struct AdjointDiffCache{UF, PF, G, TJ, PJT, uType, JC, GC, PJC, JNC, PJNC, rateType, DG1, DG2, DI, AI, FM} uf::UF pf::PF g::G J::TJ pJ::PJT dg_val::uType jac_config::JC g_grad_config::GC paramjac_config::PJC jac_noise_config::JNC paramjac_noise_config::PJNC f_cache::rateType dgdu::DG1 dgdp::DG2 diffvar_idxs::DI algevar_idxs::AI factorized_mass_matrix::FM issemiexplicitdae::Bool end function, t::Type{AdjointDiffCache{UF, PF, G, TJ, PJT, uType, JC, GC, PJC, JNC, PJNC, rateType, DG1, DG2, DI, AI, FM}}) where {UF, PF, G, TJ, PJT, uType, JC, GC, PJC, JNC, PJNC, rateType, DG1, DG2, DI, AI, FM} if TruncatedStacktraces.VERBOSE[] print(io, "AdjointDiffCache{$UF,$PF,$G,$TJ,$PJT,$uType,$JC,$GC,$PJC,$JNC,$PJNC,$rateType,$DG1,$DG2,$DI,$AI,$FM}") else print(io, "AdjointDiffCache{…}") end end """ adjointdiffcache(g,sensealg,discrete,sol,dg,alg;quad=false) return (AdjointDiffCache, y) """ function adjointdiffcache(g::G, sensealg, discrete, sol, dgdu::DG1, dgdp::DG2, f, alg; quad = false, noiseterm = false, needs_jac = false) where {G, DG1, DG2} prob = sol.prob if prob isa Union{SteadyStateProblem, NonlinearProblem} @unpack u0, p = prob tspan = (nothing, nothing) #elseif prob isa SDEProblem # @unpack tspan, u0, p = prob else @unpack u0, p, tspan = prob end isinplace = DiffEqBase.isinplace(prob) isRODE = prob isa RODEProblem autojacvec = sensealg.autojacvec if isRODE _W = last(sol.W) else _W = nothing end if prob isa Union{SteadyStateProblem, NonlinearProblem} y = copy(sol.u) else y = copy(sol.u[end]) end if typeof(prob.p) <: DiffEqBase.NullParameters _p = similar(y, (0,)) else _p = prob.p end _t = tspan[2] # Remove any function wrappers: it breaks autodiff unwrappedf = unwrapped_f(f) numparams = p === nothing || p === DiffEqBase.NullParameters() ? 0 : length(p) numindvar = length(u0) isautojacvec = get_jacvec(sensealg) issemiexplicitdae = false mass_matrix = sol.prob.f.mass_matrix if mass_matrix isa UniformScaling factorized_mass_matrix = mass_matrix' elseif mass_matrix isa Tuple{UniformScaling, UniformScaling} factorized_mass_matrix = (I', I') else mass_matrix = mass_matrix' diffvar_idxs = findall(x -> any(!iszero, @view(mass_matrix[:, x])), axes(mass_matrix, 2)) algevar_idxs = setdiff(eachindex(u0), diffvar_idxs) # TODO: operator if VERSION >= v"1.8-" M̃ = @view mass_matrix[diffvar_idxs, diffvar_idxs] else M̃ = mass_matrix[diffvar_idxs, diffvar_idxs] end factorized_mass_matrix = lu(M̃, check = false) issuccess(factorized_mass_matrix) || error("The submatrix corresponding to the differential variables of the mass matrix must be nonsingular!") isempty(algevar_idxs) || (issemiexplicitdae = true) end if !issemiexplicitdae diffvar_idxs = eachindex(u0) algevar_idxs = 1:0 end if !needs_jac && !(issemiexplicitdae || !isautojacvec) J = nothing else if SciMLBase.forwarddiffs_model_time(alg) # 1 chunk is fine because it's only t J = dualcache(similar(u0, numindvar, numindvar), ForwardDiff.pickchunksize(length(u0))) else J = similar(u0, numindvar, numindvar) end end if !discrete if dgdu !== nothing pg = nothing pg_config = nothing if dgdp !== nothing dg_val = (similar(u0, numindvar), similar(u0, numparams)) dg_val[1] .= false dg_val[2] .= false else dg_val = similar(u0, numindvar) # number of funcs size dg_val .