## Introduction
RDF and Neo4j dumps produced at Rothamsed are used on our CyVerse servers, in order to expose our data to the world, via our SPARQL and Neo4j endpoints.
In this document, we explain a few details.
The raw data pipelines in the Cyverse servers picks up from the data dumps spawned by the RRes pipeline and published on knetminer.com. The scripts described below use a dedicated utility for the download part.
We have two main scripts to work under CyVerse. One is 3store-load.sh, used to update the Virtuoso instance, the other is neo4j-load.sh, used to update the Neo4j server.
See below for a list of data services available via CyVerse and the server hosts we use for them.
As in the case of the RRes pipelines, most of the scripts for CyVerse requires that an environment is set manually, by bash-sourcing one of the scripts into config/environments (only one is available at the moment). Scripts of this type usually invokes config/common-cfg.sh, in order to define general settings, after environment-specific ones.
Morover, the 3store-load.sh
and neo4j-load.sh
scrips mentioned above require a dataset-id and version parameter
pair, in order to do some dataset-specific configuration. This is started by config/init-dataset.sh,
which first lookup for dataset-specific scripts into config/datasets. For instance, the invocation
./3store-load.sh poaceae 51
will cause the search for config/datasets/poaceae-51-cfg.sh
and config/datasets/poaceae-common-cfg.sh
. Both are optional and, of course, they should contain configuration options
valid for all versions of a dataset, or those valid for a specific version.
As a last step, the configuration sources config/dataset-cfg.sh, which has configuration options to be set after dataset-specific settings have been defined.
As said above, the 3store-load.sh invokes a dataset-specific loading script located into load, for instance, load/poaceae-3sload.sh. In turn, these scripts might be using the generic load/knet-3sload.sh. This has these steps:
it downloads the RDF dump for the dataset into
(if not already there). -
Using virtuoso-utils, it loads the dataset into Virtuoso, putting it into the configured named graph for the dataset.
The steps above are repeated for those datasets that have an AgriSchemas mapping (ie, additional RDF that maps our data to bioschemas-based standards).
Moreover, before the first step, the script also downloads ontology files that are part of the dataset, putting them
into /opt/data/rdf/ontologies
and then it loads them into Virtuoso, putting them into an ontology-dedicated named
graph. Note that multiple datasets might add up to the contents of this directory and they usually don't have
conflicting files (only new files are downloaded anyway).
in load you can find other dataset-specific loading scripts that don't use the procedure above, since they have their own peculiar characteristics. For instance, the GXA data loader uses data produced by the AgriSchemas scripts, which are already based on the standards, so that the schema mappings aren't used and the corresponding step isn't necessary.
This should be done in the respective host (see below), using the neo4j-load.sh script. This also uses a generic Neo4j uploading script.
Note that we don't have (as yet) any Neo4j-dedicated script to update the COVID-19 dataset.
Other scripts are in utils, including a configuration backup script (at the moment it's manually run as necessary), the mentioned data downloader and controller for the Neo4j servers.
This is the internal host you reach when SSH-ing to CyVerse.
New accesses to our servers have to be agreed with CyVerse IT admins. The host names given here are mapped to internal
IPs via /etc/hosts
It contains the services.
Tomcat Web server for the SPARQL browser
The Tomcat web server serves both the data entry page and the SPARQL browser. The latter is based on a customisation of our own of the LODEStar browser. This software has several good features: a nice, customisable interface to play with SPARQL, a SPARQL and URI resolver, which can serve data in various formats, using content negotiation (example).
This is deployed on /opt/software/tomcat
(all the non-OS, non-packaged software is put under /opt/software
As said above, all data dumps and other data are under /opt/data
Virtuoso triple store
The SPARQL browser sits on top of this. Of course, this is where all the RDF data are stored and made accessible. We use Virtuoso to store multiple datasets, since this triple store supports the approach of associating named graphs to datasets, so, for example, a dataset can be deleted and re-uploaded from RDF files, while keeping the others untouched. See here for a list of current datasets.
This service is based on the Docker image available for Virtuoso. In /opt/software/virtuoso-docker
, you can find scripts
to restart the service from scratch (ie, they download the Docker image, or clean the Docker environment), Virtuoso is
restarted automatically when the Docker service is restarted (including, at boot).
This host has an instance of Neo4j, which stores data about the poaceae dataset (initially, it has the T. aestivum
dataset). Publicly, this serves this Neo4j web browser and
the BOLT endpoint bolt:https://knetminer-neo4j.cyverseuk.org:7687
The Neo4j server is deployed on /opt/software/neo4j
and is restarted by crond, using the script at
Whe keep this host to serve the COVID-19 data via Neo4j.
dataset). Publicly, this serves this Neo4j web browser and
the BOLT endpoint bolt:https://knetminer-neo4j.cyverseuk.org:7689
As above, the Neo4j server is deployed on /opt/software/neo4j-covid19
and the crond uses the same script at
This host has also a Neo4j server for the old Arabidopsis dataset, since this is embedded into the poaceae dataset mentioned above, we have turned off this Neo4j instance.
TODO: other scripts under /opt/software
, eg, system backup.