#!/bin/bash set -e IMAGE_TAG='kaggle/python-build' IMAGE_TAG_OVERRIDE='' ADDITONAL_OPTS='' PATTERN='test*.py' usage() { cat << EOF Usage: $0 [OPTIONS] Run tests for a newly-built Python Docker image. By default, it runs the tests for the CPU image. Options: -g, --gpu Run tests for the GPU image. -i, --image IMAGE Run tests against the specified image -p, --pattern PATTERN Pattern to match test files ($PATTERN default) EOF } while :; do case "$1" in -h|--help) usage exit ;; -g|--gpu) IMAGE_TAG='kaggle/python-gpu-build' ADDITONAL_OPTS='-v /tmp/empty_dir:/usr/local/cuda/lib64/stubs:ro' ;; -i|--image) if [[ -z $2 ]]; then usage printf 'ERROR: No IMAGE specified after the %s flag.\n' "$1" >&2 exit fi IMAGE_TAG_OVERRIDE=$2 shift # skip the flag value ;; -p|--pattern) if [[ -z $2 ]]; then usage printf 'ERROR: No PATTERN specified after the %s flag.\n' "$1" >&2 exit fi PATTERN="$2" shift # skip the flag value ;; -?*) usage printf 'ERROR: Unknown option: %s\n' "$1" >&2 exit ;; *) break esac shift done if [[ -n "$IMAGE_TAG_OVERRIDE" ]]; then IMAGE_TAG="$IMAGE_TAG_OVERRIDE" fi readonly IMAGE_TAG readonly ADDITONAL_OPTS readonly PATTERN set -x docker run --rm --net=none -v /tmp/python-build:/tmp/python-build "$IMAGE_TAG" rm -rf /tmp/python-build/* docker rm jupyter_test || true mkdir -p /tmp/python-build/tmp mkdir -p /tmp/python-build/devshm mkdir -p /tmp/python-build/working # Only run Jupyter server test if no specific test pattern is specified. if [ $PATTERN == 'test*.py' ]; then # Check that Jupyter server can run; if it dies on startup, the `docker kill` command will throw an error docker run -d --name=jupyter_test --read-only --net=none -e HOME=/tmp -v $PWD:/input:ro -v /tmp/python-build/working:/working -w=/working -v /tmp/python-build/tmp:/tmp -v /tmp/python-build/devshm:/dev/shm "$IMAGE_TAG" jupyter notebook --allow-root --ip="*" sleep 3 docker kill jupyter_test && docker rm jupyter_test fi # Note about `TF_FORCE_GPU_ALLOW_GROWTH`. This allocate memory at runtime as needed. # By default, TensorFlow maps nearly all of the GPU memory visible to the process. # This is causing issue when other libraries are trying to run tests using a GPU. # See: https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/gpu#allowing_gpu_memory_growth # # Note about `XLA_PYTHON_CLIENT_PREALLOCATE`. By default, JAX preallocates 90% # of the GPU memory which is causing issues when other libraries are trying to run # tests using a GPU. # See: https://jax.readthedocs.io/en/latest/gpu_memory_allocation.html # # Note about `--hostname localhost` (b/158137436) # hostname defaults to the container name which fails DNS name # resolution with --net=none (required to keep tests hermetic). See details in bug. docker run --rm -t --read-only --net=none \ -e HOME=/tmp -e KAGGLE_DATA_PROXY_TOKEN=test-key \ -e KAGGLE_USER_SECRETS_TOKEN_KEY=test-secrets-key \ -e KAGGLE_URL_BASE= \ -e KAGGLE_DATA_PROXY_URL= \ -e KAGGLE_DATA_PROXY_PROJECT=test \ -e TF_FORCE_GPU_ALLOW_GROWTH=true \ -e XLA_PYTHON_CLIENT_PREALLOCATE=false \ --hostname localhost \ --shm-size=2g \ -v $PWD:/input:ro -v /tmp/python-build/working:/working \ -v /tmp/python-build/tmp:/tmp -v /tmp/python-build/devshm:/dev/shm \ -w=/working \ $ADDITONAL_OPTS \ "$IMAGE_TAG" \ /bin/bash -c "python -m unittest discover -s /input/tests -p $PATTERN -v"