import os import threading import tkinter as tk from gtts import gTTS from tkinter import ttk import speech_recognition as sr from playsound import playsound from deep_translator import GoogleTranslator from google.transliteration import transliterate_text # Create an instance of Tkinter frame or window win= tk.Tk() # Set the geometry of tkinter frame win.geometry("700x450") win.title("Real-Time Voice🎙️ Translator🔊") icon = tk.PhotoImage(file="icon.png") win.iconphoto(False, icon) # Create labels and text boxes for the recognized and translated text input_label = tk.Label(win, text="Recognized Text ⮯") input_label.pack() input_text = tk.Text(win, height=5, width=50) input_text.pack() output_label = tk.Label(win, text="Translated Text ⮯") output_label.pack() output_text = tk.Text(win, height=5, width=50) output_text.pack() blank_space = tk.Label(win, text="") blank_space.pack() # Create a dictionary of language names and codes language_codes = { "English": "en", "Hindi": "hi", "Bengali": "bn", "Spanish": "es", "Chinese (Simplified)": "zh-CN", "Russian": "ru", "Japanese": "ja", "Korean": "ko", "German": "de", "French": "fr", "Tamil": "ta", "Telugu": "te", "Kannada": "kn", "Gujarati": "gu", "Punjabi": "pa" } language_names = list(language_codes.keys()) # Create dropdown menus for the input and output languages input_lang_label = tk.Label(win, text="Select Input Language:") input_lang_label.pack() input_lang = ttk.Combobox(win, values=language_names) def update_input_lang_code(event): selected_language_name = event.widget.get() selected_language_code = language_codes[selected_language_name] # Update the selected language code input_lang.set(selected_language_code) input_lang.bind("<>", lambda e: update_input_lang_code(e)) if input_lang.get() == "": input_lang.set("auto") input_lang.pack() down_arrow = tk.Label(win, text="▼") down_arrow.pack() output_lang_label = tk.Label(win, text="Select Output Language:") output_lang_label.pack() output_lang = ttk.Combobox(win, values=language_names) def update_output_lang_code(event): selected_language_name = event.widget.get() selected_language_code = language_codes[selected_language_name] # Update the selected language code output_lang.set(selected_language_code) output_lang.bind("<>", lambda e: update_output_lang_code(e)) if output_lang.get() == "": output_lang.set("en") output_lang.pack() blank_space = tk.Label(win, text="") blank_space.pack() keep_running = False def update_translation(): global keep_running if keep_running: r = sr.Recognizer() with sr.Microphone() as source: print("Speak Now!\n") audio = r.listen(source) try: speech_text = r.recognize_google(audio) # print(speech_text) speech_text_transliteration = transliterate_text(speech_text, lang_code=input_lang.get()) if input_lang.get() not in ('auto', 'en') else speech_text input_text.insert(tk.END, f"{speech_text_transliteration}\n") if speech_text.lower() in {'exit', 'stop'}: keep_running = False return translated_text = GoogleTranslator(source=input_lang.get(), target=output_lang.get()).translate(text=speech_text_transliteration) # print(translated_text) voice = gTTS(translated_text, lang=output_lang.get())'voice.mp3') playsound('voice.mp3') os.remove('voice.mp3') output_text.insert(tk.END, translated_text + "\n") except sr.UnknownValueError: output_text.insert(tk.END, "Could not understand!\n") except sr.RequestError: output_text.insert(tk.END, "Could not request from Google!\n") win.after(100, update_translation) def run_translator(): global keep_running if not keep_running: keep_running = True update_translation_thread = threading.Thread(target=update_translation) # using multi threading for efficient cpu usage update_translation_thread.start() def kill_execution(): global keep_running keep_running = False def open_about_page(): # about page about_window = tk.Toplevel() about_window.title("About") about_window.iconphoto(False, icon) # Create a link to the GitHub repository github_link = ttk.Label(about_window, text="", underline=True, foreground="blue", cursor="hand2") github_link.bind("", lambda e: open_webpage("")) github_link.pack() # Create a text widget to display the about text about_text = tk.Text(about_window, height=10, width=50) about_text.insert("1.0", """ A machine learning project that translates voice from one language to another in real time while preserving the tone and emotion of the speaker, and outputs the result in MP3 format. Choose input and output languages from the dropdown menu and start the translation! """) about_text.pack() # Create a "Close" button close_button = tk.Button(about_window, text="Close", command=about_window.destroy) close_button.pack() def open_webpage(url): # Opens a web page in the user's default web browser. import webbrowser # Create the "Run" button run_button = tk.Button(win, text="Start Translation", command=run_translator), rely=0.9, anchor="c") # Create the "Kill" button kill_button = tk.Button(win, text="Kill Execution", command=kill_execution), rely=0.9, anchor="c") # Open about page button about_button = tk.Button(win, text="About this project", command=open_about_page), rely=0.9, anchor="c") # Run the Tkinter event loop win.mainloop()