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CatLearn Docs

This file is not meant to be included in the docs. Instead it is meant as a guide for how to update and compile the docs.

To start with it is necessary to install some packages that will be used throughout.

$ pip install sphinx sphinx-autobuild  # install basic sphinx packages
$ pip install sphinxcontrib-napoleon  # this allows parsing of numpy style docstrings
$ pip install sphinx_rtd_theme  # this adds the theme package
$ pip install recommonmark  # this allows us to use rst and md files

If this is a new build, then make the docs/ folder in CatLearn root and run the quickstart. If the docs folder already exists, these two commands can be skipped.

$ mkdir docs
$ sphinx-quickstart docs

When the docs folder is setup, there will be a and an index.rst file. These provide the basis for the sphinx documentation. To change the way the documentation will look and behave, it is necessary to change the file. To add new pages to the docs, files need to be called in the toctree in index.rst. When the basic style has been defined, the docs for the code can be generated using the following:

$ sphinx-apidoc -o docs catlearn

This should generate individual .rst files for all of the CatLearn modules. It may be necessary to edit some of these to clean things up a bit. But following generation of these files, the docs can be built with:

$ cd docs/
$ make html

We use Read the Docs for hosting the CatLearn documentation, found at This should be recompiled with each commit to Github, there is a badge on the README that will indicate if the docs builds are passing or failing.