= false end else pgpu = UGradientWrapper(g, _t, p) pgpu_config = build_grad_config(sensealg, pgpu, u0, p) pgpp = ParamGradientWrapper(g, _t, u0) pgpp_config = build_grad_config(sensealg, pgpp, p, p) pg = (pgpu, pgpp) pg_config = (pgpu_config, pgpp_config) dg_val = (similar(u0, numindvar), similar(u0, numparams)) dg_val[1] .= false dg_val[2] .= false end else dg_val = nothing pg = nothing pg_config = nothing end if DiffEqBase.has_jac(f) || (J === nothing) jac_config = nothing uf = nothing else if isinplace if !isRODE uf = DiffEqBase.UJacobianWrapper(unwrappedf, _t, p) else uf = RODEUJacobianWrapper(unwrappedf, _t, p, _W) end jac_config = build_jac_config(sensealg, uf, u0) else if !isRODE uf = DiffEqBase.UDerivativeWrapper(unwrappedf, _t, p) else uf = RODEUDerivativeWrapper(unwrappedf, _t, p, _W) end jac_config = nothing end end @assert autojacvec !== nothing if autojacvec isa ReverseDiffVJP if prob isa Union{SteadyStateProblem, NonlinearProblem} if isinplace tape = ReverseDiff.GradientTape((y, _p)) do u, p du1 = p !== nothing && p !== DiffEqBase.NullParameters() ? similar(p, size(u)) : similar(u) unwrappedf(du1, u, p, nothing) return vec(du1) end else tape = ReverseDiff.GradientTape((y, _p)) do u, p vec(unwrappedf(u, p, nothing)) end end if compile_tape(sensealg.autojacvec) paramjac_config = ReverseDiff.compile(tape) else paramjac_config = tape end elseif noiseterm && (!StochasticDiffEq.is_diagonal_noise(prob) || isnoisemixing(sensealg)) tape = nothing paramjac_config = tape else paramjac_config = get_paramjac_config(autojacvec, p, unwrappedf, y, _p, _t; isinplace = isinplace, isRODE = isRODE, _W = _W) end pf = nothing elseif autojacvec isa EnzymeVJP paramjac_config = get_paramjac_config(autojacvec, p, f, y, _p, _t; numindvar, alg) pf = get_pf(autojacvec; _f = unwrappedf, isinplace = isinplace, isRODE = isRODE) elseif DiffEqBase.has_paramjac(f) || isautojacvec || quad || autojacvec isa EnzymeVJP paramjac_config = nothing pf = nothing else if isinplace && !(p === nothing || p === DiffEqBase.NullParameters()) if !isRODE pf = DiffEqBase.ParamJacobianWrapper(unwrappedf, _t, y) else pf = RODEParamJacobianWrapper(unwrappedf, _t, y, _W) end paramjac_config = build_param_jac_config(sensealg, pf, y, p) else if !isRODE pf = ParamGradientWrapper(unwrappedf, _t, y) else pf = RODEParamGradientWrapper(unwrappedf, _t, y, _W) end paramjac_config = nothing end end pJ = (quad || isautojacvec) ? nothing : similar(u0, numindvar, numparams) f_cache = isinplace ? deepcopy(u0) : nothing if noiseterm if autojacvec isa ReverseDiffVJP jac_noise_config = nothing paramjac_noise_config = [] noise_rate_prototype = prob.noise_rate_prototype # number of Wiener processes m = noise_rate_prototype === nothing ? numindvar : size(noise_rate_prototype)[2] if isinplace for i in 1:m function noisetape(indx) if StochasticDiffEq.is_diagonal_noise(prob) ReverseDiff.GradientTape((y, _p, [_t])) do u, p, t du1 = p !== nothing && p !== DiffEqBase.NullParameters() ? similar(p, size(u)) : similar(u) unwrappedf(du1, u, p, first(t)) return du1[indx] end else ReverseDiff.GradientTape((y, _p, [_t])) do u, p, t du1 = similar(p, size(noise_rate_prototype)) du1 .= false unwrappedf(du1, u, p, first(t)) return du1[:, indx] end end end tapei = noisetape(i) if compile_tape(autojacvec) push!(paramjac_noise_config, ReverseDiff.compile(tapei)) else push!