# Contributing ## New Issues, Bugs, Questions, etc Before creating any new Issues, please be sure to search through the existing Atom Beautify Issues at https://github.com/Glavin001/atom-beautify/issues 1. Generate your debugging information: 1a. In the Atom [command-palette](https://atom.io/packages/command-palette), search for and run the command `Atom Beautify: Help Debug Editor`. The debugging results will be shown in a new Atom text editor tab. 1b. Create a new Gist at https://gist.github.com/ 1c. Create a file in your new Gist called `debug.md`. 1d. Paste your debugging results from Atom beautify into `debug.md` file in your Gist. 2. Create a [new GitHub Issue for Atom Beautify](https://github.com/Glavin001/atom-beautify/issues/new). 3. Copy a link to your new Gist into the new GitHub Issue for Atom Beautify. 4. Describe your issue / bug. 5. Submit your new GitHub Issue and wait patiently. If you have any additional / new information to add, please feel free to comment on that Issue and provide more helpful information. ## Help Improving Atom Beautify By Changing Source Code See https://github.com/Glavin001/atom-beautify/blob/master/docs/add-languages-and-beautifiers.md for current documentation on adding support for new languages and beautifiers to Atom Beautify.