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               S p e c f e m 1 D  V e r s i o n  1 . 0

See also the LICENSE file.

This program computes synthetic seismograms with the spectral element method in a 1D medium.
It was originally written by Jeroen Tromp and Dimitri Komatitsch,
modified by several people and rewritten by Alexis Bottero (alexis DOT bottero at gmail DOT com),
November 2014.

Getting started :

    -open Makefile and uncomment the lines corresponding to your compiler (GNU gfortran or ifort)
    -then : "make" produces the executable in the bin directory
    -finally : type "./bin/xspecfem1d" to run it
    -"make clean" to remove the build results
    -"make purge" to delete all files created

There is no parameter file for this simple 1D version, the run characteristics are chosen in src/constant.h.
The source is set in : src/source-time-function.f90

Files are created in a directory named OUTPUT_FILES created in the main directory.

To display the results you have the choice between two scripts :

    1 - ./ OUTPUT_FILES/snapshot_forward_normal00100 -> For example but you can display all snapshots
        with ./ OUTPUT_FILES/snapshot_forward_normal*

    2 - ./plot_script_using_gnuplot.csh  -> Will display all snapshots

Useful commands :

    make ; bin/xspecfem1d -> To compile and run

    make ; bin/xspecfem1d ; ./ OUTPUT_FILES/snapshot_forward_normal* -> To compile, run and display

Remarks :

    -If you want to calculate synthetics for a step source you will have to comment/uncomment some lines in the subroutine
     calculateSynthetics (modules.f90)

Ideas to improve this program :

    -Add interesting examples
    -Implement irregular grids (subroutine makeGrid in modules.f90)
    -Adapt the subroutine assembleGlobalMassMatrix for AXISYM (modules.f90)
    -Adapt the subroutine assembleGlobalStiffnessMatrix for AXISYM (modules.f90)
    -Replace "system()" instruction by the Fortran2008 "execute_command_line()", but for now many compilers do not support it yet.