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This directory contains input that describes ROSE's IR types

Each file in this directory defines a single ROSE IR node class. The names of the files match the names of the classes. Although these files are named *.h and appear to be C++ code, they are actually inputs to the rosebud tool. The Rosebud system is described here.

Generating code

See $ROSE_SRC/src/generated/ for instructions.

The input language

These header files, although they look like C++, are actually inputs for the Rosebud code generator. The differences from C++ are:

  • Each file must contain exactly one class definition for a ROSE IR type. The name of the file is normally the same as that of the class.

  • Any C preprocessor conditional compilation directives that are opened before the start of the class definition must remain open until after the end of the class definition. E.g., you cannot have a #if X before the class that matches an #else or something inside the class body.

  • A class definition body (the stuff between the definition's curly braces) can contain all the C++ stuff that normally appears in a class definition. However, you'll want to watch out that you don't explicitly define something that is also generated (e.g., default constructors and the destructor). What gets generated depends on the midends and backends that are employed for a particular run.

  • Doxygen documentation is limited to one block comment per item; i.e., Doxygen comments are not combined. Furthermore, the only C++ tokens that can separate the Doxygen comment from the entity it documents are access specifiers (e.g., "public:").

  • A "property" is a ROSE IR concept. A property stores a value in the class and has zero or more accessors and/or mutators. In the ROSETTA style, a property named "foo" has a data member named p_foo, an accessor named get_foo, and a mutator named set_foo. Other styles are possible.

  • A property declaration looks like a data member declaration that is decorated with at least one attribute in the Rosebud namespace. The attributes must appear before the start of the data member declaration. E.g., [[Rosebud::property]] int foo = 0; They can, of course, be on their own line since the file is parsed similarly to C++.

  • The finer details of a property are controlled by the presence of property attributes. The set of attributes has been chosen so that the default common behavior generally doesn't require an attribute; only the uncommon behaviors require attributes.

  • Rosebud understands "using" in attribute lists. If you have more than one Rosebud attribute, you can say the "Rosebud" part just once, like this: [[using Rosebud: rosetta, ctor_arg]] which is equivalent to [[Rosebud::rosetta, Rosebud::ctor_arg]]. Attributes can also be split among multiple lists, so [[Rosebud::rosetta]] [[Rosebud::ctor_arg]] is the same thing.

  • Properties can be surrounded by C preprocessor conditional compilation directives. These can surround individual properties or multiple properties, but must be closed before the end of the class definition. However, it is not currently possible to use conditional compilation to define alternate declarations for a single property (the property is either all or nothing).

  • Because Rosebud input does not pass through a C preprocessor (it cannot, for technical reasons related to ROSETTA), it is not possible to use CPP macros in property declarations.

  • Any code appearing after the class definition is ignored since there is no way to pass this code to ROSETTA. This includes C preprocessor directives. Any conditional compilation that was opened prior to the class will be closed with #endif automatically, although it is probably wise to also close them explicitly for the sake of IDEs that are presenting/editing the Rosebud input. (FIXME: this should cause a Rosebud error to be emitted.)

Class attributes

A class can be preceded by one or more of the following Rosebud attributes.

  • The Rosebud::abstract attribute indicates that the class cannot be instantiated. This is useful for base classes where we only want to be able to instantiate its derived classes.

    Note: The ROSETTA backend only partially honors this. The last argument of NEW_NONTERMINAL_MACRO is set to false, but the generated class can still be instantiated. In fact, adding a pure virtual function to the class to force it to never be instantiated causes problems in ROSETTA-generated code.

Property attributes

  • The Rosebud::property attribute marks what would otherwise appear to be a data member declaration as a property declaration. Since the presence of any Rosebud attribute is sufficient, the "property" attribute only necessary when no other Rosebud attribute is specified.

  • The Rosebud::data attribute takes exactly one argument which is a symbol naming the data member that will be declared to store the property value. The default depends on the backend (see below).

  • The Rosebud::accessors attribute, which requires an argument list even if it's empty, specifies the symbols to use as the accessor member function names. The default depends on the backend (see below). If the attribute argument list is empty, then no accessor functions are generated.

  • The Rosebud::mutators attribute, which requires an argument list even if it's empty, specifies the symbols to use as the mutator member function names. The default depends on the backend (see below). If the attribute argument list is empty, then no mutator functions are generated.

  • The Rosebud::ctor_arg means that the property's value will be passed to a generated constructor. Besides the default constructor, each IR type can have one additional generated constructor. This constructor has an argument for each "ctor_arg" property in the order they are declared starting with those in the base class, recursively.

  • The Rosebud::no_serialize attribute indicates that the property should not participate in serialization or deserialization. Normally, if one or more serialization backends are used, they will generate code to serialize and deserialize every property.

  • The Rosebud::large attribute indicates that the property value is large and expensive to copy. Therefore, in addition to any other mutators, the accessors will be overloaded to return a non-const reference to the property's data member. Use this sparingly because it will not be compatible with all planned Rosebud backends (e.g., it is not possible to generate property observers or thread safety if the property value can be modified directly.