(paramjac_noise_config, tapei) end end else for i in 1:m function noisetapeoop(indx) if StochasticDiffEq.is_diagonal_noise(prob) ReverseDiff.GradientTape((y, _p, [_t])) do u, p, t unwrappedf(u, p, first(t))[indx] end else ReverseDiff.GradientTape((y, _p, [_t])) do u, p, t unwrappedf(u, p, first(t))[:, indx] end end end tapei = noisetapeoop(i) if compile_tape(autojacvec) push!(paramjac_noise_config, ReverseDiff.compile(tapei)) else push!(paramjac_noise_config, tapei) end end end elseif autojacvec isa Bool if isinplace if StochasticDiffEq.is_diagonal_noise(prob) pf = DiffEqBase.ParamJacobianWrapper(unwrappedf, _t, y) if isnoisemixing(sensealg) uf = DiffEqBase.UJacobianWrapper(unwrappedf, _t, p) jac_noise_config = build_jac_config(sensealg, uf, u0) else jac_noise_config = nothing end else pf = ParamNonDiagNoiseJacobianWrapper(unwrappedf, _t, y, prob.noise_rate_prototype) uf = UNonDiagNoiseJacobianWrapper(unwrappedf, _t, p, prob.noise_rate_prototype) jac_noise_config = build_jac_config(sensealg, uf, u0) end paramjac_noise_config = build_param_jac_config(sensealg, pf, y, p) else if StochasticDiffEq.is_diagonal_noise(prob) pf = ParamGradientWrapper(unwrappedf, _t, y) if isnoisemixing(sensealg) uf = DiffEqBase.UDerivativeWrapper(unwrappedf, _t, p) end else pf = ParamNonDiagNoiseGradientWrapper(unwrappedf, _t, y) uf = UNonDiagNoiseGradientWrapper(unwrappedf, _t, p) end paramjac_noise_config = nothing jac_noise_config = nothing end if StochasticDiffEq.is_diagonal_noise(prob) pJ = similar(u0, numindvar, numparams) if isnoisemixing(sensealg) J = similar(u0, numindvar, numindvar) end else pJ = similar(u0, numindvar * numindvar, numparams) J = similar(u0, numindvar * numindvar, numindvar) end else paramjac_noise_config = nothing jac_noise_config = nothing end else paramjac_noise_config = nothing jac_noise_config = nothing end adjoint_cache = AdjointDiffCache(uf, pf, pg, J, pJ, dg_val, jac_config, pg_config, paramjac_config, jac_noise_config, paramjac_noise_config, f_cache, dgdu, dgdp, diffvar_idxs, algevar_idxs, factorized_mass_matrix, issemiexplicitdae) return adjoint_cache, y end function get_paramjac_config(autojacvec::ReverseDiffVJP, p, f, y, _p, _t; numindvar = nothing, alg = nothing, isinplace = true, isRODE = false, _W = nothing) # f = unwrappedf if isinplace if !isRODE tape = ReverseDiff.GradientTape((y, _p, [_t])) do u, p, t du1 = (p !== nothing && p !== DiffEqBase.NullParameters()) ? similar(p, size(u)) : similar(u) f(du1, u, p, first(t)) return vec(du1) end else tape = ReverseDiff.GradientTape((y, _p, [_t], _W)) do u, p, t, W du1 = p !== nothing && p !== DiffEqBase.NullParameters() ? similar(p, size(u)) : similar(u) f(du1, u, p, first(t), W) return vec(du1) end end else if !isRODE tape = ReverseDiff.GradientTape((y, _p, [_t])) do u, p, t vec(f(u, p, first(t))) end else tape = ReverseDiff.GradientTape((y, _p, [_t], _W)) do u, p, t, W return f(u, p, first(t), W) end end end if compile_tape(autojacvec) paramjac_config = ReverseDiff.compile(tape) else paramjac_config = tape end return paramjac_config end function get_paramjac_config(autojacvec::EnzymeVJP, p::DiffEqBase.NullParameters, f, y, _p, _t; numindvar, alg, isinplace = nothing, isRODE = nothing, _W = nothing) if alg !