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Substrate Telegram Bot

Core Lib for Substrate Telegram Bot.


npm i @ryabina-io/substratebot


const substrateBot = new SubstrateBot({


main bot settings, should contain substrate network params (name, prefix, decimals, token), telegram bot token, start & validators messages, links (governance, common), list of group alerts.


const settings = {
  network: {
    name: "Kusama",
    prefix: "2",
    decimals: "12",
    token: "KSM",
  startMsg: "Hello. This is Substrate BOT!",
  validatorsMessage: "This message shows up when /validators call",
  governanceLinks: ["commonwealth", "polkassembly", "subscan", "polkascan"],
  commonLinks: ["subscan", "polkascan"],
  groupAlerts: {
    events: [
      ["democracy", "Proposed"],
      ["democracy", "Started"],
      ["treasury", "Proposed"],
    calls: [
      ["treasury", "tipNew"],
      ["treasury", "reportAwesome"],
  botToken: process.env.BOT_TOKEN,
  dbFilePath: process.env.DB_FILE_PATH,

network - basic network parameters. Most often, the bot will take these parameters from the api, but if they are undefined, it will use settings.

startMsg - this message is sent to the user after calling the /start command.

validatorsMessage - this message is sent to the user after calling the /validators command.

The information in alerts is often not complete, so it is very useful to add links to network explorers.

governanceLinks - links under governance messages (e.g. democracy.proposed)

commonLinks - links under regular messages

groupAlerts - bot also works in group chats, but its functionality is limited and can notify about events described in this parameter. It's written in that style:

groupAlerts: {

botToken - telegram bot token. Information about how to authorize your own bot, you can find here.

dbFilePath - path to db.json file

  "notifications": [],
  "users": []


polkadot-api instance for connect to node. API functions that uses by bot:

  • api.rpc.chain.subscribeNewHeads
  • api.rpc.chain.getHeader
  • api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash
  • api.rpc.chain.getBlock
  • api.query.balances.locks
  • api.query.staking.ledger
  • api.query.staking.nominators (not required)

If API instance do not support any function from this list, the bot is not compatible with your Substrate version of the network.


this parameter describes the structure of events in the node. A Substrate node consists of modules that consist of constants, storages data, events and extrinsincs. Two components of the module are important to the bot: events and extrinsincs.

To describe the modules it is necessary to maintain this style:

const modules = {
  ModuleName: {
    short: "ShrtMdlNm",
    events: {
      EventName: {
        short: "ShrtEvntNm",
        documentation: "This is full doccumentation that describe this event",
        args: [
            name: "argName",
            type: "argType",
            baseType: "baseType",
            visible: "hide",
    calls: {
      ExtrinsicName: {
        short: "ShrtExtrnscNm",
          "This is full doccumentation that describe this extrinsic",
        args: [
            name: "argName",
            type: "argType",
            baseType: "baseType",
            visible: "hide",

substratebot/tools/utils have a useful feature - metaConvertToConfig(api, ingoreList). It will allow you to automatically load metadata from the node in the format required for the bot. ignoreList is a list of ignored events and calls, as well as instructions for displaying the visible flag. sample:

const ingoreList = {
  events: [
  calls: ["batch"],
  /// All types in this list will be shown in the FILTER menu
  hide: [

NOTE! In the Substrate SDK the events do not have names for their arguments, only the data types. Therefore, metaConvertToConfig method works according to the following algorithm:

  1. if the event description corresponds to this PR, then the names of the arguments correspond to those described in square brackets.
  2. if not, we convert the type name in the camel-case and in case of repeated types we add a serial number to the event. (In this case, you'll most likely need a manual correction)


By default, the bot has only one event and call mode - Advanced. It contains everything you have described in the modules. But it is very difficult to navigate through all the event/calls lists of all the modules. For simplicity, we have added the option to group events into additional modes. Sample:

  const modes = [
      /// Modes name. Shows in the name of the mode button
      name: "Address alerts",
      // Unique index, must contain signle letter, no repeats are allowed.
      index: "u",
      // Modes description.
        "Here are most useful events for your account.\n\nYou can select🟢/ unselect⚪️ by clicking on them.",
      // If events/calls in the mode need filtering by address, the flag is true.
      isAddressFiltering: true,
      // List of events/calls
      alerts: [
          // Name that shows in alerts menu
          name: "Transfer",
          // Which module contain this event/call
          contract: "balances",
          // Event name, if this is not event then write
          // call: "Transfer"
          event: "Transfer",
          // list of arguments which should filter by input address
          filters: ["from", "to"],
          // short name of event/call
          short: "Trnsfr",
          // default value of select
          selected: true,


This is the function that the bot calls when it needs to respond to the query "show current network statistics".