/* ==UserStyle== @name Stylus DeepDark @namespace gitlab.com/RaitaroH/Stylus-DeepDark @homepageURL https://github.com/RaitaroH/Stylus-DeepDark @version 2.3.1 @updateURL https://github.com/RaitaroH/Stylus-DeepDark/raw/master/StylusDeepDark.user.css @description Write thy themes in the dark. May the dark be kinder on thine eyes. (Stylus dark theme) @author RaitaroH and contributors +co-authors https://github.com/RaitaroH/Stylus-DeepDark/graphs/contributors @license GNU-V3.0 @preprocessor stylus @var select stylus-deepdark-style "Preset themes" [ "Deep-Dark", "Inspired-Dark", "Breeze-Dark", "HavocOS", "Arc-Dark", "Adapta-Nokto", "Adapta-Breath-Nokto", "Gruvbox-Dark", "Gruvbox-Light", "NierAutomata-Dark", "NierAutomata-Light", "Solarized-Dark", "Solarized-Light", "Vertex-Dark", "Mint-Y-Dark", "9anime", "Firefox-Dark", "Firefox-57", "Discord", "YouTube-Dark", "Black-and-White", "Yellow", "Yellow-2", "Ubuntu-Grey", "Ubuntu-Purple", "Orange", "Jisho", "Custom" ] @var select colorRY "Red/Yellow color" [ "Default", "Solarized", "Gruvbox Dark", "Gruvbox Dark Intense", "Gruvbox Light", "Gruvbox Light Intense", "Custom" ] @var color mainColor "Custom main color" "#367bf0" @var color mainBackground "Custom main background" "#22242d" @var color secondBackground "Custom second background" "#242730" @var color hoverBackground "Custom hover background" "#4e5467" @var color mainText "Custom main text" "#eee" @var color dimmerText "Custom second text" "#ccc" @var color editorBackground "Custom editor background" "#2f343f" @var color selectBackground "Custom selection background" "#3c4150" @var color colorShadow "Custom shadow color" "rgba(56, 60, 74, .3)" @var color colorEvenEntry "Custom even color" "rgba(56, 60, 74, .4)" @var color colorRed "Custom red color" "#ff6666" @var color colorYellow "Custom yellow color" "#ffb266" @var checkbox use-modified-default "Adaptive syntax highlighting" 1 @var checkbox stylus-syntax-theme "Stylus syntax highlighting" 1 @var checkbox support_update-problem "Update problem tooltips" 1 @var checkbox wrap-lint-msgs "Wrap lint messages" 1 @var checkbox hide-scrollbar "Fix CM search scrollbar" 0 @var text custom_sidebar_width "Sidebar width" 280px @var text fontSize 'Editor font size' 12px @var select cursorWidth 'Cursor width' { "Slim 1px": "1px", "Wider 2px": "2px", "Wider+ 3px": "3px", "Block 7px": "7px" } @var select cursorColor "Cursor color" { "Deep-Dark": "#00adee", "Inspired-Dark": "#5e8acc", "Breeze-Dark": "#3daee9", "Vertex-Dark": "#4080fb", "Arc-Dark": "#5294E2", "Firefox-Dark": "#5675B9", "Firefox 57": "#4080fb", "Discord": "#7289da", "YouTube Dark": "#E52117", "Mint-Y-Dark": "#9ab87c", "9anime": "#723f8c", "Black-and-White": "#fff", "Yellow": "#ffc700", "Yellow-2": "#ffc700", "Ubuntu-Grey": "#ef7847", "Ubuntu-Purple": "#ef7847", "Orange": "#ff6905", "Jisho": "#ef7d6c", "Adapta-Nokto": "#00bcd4", "Adapta-Breath Nokto": "#1abc9c", "Solarized": "#268bd2", "Gruvbox-Dark": "#fe8019", "Gruvbox-Light": "#af3a03", "NierAutomata-Dark": "#fe8019", "NierAutomata-Light": "#fe8019", "Custom": "custom-cursor-color" } @var color custom-cursor-color "Custom cursor color" "#04f911" ==/UserStyle== */ @-moz-document regexp("moz-extension:\/\/.*"), regexp("chrome-extension:\/\/.*") { /* Author : Theme made by RaitaroH and contributors */ /* Co-authors : https://gitlab.com/RaitaroH/Stylus-DeepDark/graphs/contributors */ /* Home : https://gitlab.com/RaitaroH/Stylus-DeepDark */ /* Licence : GNU General Public License v3.0 */ /* Version : 2.3.0 (2021-06-01) */ /* Main color variables */ /* stylelint-disable */ :root { if stylus-deepdark-style == "Deep-Dark" { --main-color: #00adee; --main-background: #111; --second-background: #181818; --hover-background: #232323; --main-text: #eff0f1; --dimmer-text: #ccc; --editor-background: #181818; --select-background: #232323; --shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .3); --even-entry-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .6); } else if stylus-deepdark-style == "Inspired-Dark" { --main-color: #5e8acc; --main-background: #232629; --second-background: #181818; --hover-background: #515254; --main-text: #eee; --dimmer-text: #ccc; --editor-background: #181818; --select-background: #232323; --shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .13); --even-entry-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .16); } else if stylus-deepdark-style == "Breeze-Dark" { --main-color: #3daee9; --main-background: #232629; --second-background: #2a2e32; --hover-background: #31363b; --main-text: #eff0f1; --dimmer-text: #bdc3c7; --editor-background: #2a2e32; --select-background: #31363b; --shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .13); --even-entry-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .16); } else