All notable changes to the "vscode-djaneiro" extension will be documented in this file.
rename fieldsets.json to options.json
added ModelAdmin, StackedInline, TabularInline from views/views.json
added SimpleListFilter (simplelistfilter)
- added Adminsite (iadminsite)
added choose __str__ or __unicode__: Model and Model_full.
added manager (mngr) and queryset_from_manager (qs_mngr).
updated all short descriptions.
added Django version number when field was new or deprecated.
added on_delete in fk and o2o:
"will become a required argument in Django 2.0. In older versions it defaults to CASCADE."
added PostgreSQL specific model fields: HStoreField, JSONField and ArrayField
added which field depends on an external package: e.g. PhoneNumberField
added decorator for forwards compatibility python_2_unicode_compatible (iuc).
added PostgreSQL specific model fields (ipostgresmf).
added signals. (isignals)
removed (irmf) is a external package from django-wysiwyg-redactor
- added receiver function for signals. (receiver)
- python:
- added unicode_literals (iul)
added functions (path, re_path...) for use in URLconfs: Django 2.0 (iurls)
added django.conf.urls for Django version <= 1.11 and Django version >=2.0 (iconf_urls)
- methods: - added url() and path() inline and stacked.
- regexes: - added Username
added methods.json
- added PostgreSQL specific form fields: HStoreField, JSONField and ArrayField
- added PostgreSQL specific model fields (ipostgresff).
- added clean_data.
views.json split -> classes.json and methods.json
regroup generic CBVs (igenericviews)
added (isettings) from settings/imports.json
Update Readme
Update package.json
Added moar python and django template support (Thanks sebastian-code & supadrupa! )
Change docstrings to class definitions for flake8 compatibility Updated model / form fields to utilize fields in Django 1.11 Clean up repo from initial sublime port
- Fix admin inline spacing
- Change from double quotes to single quotes in template tags
- New logo
- Extension cleanup, setup repo for pull requests
- Initial release