{ // MD013/line-length - Line length "MD013": false, // MD024/no-duplicate-heading/no-duplicate-header - Multiple headings with the same content "MD024": { "siblings_only": true }, // no-multiple-blanks "MD012": false, // MD032/blanks-around-lists - Lists should be surrounded by blank lines "MD032": false, // MD033/no-inline-html - Inline HTML "MD033": false, // MD041/first-line-heading/first-line-h1 - First line in a file should be a top-level heading "MD041": false, // MD009/no-trailing-spaces - Trailing spaces "MD009": false, // MD025/single-title/single-h1 - Multiple top-level headings in the same document "MD025": false, // MD014/commands-show-output - Dollar signs used before commands without showing output "MD014": false, "MD013/line-length": false, // MD044/proper-names - Proper names should have the correct capitalization "MD044": { "code_blocks": false, "names": [ "Cake.Markdownlint", "CommonMark", "JavaScript", "Markdown", "markdown-it", "markdownlint", "Node.js" ] }, // MD-46/code-block-style "MD046": { "style": "fenced" }, // MD031/blanks-around-fences Fenced code blocks should be surrounded by blank lines "MD031": false }