if stylus-deepdark-style == "Vertex-Dark" { --main-color: #4080fb; --main-background: #2b2b2c; --second-background: #353638; --hover-background: #515254; --main-text: #f3f3f5; --dimmer-text: #aeafb0; --editor-background: #2b2b2c; --select-background: #515254; --shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .13); --even-entry-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .2); } else if stylus-deepdark-style == "Arc-Dark" { --main-color: #5294e2; --main-background: #343944; --second-background: #383c4a; --hover-background: #414a59; --main-text: #c1c8d1; --dimmer-text: #b3bac5; --editor-background: #343944; --select-background: #414a59; --shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .13); --even-entry-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .16); } else if stylus-deepdark-style == "Firefox-Dark" { --main-color: #5675b9; --main-background: #272b35; --second-background: #181d20; --hover-background: #353a44; --main-text: #e3eef9; --dimmer-text: #bec0cc; --editor-background: #181d20; --select-background: #353a44; --shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .13); --even-entry-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .16); } else if stylus-deepdark-style == "Firefox-57" { --main-color: #4080fb; --main-background: #0c0c0d; --second-background: #252526; --hover-background: #323234; --main-text: #f9f9fa; --dimmer-text: #d0d0d0; --editor-background: #252526; --select-background: #323234; --shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(54, 54, 54, .2); --even-entry-background: rgba(54, 54, 54, .4); } else if stylus-deepdark-style == "Discord" { --main-color: #7289da; --main-background: #1e2124; --second-background: #2f3136; --hover-background: #484b51; --main-text: #fff; --dimmer-text: #ada8aa; --editor-background: #2f3136; --select-background: #484b51; --shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(47, 49, 54, .23); --even-entry-background: rgba(47, 49, 54, .49); } else if stylus-deepdark-style == "YouTube-Dark" { --main-color: #e52117; --main-background: #111; --second-background: #232323; --hover-background: #343434; --main-text: #e1e1e1; --dimmer-text: #7f7f7f; --editor-background: #111; --select-background: #343434; --shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(54, 54, 54, .2); --even-entry-background: rgba(54, 54, 54, .4); } else if stylus-deepdark-style == "Mint-Y-Dark" { --main-color: #9ab87c; --main-background: #2f2f2f; --second-background: #383838; --hover-background: #404040; --main-text: #fff; --dimmer-text: #d5dada; --editor-background: #2f2f2f; --select-background: #404040; --shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .13); --even-entry-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .23); } else if stylus-deepdark-style == "9anime" { --main-color: #723f8c; --main-background: #0b0a0d; --second-background: #17151c; --hover-background: #1e1c25; --main-text: #f9f6fb; --dimmer-text: #cac0cf; --editor-background: #17151c; --select-background: rgba(180, 180, 180, .1); --shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(54, 54, 54, .13); --even-entry-background: rgba(54, 54, 54, .36); } else if stylus-deepdark-style == "Black-and-White" { --main-color: #fff; --main-background: #000; --second-background: #1e1e1e; --hover-background: #313131; --main-text: #fff; --dimmer-text: #aaa; --editor-background: #0a0a0a; --select-background: #222; --shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(54, 54, 54, .2); --even-entry-background: rgba(54, 54, 54, .4); } else if stylus-deepdark-style == "Yellow" { --main-color: #ffc700; --main-background: #141414; --second-background: #202222; --hover-background: #353838; --main-text: #eff0f1; --dimmer-text: #9f9999; --editor-background: #202222; --select-background: #353838; --shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(34, 34, 34, .2); --even-entry-background: rgba(34, 34, 34, 1); } else if stylus-deepdark-style == "Yellow-2" { --main-color: #ffc700; --main-background: #0a0800; --second-background: #0c0a04; --hover-background: #0f0d05; --main-text: #fffdf5; --dimmer-text: #fff8e1; --editor-background: rgba(12, 10, 4, .2); --select-background: rgba(255, 253, 245, .1); --shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(34, 34, 34, .2); --even-entry-background: rgba(34, 34, 34, 1); } else if stylus-deepdark-style == "Ubuntu-Grey" { --main-color: #ef7847; --main-background: #312d2a; --second-background: #3d3c38; --hover-background: #59564d; --main-text: #f2f1ef; --dimmer-text: #e6e5e3; --editor-background: #312d2a; --select-background: #59564d; --shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(89, 