== nothing && SciMLBase.forwarddiffs_model(alg) chunk = if autojacvec.chunksize == 0 ForwardDiff.pickchunksize(numindvar) else autojacvec.chunksize end paramjac_config = dualcache(zero(y), chunk), p, dualcache(zero(y), chunk), dualcache(zero(y), chunk) else paramjac_config = zero(y), p, zero(y), zero(y) end return paramjac_config end function get_paramjac_config(autojacvec::EnzymeVJP, p, f, y, _p, _t; numindvar, alg, isinplace = nothing, isRODE = nothing, _W = nothing) if alg !== nothing && SciMLBase.forwarddiffs_model(alg) chunk = if autojacvec.chunksize == 0 ForwardDiff.pickchunksize(numindvar) else autojacvec.chunksize end paramjac_config = dualcache(zero(y), chunk), zero(_p), dualcache(zero(y), chunk), dualcache(zero(y), chunk) else paramjac_config = zero(y), zero(_p), zero(y), zero(y) end return paramjac_config end function get_pf(autojacvec::ReverseDiffVJP; _f = nothing, isinplace = nothing, isRODE = nothing) nothing end function get_pf(autojacvec::EnzymeVJP; _f, isinplace, isRODE) pf = let f = _f if isinplace && isRODE function (out, u, _p, t, W) f(out, u, _p, t, W) nothing end elseif isinplace function (out, u, _p, t) f(out, u, _p, t) nothing end elseif !isinplace && isRODE function (out, u, _p, t, W) out .= f(u, _p, t, W) nothing end else # !isinplace function (out, u, _p, t) out .= f(u, _p, t) nothing end end end end function getprob(S::SensitivityFunction) (S isa ODEBacksolveSensitivityFunction) ? S.prob : S.sol.prob end inplace_sensitivity(S::SensitivityFunction) = isinplace(getprob(S)) struct ReverseLossCallback{λType, timeType, yType, RefType, FMType, AlgType, dg1Type, dg2Type, cacheType, fType, solType, ΔλasType} isq::Bool λ::λType t::timeType y::yType cur_time::RefType idx::Int F::FMType sensealg::AlgType dgdu::dg1Type dgdp::dg2Type diffcache::cacheType f::fType sol::solType Δλas::ΔλasType end function ReverseLossCallback(sensefun, λ, t, dgdu, dgdp, cur_time) @unpack sensealg, y = sensefun isq = (sensealg isa QuadratureAdjoint) @unpack factorized_mass_matrix = sensefun.diffcache prob = getprob(sensefun) idx = length(prob.u0) Δλas = Tuple{typeof(λ), eltype(t)}[] if ArrayInterface.ismutable(y) return ReverseLossCallback(isq, λ, t, y, cur_time, idx, factorized_mass_matrix, sensealg, dgdu, dgdp, sensefun.diffcache, sensefun.f, nothing, Δλas) else return ReverseLossCallback(isq, λ, t, y, cur_time, idx, factorized_mass_matrix, sensealg, dgdu, dgdp, sensefun.diffcache, sensefun.f, sensefun.sol, Δλas) end end function (f::ReverseLossCallback)(integrator) @unpack isq, λ, t, y, cur_time, idx, F, sensealg, dgdu, dgdp, sol = f @unpack diffvar_idxs, algevar_idxs, issemiexplicitdae, J, uf, f_cache, jac_config = f.diffcache p, u = integrator.p, integrator.u if sensealg isa BacksolveAdjoint copyto!(y, integrator.u[(end - idx + 1):end]) end if ArrayInterface.ismutable(u) # Warning: alias here! Be careful with λ gᵤ = isq ? λ : @view(λ[1:idx]) if dgdu !== nothing dgdu(gᵤ, y, p, t[cur_time[]], cur_time[]) # add discrete dgdp contribution if dgdp !== nothing && !isq gp = @view(λ[(idx + 1):end]) dgdp(gp, y, p, t[cur_time[]], cur_time[]) u[(idx + 1):length(λ)] .+= gp end end else @assert sensealg isa QuadratureAdjoint outtype = DiffEqBase.parameterless_type(λ) y = sol(t[cur_time[]]) gᵤ = dgdu(y, p, t[cur_time[]], cur_time[]; outtype = outtype) end if issemiexplicitdae if J isa DiffCache J = get_tmp(J, y) end if DiffEqBase.has_jac(f.f) f.f.jac(J, y, p, t[cur_time[]]) else jacobian!