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  1. Go to "Manage" and click "Create New Qualification Type" for each of the following dialect-specific qualifications. Be sure to record the Qualification ID for each of these Qualifications

    1. Friendly Name: Dialect A Description: You speak Dialect A

    2. Friendly Name: Dialect B Description: You speak Dialect B

    3. Friendly Name: Dialect C Description: You speak Dialect C

    4. Friendly Name: Dialect D Description: You speak Dialect D

    5. Friendly Name: Dialect E Description: You speak Dialect E


      and so on up the alphabet, all the way to

      Friendly Name: Dialect O Description: You speak Dialect O

  2. In a text editor, change the contents of aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key to the correct values for your AWS / MTurk Requester account

    1. In a shell, run python
    2. Remember the output printed here as QUAL_ID for a later stage
  3. Go to and under Create click New Project (use the "Other" template)

  4. Fill in the following details Project Name: VALUE-CoQA-Validation Title: Dialect Understanding Description: Your goal is to decide whether bits of text sound acceptable according to the grammar rules of your dialect. Keywords: linguistics, grammar, dialect Reward per assignment: $0.06 (assumes 30 seconds per task, which is proven reasonable) Number of assignments per task: 3

    Time allotted per assignment: 1 hour Task expires in: 20 days Auto-approve and pay Workers in: 5 days Require that Workers be Masters to do your tasks: No Specify any additional qualifications Workers must meet to work on your tasks:

    • English Varieties Test has been granted
    • Dialect B has been granted (starting with Indian English and later switch to Dialect C for Singapore English or Dialect D for Appalachian or Dialect E for Chicano)
    • HIT Approval Rate (%) greater than or equal to 98
    • Number of HITs Approved greater than or equal to 500
  5. Copy the contents of HIT_general.html into the "Design Layout" pane and finish

  6. Publish batches: Pull batches from the corresponding folders:

    1. HIT_input/A/all_features_25.csv: Dialect A
    2. HIT_input/B/all_features_25.csv: Dialect B ...
    3. HIT_input/O/all_features_25.csv: Dialect O
  7. Either periodically run the following or write a script to run this automatically every hour or so: python --qual_id QUAL_ID --A A_QUAL_ID --B B_QUAL_ID --C C_QUAL_ID --D D_QUAL_ID --E E_QUAL_ID --F F_QUAL_ID --G G_QUAL_ID --H H_QUAL_ID --I I_QUAL_ID --J J_QUAL_ID --K K_QUAL_ID --L L_QUAL_ID --M M_QUAL_ID --N N_QUAL_ID --O O_QUAL_ID

    • This is to link the dialect qual survey response to the specific qualifications for each dialect we are looking at.