86, 77, .12); --even-entry-background: rgba(89, 86, 77, .21); } else if stylus-deepdark-style == "Ubuntu-Purple" { --main-color: #ef7847; --main-background: #2c071a; --second-background: #430b28; --hover-background: #520d30; --main-text: #f2f1ef; --dimmer-text: #e6e5e3; --editor-background: #430b28; --select-background: #520d30; --shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(82, 13, 48, .2); --even-entry-background: rgba(82, 13, 48, .5); } else if stylus-deepdark-style == "Orange" { --main-color: #ff6905; --main-background: #0a0400; --second-background: #0e0702; --hover-background: #110903; --main-text: #fff9f5; --dimmer-text: #ffede1; --editor-background: #110903; --select-background: #47250a; --shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(255, 105, 5, .1); --even-entry-background: rgba(255, 105, 5, .1); } else if stylus-deepdark-style == "Jisho" { --main-color: #ef7d6c; --main-background: #322; --second-background: #2a1b1b; --hover-background: #863b2f; --main-text: #efb26c; --dimmer-text: #986e3f; --editor-background: #2a1b1b; --select-background: #863b2f; --shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(37, 19, 5, .19); --even-entry-background: rgba(37, 19, 5, .29); } else if stylus-deepdark-style == "Adapta-Nokto" { --main-color: #00bcd4; --main-background: #222d32; --second-background: #263238; --hover-background: #2a353b; --main-text: #fff; --dimmer-text: #9b9b9b; --editor-background: #263238; --select-background: #3d4d56; --shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(61, 77, 86, .2); --even-entry-background: rgba(61, 77, 86, .3); } else if stylus-deepdark-style == "Adapta-Breath-Nokto" { --main-color: #1abc9c; --main-background: #222d32; --second-background: #263238; --hover-background: #2a353b; --main-text: #fff; --dimmer-text: #9b9b9b; --editor-background: #263238; --select-background: #2a353b; --shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(42, 53, 59, .32); --even-entry-background: rgba(42, 53, 59, .62); } else if stylus-deepdark-style == "Solarized-Dark" { --main-color: #268bd2; --main-background: #073642; --second-background: #03303c; --hover-background: #002b36; --main-text: #fdf6e3; --dimmer-text: #eee8d5; --editor-background: #073642; --select-background: #002b36; --shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(0, 43, 54, .3); --even-entry-background: rgba(0, 43, 54, .5); } else if stylus-deepdark-style == "Solarized-Light" { --main-color: #268bd2; --main-background: #fdf6e3; --second-background: #f5efdc; --hover-background: #eee8d5; --main-text: #073642; --dimmer-text: #586e75; --editor-background: #f5efdc; --select-background: #ded8c4; --shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(222, 216, 196, .2); --even-entry-background: rgba(222, 216, 196, .3); } else if stylus-deepdark-style == "Gruvbox-Dark" { --main-color: #fe8019; --main-background: #1d2021; --second-background: #282828; --hover-background: #3c3836; --main-text: #fbf1c7; --dimmer-text: #ebdbb2; --editor-background: #282828; --select-background: #3c3836; --shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(60, 56, 54, .22); --even-entry-background: rgba(60, 56, 54, .33); } else if stylus-deepdark-style == "Gruvbox-Light" { --main-color: #af3a03; --main-background: #f9f5d7; --second-background: #fbf1c7; --hover-background: #ebdbb2; --main-text: #282828; --dimmer-text: #3c3836; --editor-background: #f9f5d7; --select-background: #ebdbb2; --shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(235, 219, 178, .33); --even-entry-background: rgba(235, 219, 178, .36); } else if stylus-deepdark-style == "NierAutomata-Dark" { --main-color: #fe8019; --main-background: #33302a; --second-background: #48453c; --hover-background: #7c6f64; --main-text: #dad4bb; --dimmer-text: #bab5a1; --editor-background: #33302a; --select-background: #7c6f64; --shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(124, 111, 100, .15); --even-entry-background: rgba(124, 111, 100, .21); } else if stylus-deepdark-style == "NierAutomata-Light" { --main-color: #fe8019; --main-background: #d1cdb7; --second-background: #dcd8c0; --hover-background: #bab5a1; --main-text: #48453c; --dimmer-text: #33302a; --editor-background: #dcd8c0; --select-background: #bab5a1; --shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(186, 181, 161, 2); --even-entry-background: rgba(186, 181, 161, .3); } else if stylus-deepdark-style == "HavocOS" { --main-color: #0794d4; --main-background: #141618; --second-background: #1c1e20; --hover-background: #212528; --main-text: #fff; --dimmer-text: #b9baba; --editor-background: #1c1e20; --select-background: #212528; --shadow: 0 1px .5px rgba(185, 186, 