# CHANGELOG - Flex Color Picker All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. ## 1.4.3 - 2020-6-04 ### Added - property `reversePercentage` and `thumbLabelFormatter` added to `ColorSliderControl` and property `reverseBrightnessPercentage` added to `DefaultColorPickerViewController` to allow for more control over thumb label (slider percentage). - new row added to demo demonstrating use of `reverseBrightnessPercentage` with `DefaultColorPickerViewController` ### Fixed Issue #29: Is it me or is does brightness work backwards? ## 1.4.2 - 2020-5-06 ### Fixed Issue #27 that prevented compilation of 1.4.1 when installed via SPM. ## 1.4.1 - 2020-5-04 WARNING: Do not use this realese. It does not compile when istaled via SPM. Use 1.4.2 instead. ### Fixed Cocoapods pod file version ## 1.4 - 2020-5-03 ### Added - complete support for iOS dark mode ### Changed - **Breaking change:** removed method `setDefaultBorder(on:)` from classes `ColorSliderControl` and `ColorPreviewWithHex`. Instead of overriding that method, property `borderOn` should be set to `false` and custom border should be installed directly to appropriate views . - **Breaking change:** visibility of property `borderOn` from in class `RadialPaletteControl` was changed from `open` to `public`. Instead of overriding this property, clients should set it to `false` and install custom border directly on appropriate views. ### Fixed - issue #25: iOS 13 dark mode support ## 1.3.2 - 2020-4-20 ### Changed - `ColorPickerDelegate` functions were made optional to allow for more flexibility (now only one of them can be used) - updated README ### Fixed - issue #26: Swift 5.2 complaint ## 1.3.1 - 2019-10-08 ### Added - `Package.swift` to fix SPM support ### Changed - renamed `autoDaken` property of `ColorPickerThumbView` to `autoDarken` (typo fix) - improved documentation - hidden `RestrictedPanCircleView` from clients (and renamed it to `LimitedGestureCircleView`) as it is implementation detail. - added minimum platform to `Package.swift` and explicit imports of `UIKit` where missing trying to fix SPM issues ### Deprecated - deprecated `PaletteAwareScrollView` as it is not needed any more. Supplied color controls and custom color controls subclassing `AbstractColorControl` will now work inside `UIScrollView` and iOS 13 modally presented controllers out of box. ### Fixed - memory leak introduced in 1.3 where color controls would not be released ## 1.3 - 2019-09-25 ### Added - support for Swift Package Manager ### Changed - updated to Swift 5 ### Fixed - modal presentation dismiss gesture conflict for iOS 13 - issue #10: Warning under Xcode 11.0 - Setter argument 'newValue' was never used, but the property was accessed ## 1.2.1 - 2019-03-26 ### Changed - README updated ### Fixed - Code warnings in XCode 10.1 ## 1.2 - 2019-03-26 ### Added - some missing documentation ### Changed - project updated Swift version 4.2 ### Fixed - Bug #3: Error when run it in xcode 10.1 caused by duplicated .plist