  • The Rosebud::rosetta attribute indicates that the property should be generated in a manner compatible with ROSETTA-generated properties. This does not necessarily mean that a ROSETTA backend is necessary.

  • The Rosebud::traverse attribute is used by the ROSETTA backend to indicate that a property is a pointer to another IR node and that the edge formed by the pointer is part of a tree data structure. I.e., the pointee's parent pointer is assumed to point back to the object that points to that pointee.


No mid-ends are defined at this time. The intention is that two kinds of midend analysis could be supported:

  • analysis that's linked into the rosebud program and operates directly on the Rosebud IR.

  • standalone analysis written in any language and which inputs a machine-readable representation of the Rosebud IR and produces a new machine-readable IR for consumption by one or more backends.


A backend is responsible for producing code, primarily the C++ class definitions corresponding to the Rosebud inputs. Backends, like midends, come in two forms:

  • backends that are linked into the rosebud program and consume the Rosebud IR directly.

  • standalone backends written in any language and which input a machine-readable representation of the Rosebud IR.

Rosebud currently ships with two backends:

  • The YAML backend, invoked with --backend=yaml, is an internal backend that traverses the Rosebud IR and produces YAML output that's intended to be consumed by external midend and backend tools.

  • The ROSETTA backend, invoked with --backend=rosetta, is an internal backend that traverses the Rosesbud IR and ROSETTA input and C++ implementations of accessors, mutators, constructors, etc. Although this backend generates ROSETTA input, its goal is to gradually produce more of the C++ directly in order to wean off ROSETTA. See below for why we might want to do this.


ROSETTA is the system that Rosebud intends to replace. Rosebud intends to improve upon these ROSETTA problems:

  1. Problems with ROSETTA's domain specific language (DSL):
    1. the DSL is undocumented
    2. the ROSE IR node type declarations are not written in C++
    3. the ROSETTA DSL is partly C++ function calls in a *.C file
    4. additional class member declarations are in text files
    5. additional member function implementations are in another text file
    6. documentation is stored far away in yet another text file
    7. the IR node type names are listed in yet another text file
    8. the text files are not understood by IDEs as being C++ code
    9. types of the data members are defined in ROSETTA's source code
    10. data member types occur more than once in ROSETTA's source
    11. ROSETTA doesn't allow abstract classes
    12. virtual accessors/mutators are not directly supported
    13. read-only properties are not directly supported
    14. serialization/deserialization is not directly supported
    15. it is difficult to conditionally define IR node types
  2. Problems with ROSETTA's generated code:
    1. the code is ugly and hinders understanding during debugging
    2. individual source files are huge and make IDEs sluggish
    3. the file names are unrelated to type names and are hard to find
    4. things that could be virtual are copy-pasted into each class
  3. Problems with ROSETTA's CxxGrammarMetaProgram generator:
    1. error messages seldom indicate where the problem lies
    2. errors are sent to standard output, not standard error
    3. the part on standard error is often from assert(false)
    4. the failure output seldom has information relevant to the cause
    5. figuring out the cause often involves debugging CxxGrammarMetaProgram
    6. some errors cause CxxGrammarMetaProgram to hang
  4. Problems with extending ROSETTA:
    1. ROSETTA is monolithic and less modular than it could be
    2. adding a new feature requires understanding ROSETTA source code
    3. special cases are hard-coded throughout the source code
  5. Problems with ROSETTA's style:
    1. naming conventions are not enforced or even warned
    2. lack of documentation is not a warning

How Rosebud fixes these

  1. The DSL is C++-like and documented (this README). All parts of an AST node class definition is in a single source file including all the documentation, conditional compilation, and extra class members.

  2. The general policy of Rosebud is that as little of the definition should be generated as possible. The bulk of the definition should be either copied verbatim from the input or implemented using modern C++ features in C++ source files.

  3. Rosebud should know as little as possible about types that appear in member declarations such as in property declarations. For instance, if generated code needs to handle a special case type, then it should do so through normal C++ mechanisms like trait templates, not special case code generation.

  4. Each AST node definition can be surrounded by CPP conditional compilation directives, preceded by CPP file inclusion directives, etc. These are copied verbatim into the generated files.

  5. Rosebud segregates node types into their own header and implementation files. At present, due to the "all compilation units must include <sage3basic.h>" policy and the size of that header, compilation times have drastically increased. However, we already know that if headers include only definitions they actually need, then compile times can be greatly increased. For example, it currently takes about 30 seconds to compile each AST node implementation file, but tests have shown that these times can be reduced by an order of magnitude by more frugal use of #include.

  6. Rosebud emits diagnostics with line and column information and emits the source lines to standard error as context for the diagnostic message. Only internal logic errors are handled with assertions.

  7. Rosebud is intended to be modular rather than monolithic. The core tool can emit YAML from the C++-like input, which other tools can injest. YAML is well supported in most programming languages.

  8. Rosebud does various style checks such as checking for the presence of documentation. This is currently built into the rosebud tool, but we intend to move these linters to small programs (or scripts) that operate on the YAML output.