186, .04); --even-entry-background: rgba(185, 186, 186, .05); } else if stylus-deepdark-style == "Custom" { --main-color: mainColor; --main-background: mainBackground; --second-background: secondBackground; --hover-background: hoverBackground; --main-text: mainText; --dimmer-text: dimmerText; --editor-background: editorBackground; --select-background: selectBackground; --shadow: 0 1px .5px colorShadow; --even-entry-background: colorEvenEntry; } /* CodeMirror font size */ --font-size: fontSize; /* Cursor width and color */ --cursor-width: cursorWidth; --cursor-color: cursorColor; --sidebar_width: custom_sidebar_width; /* These are must have static colors */ /* Disable all color/warning Breeze Dark */ if colorRY == "Default" { --red: #da4453; --yellow: #fdbc4b; } if colorRY == "Solarized" { --red: #dc322f; --yellow: #b58900; } if colorRY == "Gruvbox Dark" { --red: #cc241d; --yellow: #d79921; } if colorRY == "Gruvbox Dark Intense" { --red: #fb4934; --yellow: #fabd2f; } if colorRY == "Gruvbox Light" { --red: #cc241d; --yellow: #d79921; } if colorRY == "Gruvbox Light Intense" { --red: #9d0006; --yellow: #b57614; } if colorRY == "Custom" { --red: colorRed; --yellow: colorYellow; } --warning-disable-all: var(--red); /* No match regex color from Breeze Dark */ /* added for easy change with swicher */ --no-match: var(--yellow); } /* stylelint-enable */ html { text-rendering: optimizeLegibility !important; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased !important; } body, #options-title { border-color: var(--hover-background); } html.newUI .entry.even, .keymap-list > tbody > tr:nth-child(even), #stylus-manage [id*="style-"].entry.even { background-color: var(--even-entry-background) !important; } #hotkey-info mark { background: var(--main-background) !important; border: 1px solid var(--main-color) !important; color: var(--main-text) !important; } #hotkey-info[data-active], #hotkey-info > div { background: var(--main-background) !important; border: 1px solid var(--second-background) !important; } #stylus-edit, body, html, #notes, #header, #actions { background-color: var(--main-background) !important; color: var(--dimmer-text) !important; } a, a:visited, .style-name-link { color: var(--main-color) !important; opacity: .9; } /* fix tab navigation hovering */ a:hover, .style-name-link:hover, a:focus-within, .style-name-link:focus-within, h2:focus-within .style-name-link, .entry:hover .style-name-link, .style-name-link a.delete:hover, .style-name-link a.homepage:hover { opacity: 1; filter: brightness(115%) !important; } .disabled h2::after, .search-result, .search-result-meta, .entry.usercss .style-name-link::after { background-color: var(--hover-background) !important; box-shadow: var(--shadow) !important; } .entry.usercss .style-name-link::after { color: var(--main-color) !important; } /* fix tab naviagation hovering */ .disabled h2:focus-within .style-name-link, .entry.disabled:hover .style-name-link { opacity: .8; } #filters label:hover, #filters .filter-selection:hover, #filters label:hover select, #filters .filter-selection:hover select, #filters .filter-selection:focus-within select { background-color: transparent !important; color: var(--main-color) !important; } #filters label:hover .svg-icon.select-arrow, #filters .filter-selection:hover .svg-icon.select-arrow { fill: var(--main-color) !important; } select, .svg-icon.select-arrow { transition: none !important; } /* This .entry selector affects the old UI layout and also affects popup * Popup entries all align consistently like this. Old UI is also good. */ .entry { border-color: var(--second-background) !important; box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 0 var(--second-background) !important; } .newUI .entry .style-name:hover::before { filter: grayscale(1); } #header { width: var(--sidebar_width) !important; } #header { border-right: 1px solid var(--hover-background) !important; } #header h1 { color: var(--main-text) !important; } #header summary:hover h2, #header summary h2:hover { color: var(--main-color) !important; } #header summary:hover h2, #search-replace-dialog [data-action="case"][data-enabled]::after { border-color: var(--main-color) !important; } [lang*="en-"] #linter-label { white-space: nowrap !important; } .resize-grip { background-color: var(--hover-background) !important; border-color: var(--main-background) !important; } .CodeMirror { border: 1px solid var(--hover-background); } .CodeMirror-scrollbar-filler { background: var(--even-entry-background) !important; } /* fix wrong background color when CodeMirror is empty */ .CodeMirror-focused, .CodeMirror-active { outline: 1px auto var(--main-color); } /* Changed text highlight */ ::selection { background: var(--main-color) !important; color: var(--main-text) !important; } ::-moz-selection { background: var(--main-color) !important; color: var(--main-text) !important; } ::-webkit-selection { background: var(--main-color) !important; color: var(--main-text) !important; } ::placeholder { color: var(--dimmer-text) !important; opacity: .5; } ::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: var(--dimmer-text) !important; opacity: .5; } ::-moz-placeholder { color: var(--dimmer-text) !important; opacity: .5; } if (!