Lua HTTP client cosocket driver for OpenResty / ngx_lua.
On the fly (and free) SSL registration and renewal inside OpenResty/nginx with Let's Encrypt.
A set of pure Lua libraries focusing on input data handling (such as reading configuration files), functional programming (such as map, reduce, placeholder expressions,etc), and OS path management.…
Lua redis client driver for the ngx_lua based on the cosocket API
Prometheus metric library for Nginx written in Lua
a fast, minimalist web framework for lua based on OpenResty
Templating Engine (HTML) for Lua and OpenResty.
Lua kafka client driver for the Openresty based on the cosocket API
Health Checker for Nginx Upstream Servers in Pure Lua
Updating your upstream list and run lua scripts without reloading Nginx.
Lua-land LRU Cache based on LuaJIT FFI
Simple nonblocking lock API for ngx_lua based on shared memory dictionaries
Cross Worker Events for Nginx in Pure Lua
tiny subprocess/shell library to use with OpenResty application server
kikito / ansicolors.lua
Forked from hoelzro/ansicolorsANSI terminal color manipulation for Lua.
Simple multipart data parser for OpenResty/Lua
Simple Beanstalkd client for nginx/openresty