com/apps-script), you can build full-on websites in your Google Sheets. I embedded custom HTML with the FB Login JS Button. My wife uses it to log in and I populate the sidebar with her Instagram posts. Then, my wife creates the automations entries, and my `bot.py` script (running in the cloud) periodically reads the Google Sheets and sends the desired message to her followers. # The Aftermath My wife cancelled her subscription. We are now saving $15/month. She loves me more now :) ## I also want something like this. The backend only works with my wife's Google Sheet. Email me if you're interested in having something similar. If there's enough interest, I will build something that everyone can use.