(stylus-syntax-theme)) { .CodeMirror-line::-moz-selection, .CodeMirror-line > span::-moz-selection, .CodeMirror-line > span > span::-moz-selection, .CodeMirror-selected, .CodeMirror-focused .CodeMirror-selected, .CodeMirror-activeline-background { background-color: var(--select-background) !important; } .CodeMirror, .CodeMirror-code, .CodeMirror-code { color: var(--main-text) !important; background: var(--editor-background) !important; } .cm-s-mbo.CodeMirror { background-color: var(--second-background) !important; } .CodeMirror-gutters { background-color: var(--hover-background) !important; } .CodeMirror .cm-meta { background: var(--hover-background) !important; } } /* dont uncomment anything below */ .CodeMirror, .CodeMirror-hints { font-family: "Monaco", "Menlo", "Ubuntu Mono", "Consolas", "source-code-pro", monospace !important; font-size: var(--font-size) !important; } .CodeMirror-lint-tooltip { background-color: var(--hover-background) !important; color: var(--main-text) !important; } .CodeMirror-hint { background-color: var(--main-background); } /* fix the bracket matching actually working */ div.CodeMirror span.CodeMirror-matchingbracket { color: var(--main-color) !important; -webkit-text-fill-color: var(--main-color) !important; font-weight: 900 !important; outline: 0 !important; } div.CodeMirror span.CodeMirror-nonmatchingbracket { color: var(--warning-disable-all) !important; -webkit-text-fill-color: var(--warning-disable-all) !important; font-weight: 900 !important; } .CodeMirror-foldmarker { color: var(--main-text) !important; text-shadow: none !important; font-size: 18px !important; } /* Cursor width and color setting implementation */ if cursorColor || cursorWidth { .CodeMirror div.CodeMirror-cursor { border-left-width: var(--cursor-width) !important; border-color: var(--cursor-color) !important; } } /* Popup */ .main-controls, .entry, .firefox body, #help-popup .title { background-color: var(--main-background) !important; } #help-popup { background-color: var(--second-background) !important; } #confirm > div, .menu-items-wrapper { background-color: var(--second-background) !important; border-color: var(--hover-background) !important; } /* Icons */ .svg-icon, .svg-icon.info, .newUI .entry .svg-icon { fill: var(--main-text) !important; } .svg-icon.info:hover, .svg-icon:hover, a:hover .svg-icon, .newUI .entry:hover .svg-icon:hover, .svg-icon.checked, a.homepage:focus-within .svg-icon, a.delete:focus-within .svg-icon, a.check-update:focus-within .svg-icon, a.configure-usercss:focus-within .svg-icon, a:focus-within .svg-icon { fill: var(--main-color) !important; } .newUI .can-update[data-details$="locally edited"] .update svg, .newUI .update-problem .check-update svg { fill: var(--warning-disable-all) !important; } /* these entries works as intended */ .newUI .entry.can-update[data-error="may be locally edited"] .update::after, .newUI .entry[data-error="locally edited"] .update::after { background: var(--second-background) !important; border-color: var(--warning-disable-all) !important; color: var(--warning-disable-all) !important; } .newUI .no-update:not(.update-problem):not(.update-done) .up-to-date::after, .newUI .update:not(.update-problem) .update-done .up-to-date::after, .newUI .entry .updated[title="Update completed."]::after, .newUI .entry .update[title="Install update"]::after { background-color: var(--second-background) !important; border-color: var(--main-color) !important; color: var(--main-color) !important; } /* History */ #message-box-title, #message-box-buttons { background-color: var(--hover-background) !important; box-shadow: var(--shadow) !important; } #message-box-contents { background-color: var(--second-background) !important; } #message-box-close-icon .svg-icon { fill: var(--dimmer-text) !important; } #message-box-close-icon:hover .svg-icon { fill: var(--main-color) !important; } .help-text mark { background: var(--hover-background) !important; border: 1px solid var(--even-entry-background) !important; } /* Update warning */ .newUI .updater-icons > :not(.check-update)::after { background-color: var(--hover-background) !important; border-color: var(--hover-background) !important; } if