(J, uf, y, f_cache, sensealg, jac_config) end dhdd = J[algevar_idxs, diffvar_idxs] dhda = J[algevar_idxs, algevar_idxs] Δλa = -(dhda' \ gᵤ[algevar_idxs]) Δλd = dhdd'Δλa + gᵤ[diffvar_idxs] push!(f.Δλas, (Δλa, t[cur_time[]])) else Δλd = gᵤ end if F !== nothing F !== I && F !== (I, I) && ldiv!(F, Δλd) end if ArrayInterface.ismutable(u) u[diffvar_idxs] .+= Δλd else @assert sensealg isa QuadratureAdjoint integrator.u += Δλd end u_modified!(integrator, true) cur_time[] -= 1 return nothing end # handle discrete loss contributions function generate_callbacks(sensefun, dgdu, dgdp, λ, t, t0, callback, init_cb, terminated = false) if sensefun isa NILSASSensitivityFunction @unpack sensealg = sensefun.S else @unpack sensealg = sensefun end if !init_cb cur_time = Ref(1) else cur_time = Ref(length(t)) end reverse_cbs = setup_reverse_callbacks(callback, sensealg, dgdu, dgdp, cur_time, terminated) init_cb || return reverse_cbs, nothing, nothing # callbacks can lead to non-unique time points _t, duplicate_iterator_times = separate_nonunique(t) rlcb = ReverseLossCallback(sensefun, λ, t, dgdu, dgdp, cur_time) if eltype(_t) !== typeof(t0) _t = convert.(typeof(t0), _t) end cb = PresetTimeCallback(_t, rlcb) # handle duplicates (currently only for double occurances) if duplicate_iterator_times !== nothing # use same ref for cur_time to cope with concrete_solve cbrev_dupl_affect = ReverseLossCallback(sensefun, λ, t, dgdu, dgdp, cur_time) cb_dupl = PresetTimeCallback(duplicate_iterator_times[1], cbrev_dupl_affect) return CallbackSet(cb, reverse_cbs, cb_dupl), rlcb, duplicate_iterator_times else return CallbackSet(cb, reverse_cbs), rlcb, duplicate_iterator_times end end function separate_nonunique(t) # t is already sorted _t = unique(t) ts_with_occurances = [(i, count(==(i), t)) for i in _t] # duplicates (only those values which occur > 1 times) dupl = filter(x -> last(x) > 1, ts_with_occurances) ts = first.(dupl) occurances = last.(dupl) if isempty(occurances) itrs = nothing else maxoc = maximum(occurances) maxoc > 2 && error("More than two occurances of the same time point. Please report this.") # handle also more than two occurances itrs = [ts[occurances .>= i] for i in 2:maxoc] end return _t, itrs end function out_and_ts(_ts, duplicate_iterator_times, sol) if duplicate_iterator_times === nothing ts = _ts out = sol(ts) else # if callbacks are tracked, there is potentially an event_time that must be considered # in the loss function but doesn't occur in saveat/t. So we need to add it. # Note that if it doens't occur in saveat/t we even need to add it twice # However if the callbacks are not saving in the forward, we don't want to compute a loss # value for them. This information is given by sol.t/checkpoints. # Additionally we need to store the left and the right limit, respectively. duplicate_times = duplicate_iterator_times[1] # just treat two occurances at the moment (see separate_nonunique above) _ts = Array(_ts) for d in duplicate_times (d ∉ _ts) && push!(_ts, d) end u1 = sol(_ts).u u2 = sol(duplicate_times, continuity = :right).u saveat = vcat(_ts, duplicate_times...) perm = sortperm(saveat) ts = saveat[perm] u = vcat(u1, u2)[perm] out = DiffEqArray(u, ts) end return out, ts end