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The application can run in several different environments, each of which may have different dependency requirements. This directory generates requirements.txt files for each environment from template *.in files.

Installing Requirements

Run the following command from the base of the repository:

# Optional, install pip if not already installed
python -m ensurepip

# Replace dev_unix with your environment
python -m pip install -r requirements/dev_unix.txt

Adding Requirements:

  1. Add your requirements to

  2. If you use docker, run this command:

cd requirements
docker-compose up --build --force-recreate

If you run the application natively, first install the pip-compile tool:

python -m ensurepip
python -m pip install pip-tools

Then generate the requirements:

python requirements/
  1. Rerun pip install on the updated requirements file

Note: The requirements.txt files that are checked in should be generated using the docker command to ensure consistency.