support_update-problem { .newUI .update-problem .check-update::after { content: attr(title); position: absolute; margin-top: 18px; margin-left: -36px; padding: 1ex 1.5ex; border-radius: 4px; animation: fadeout 10s; animation-fill-mode: both; background: var(--second-background); border: 1px solid var(--warning-disable-all); color: var(--warning-disable-all); } } if wrap-lint-msgs { #lint td[role="message"] { white-space: pre-wrap; } } /* Install warning */ .warnings { background-color: var(--hover-background) !important; border-color: var(--hover-background) !important; } #filters.active, .active #filters-stats { background-color: var(--hover-background); border-color: var(--main-color); color: var(--main-text); } body.all-styles-hidden-by-filters::before, body.all-styles-hidden-by-filters::after { color: var(--main-color) !important; opacity: .5; } /* List of matching opened tabs */ .regexp-report details[data-type="full"] { color: var(--main-color) !important; } .regexp-report details[data-type="none"] { color: var(--no-match) !important; } .regexp-report details[data-type="invalid"] { color: var(--warning-disable-all) !important; } /* Text fields */ option[disabled] { color: var(--hover-background) !important; } select:not([id*="manage"]) { background-color: var(--second-background); color: var(--main-text) !important; border-color: var(--hover-background) !important; } select:hover { border-color: var(--main-color) !important; color: var(--main-color) !important; } #name, .applies-to li .applies-value, #search, .keymap-list input, #sort-select, .sorter-selection select, body#stylus-options #message-box input { background-color: var(--hover-background) !important; border: 1px solid var(--hover-background) !important; } input:not([type]), #search, #sort-select, .sorter-selection select, body#stylus-options #message-box input, .applies-to label { color: var(--main-text) !important; } #name:hover, .applies-to li .applies-value:hover, #search:hover, .keymap-list input:hover, #name:active, .applies-to li .applies-value:active, #search:active, .keymap-list input:active, #name:focus, .applies-to li .applies-value:focus, #search:focus, .keymap-list input:focus, body#stylus-options #message-box input:not(:invalid):focus, body#stylus-options #message-box input:not(:invalid):hover { border: 1px solid var(--main-color) !important; } /* Stylus popup fixes * Use opacity to solve disabled entries see #18 thx Mottie :) */ #stylus-popup .disabled .style-name { opacity: .7; } /* Revert opacity here else the hover will also be dimmer. */ #stylus-popup .entry:hover .style-name, #stylus-popup .disabled:hover .style-name, a.expander { color: var(--main-text) !important; opacity: 1; } #stylus-popup #installed .entry:nth-child(even) .main-controls, #stylus-popup #installed .entry:nth-child(even) { background-color: var(--even-entry-background) !important; box-shadow: none !important; } /* Thx Mottie for solution see #18 */ #installed .entry.disabled:focus-within .style-name, #installed .entry:focus-within .style-name { color: var(--main-text) !important; } /* prevent sliders from breaking in usercss config */ #message-box input.slider { background: none !important; border: 0 !important; } /* resize FF color swatch in Stylus options - similar to G-Chrome */ @supports (-moz-appearance: none) { input[type="color"] { padding: 2px 4px !important; } } /* resize G-Chrome color swatch in Stylus options new chrome versions are squished */ input[type="color"]:not(*:root) { padding: 0; height: 28px; } /* add option color swatch hover/focus-within style to clearly indicate editable field */ input[type="color"]:hover, .color-swatch:hover, input[type="color"]:focus-within, .color-swatch:focus-within { outline: 1px solid var(--main-color) !important; } /* style the confirm delete popup border-color as red to show this is a danger area */ #stylus-popup #confirm div { border-color: var(--red) !important; } /* editor line tweak */ #sections > div:not(:first-of-type) { border-top: 2px solid var(--second-background) !important; } /* Buttons */ button, .remove-applies-to, .add-applies-to, #backup-buttons .dropdown-content a { transition: color .25s, border-color .25s; transition: background-color .25s, border-color .25s; } #save-button, #beautify, #cancel-button, #from-mozilla, #to-mozilla, #editor\.keyMap, #editor\.theme, #editor\.matchHighlight, .applies-type.style-contributor, .add-section, .beautify-section, .test-regexp, .remove-applies-to, .add-applies-to, #check-all-updates, #add-style-label, #manage-options-button, button, #manage\.newUI\.targets, #badgeNormal, #badgeDisabled, #updateInterval, #popupWidth, #editor\.linter, #options