PureDope Inc.
- Switzerland
- https://puredope.org
- @schlika
rallepalaveev / analog
Forked from V2RetroComputing/analogVGA card for the Apple II computer line
vidarh / SAM
Forked from s-macke/SAMSoftware Automatic Mouth - Tiny Speech Synthesizer
Firmware for a ttgo-watch2020-v1 / ttgo-watch2020-v2 / ttgo-watch2020-v3 smartwatch based on ESP32 from LilyGo.
terenceang / SDisk2
Forked from suaide/SDisk2SD card interface for Apple 2 computers
Danjovic / SDisk2
Forked from felipesanches/SDisk2SD card interface for Apple 2 computers
tkoecker / amigakb
Forked from jklof/amigakbArduino Amiga keyboard interface
technobly / VEXTREME
Forked from rattboi/vectrex-cartVEXTREME - Vectrex Multicart
gdampf / uTerm
Forked from SuperFabius/uTermuTerm (a VT100-like terminal for the Z80-MBC2)
arananet / ubeswitch
Forked from planeturban/ubeswitchPCB for multisync switch for Atari
erichelgeson / BlueSCSI
Forked from ztto/ArdSCSino-stm32A small SCSI device based on stm32
autc04 / executor
Forked from MaddTheSane/executorA modern fork of the classic Mac emulator
emaculation / shoebill
Forked from pruten/shoebillA Macintosh II emulator that runs A/UX
debauchee / barrier
Forked from deskflow/deskflowOpen-source KVM software