! Title: 🔥 Wildcards ! Version: 16June2024v1 ! Expires: 12 hours ! Description: Goal here is to use wildcards to block ad, tracking, analytics, annoyances, and other trash domains where possible. This is EXTEMELY experimental and WILL cause breakage, be warned, this should NOT yet be used. ! Homepage: https://codeberg.org/Magnesium1062/blocklists abtest* ad*^$denyallow=akadns.net|upload.*|*-upload.*|adobe.*|adobedtm.*|metadata.*|download.*|downloads.*|gatewayradiatorcontrol.*|datadog.pool.ntp.org|quad9.net audit* aviary* banner* beacon* campaign* clarity* collect* consent* cookie* count*^$denyallow=|account*|myaccount.*|account*.*|oauthaccountmanager.*|myaccount*.* crash* csp*^$denyallow=ocsp.*|ocsp*.* data* diag* event* experiment* feedback* ||geo.*^ imasdk* insight* launch* log* lytic* matomo* measur* metric* monitor* piwik* pixel* plausible* posthog* promo* qualtric* report* sentry* spoc* spons* stat*^$denyallow=static.*|static*.*|static-*.* stud* survey* tag* telem* trace* tracing* unagi* usage* utiq* # You could also consider: #aff* # Would break affiliate links, not much of a point blocking IMO #click* # Would break email links, not much of a point blocking IMO #track* # Reason not included is it'll probably break i.e. postage tracking services, may reconsider though # Credit to: # The Great HaGeZi https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hagezi/dns-blocklists/main/controld/analytics-wildcard-folder.json # mmotti https://github.com/mmotti/pihole-regex/blob/master/regex.list # And my own research and analysis :)