button, #manage\.newUI\.sort, #message-box-contents select, a.remove-applies-to, a.add-applies-to { background-color: var(--second-background) !important; color: var(--main-text) !important; border: 1px solid var(--hover-background) !important; box-shadow: var(--shadow) !important; } #backup-buttons .dropdown-content, #unfile-all-styles, #file-all-styles, #sync-dropbox-import, #sync-dropbox-export { background: var(--second-background) !important; color: var(--main-text) !important; } #backup-buttons .dropdown-content a:hover, #unfile-all-styles:hover, #file-all-styles:hover, #sync-dropbox-import:hover, #file-all-styles:hover, #unfile-all-styles:hover, #options { background: var(--main-background) !important; } #sync-dropbox-import:hover, #sync-dropbox-export:hover, #file-all-styles:hover, #unfile-all-styles:hover, #file-all-styles:hover, #options .option label:focus-within, #newUIoptions div label:hover, #newUIoptions div label:focus-within, #options label:focus-within span, #options input:focus-within, #options label span:hover { color: var(--main-color) !important; } #save-button:hover, #beautify:hover, #cancel-button:hover, #from-mozilla:hover, #to-mozilla:hover, #editor\.keyMap:hover, #editor\.theme:hover, #editor\.matchHighlight:hover, .applies-type.style-contributor:hover, .add-section:hover, .beautify-section:hover, .test-regexp:hover, .remove-applies-to:hover, .add-applies-to:hover, option:hover, #check-all-updates:hover, button#add-style-label:hover, #manage-options-button:hover, button:hover, #manage\.newUI\.targets:hover, #updateInterval:hover, #popupWidth:hover, #editor\.linter:hover, #options button:hover, #manage\.newUI\.sort:hover, #message-box-contents select:hover, a.remove-applies-to:hover, #stylus-popup #popup-manage-button:focus-within, a.add-applies-to:hover, #stylus-popup #popup-options-button:focus-within, #stylus-popup #popup-wiki-button:focus-within, #header button#save-button:focus-within, #header button#beautify:focus-within, #header button#cancel-button:focus-within, #header button:focus-within, #manage\.newUI\.sort:focus-within, a#find-editor-styles:focus-within button, #check-all-updates:focus-within, a[href="edit.html"]:focus-within button#add-style-label { color: var(--main-color) !important; border: 1px solid var(--main-color) !important; } #stylus .options-column .option input#editor\.tabSize:focus-within, #stylus .options-column .option select:focus-within, #stylus #options label:focus-within input[type="number"], #stylus #options [type="button"]:focus-within { border: 1px solid var(--main-color) !important; } #stylus #options .select-resizer:focus-within { outline: 1px solid var(--main-color) !important; } button { background-image: none !important; text-shadow: none !important; } optgroup { background: var(--even-entry-background); color: var(--main-color) !important; } option { background: var(--main-background) !important; color: var(--main-text) !important; } #stylus button[disabled] { opacity: .4; } #stylus button[disabled]:hover { color: var(--main-text) !important; border: 1px solid var(--hover-background) !important; } .install::before { box-shadow: var(--shadow); } .install.update::after { filter: none; } .install.update::before, .install.update:active::before, .install.update:active:hover::before { background-color: var(--hover-background); opacity: .6; } .install.update:hover::before { background-color: var(--hover-background); opacity: .9; } /* Search * Fixed search including replace and match highlight */ #search-replace-dialog { background: var(--second-background) !important; box-shadow: 4px 5px 20px -6px var(--shadow); border: 1px solid var(--hover-background); } #search-replace-dialog textarea, #search-replace-dialog [data-action="clear"] { background: var(--main-background) !important; } body.find-open .search-target-editor.CodeMirror-active { outline-color: var(--main-color) !important; } body.find-open .cm-searching { background-color: var(--warning-disable-all) !important; color: var(--main-text) !important; } body.find-open .cm-searching.search-target-match { background-color: var(--no-match) !important; color: var(--main-text) !important; } body.find-open .CodeMirror-search-match { background: var(--main-color) !important; border-top: 1px solid var(--no-match) !important; border-bottom: 1px solid var(--no-match) !important; } /* match highlighter is too dark for dark themes so we tweak that also */ @keyframes fadein-match-highlighter { from { background-color: inherit; color: inherit; } to { background-color: var(--main-color); color: var(--main-text); opacity: .8; } } .CodeMirror-dialog, .CodeMirror-dialog input { background: var(--hover-background) !important; color: var(--main-text) !important; } .CodeMirror-dialog-top { border-color: var(--main-color) !important; } if hide-scrollbar { /* this hack prevents Ubuntu Firefox from showing a scrollbar when using * Global Overlay Scrollbars styles */ .firefox .CodeMirror-search-field { overflow: hidden !important; } } /* style some weird Firefox side outline color that is caused by gremlins */ .CodeMirror-search-field { &:focus { outline: 1px solid var(--main-color); outline-offset: -1px; } } /* Autocomplete hints */ .CodeMirror-hints { background: var(--second-background) !important; box-shadow: var(--shadow) !important; border-color: var(--hover-background) !important; } li.CodeMirror-hint { color: var(--main-text) !important; } li.CodeMirror-hint-active { background: var(--hover-background) !important; border-color: var(--main-color) !important; color: var(--main-color) !important; } li.CodeMirror-hint:hover { background: var(--hover-background) !important; color: var(--main-color) !important; } .CodeMirror-linenumber:hover, .CodeMirror-foldgutter-open:hover, .CodeMirror-foldgutter-folded:hover { color: inherit !important; } if use-modified-default { /* Default theme overwritten with adjusted colors */ .cm-s-default.CodeMirror { background: var(--second-background); color: var(--main-text); } .cm-s-default div.CodeMirror-selected { background: var(--select-background); } .cm-s-default .CodeMirror-line::selection, .cm-s-default .CodeMirror-line > span::selection, .cm-s-default .CodeMirror-line > span > span::selection { background: var(--select-background); } .cm-s-default .CodeMirror-line::-moz-selection, .cm-s-default .CodeMirror-line > span::-moz-selection, .cm-s-default .CodeMirror-line > span > span::-moz-selection { background-color: var(--select-background); } .cm-s-default .CodeMirror-gutters { background: var(--hover-background); border-right: 0; } .cm-s-default .CodeMirror-guttermarker { color: var(--main-text); } .cm-s-default .CodeMirror-guttermarker-subtle, .cm-s-default .CodeMirror-linenumber { color: var(--dimmer-text); } .cm-s-default .CodeMirror-linenumber:hover, .cm-s-default .CodeMirror-foldgutter-open:hover, .cm-s-default .CodeMirror-foldgutter-folded:hover { color: initial; } .cm-s-default .CodeMirror-cursor { border-left: var(--cursor-width) solid var(--cursor-color); } .cm-s-default span.cm-comment { color: var(--dimmer-text); } .cm-s-default span.cm-atom, .cm-s-default span.cm-number { color: var(--main-color); } .cm-s-default span.cm-property, .cm-s-default span.cm-attribute { color: var(--main-color); opacity: 1; } .cm-s-default span.cm-keyword, .cm-s-default span.cm-string { color: var(--main-color); } .cm-s-default span.cm-string.cm-property { color: var(--main-text); } .cm-s-default span.cm-variable { color: var(--main-text); } .cm-s-default span.cm-variable-2 { color: var(--main-color); opacity: .7; } .cm-s-default .cm-variable-3, .cm-s-default .cm-type { color: var(--main-color); filter: invert(100%); } .cm-s-default span.cm-def { color: var(--main-text); } .cm-s-default span.cm-bracket { color: var(--main-text); font-weight: bold; } .cm-s-default span.cm-tag { color: var(--main-color); opacity: .7; } .cm-s-default span.cm-link, .cm-s-default span.cm-keyword { color: var(--main-color); } .cm-s-default span.cm-keyword:not(.colorview-swatch), .cm-s-default span.cm-string { color: var(--main-color); filter: hue-rotate(60deg); } .cm-s-default span.cm-link, .cm-s-default span.cm-keyword:not(.colorview-swatch) { color: var(--main-color); filter: invert(100%); } .cm-s-default span.cm-error { border-bottom: var(--hover-background); color: var(--main-text); } .cm-s-default span.cm-qualifier { color: var(--main-text); } .cm-s-default .CodeMirror-activeline-background { background: var(--select-background); } .cm-s-default .CodeMirror-matchingbracket { color: var(--main-color); } .cm-s-default .CodeMirror-matchingtag { background: var(--dimmer-text); } .cm-s-default .cm-builtin { color: var(--main-color); } .cm-s-default .cm-meta { color: var(--dimmer-text); } } /* Stylish in chrome specific */ /* fix: Stylus remove that unsightly white border in input */ body:not(#stylus-options) input:not(.slider), #stylus-options label input[type="number"]#popupWidth, #stylus-options input[type="number"]#updateInterval, #stylus .options-column .option input#editor\.tabSize { background-color: var(--hover-background) !important; border: 1px solid var(--hover-background) !important; color: var(--main-text) !important; } body:not(#stylus-options) input:not(:invalid):not(.slider):focus, body:not(#stylus-options) input:not(:invalid):not(.slider):hover, #stylus .options-column .option input#editor\.tabSize:hover, #stylus-options label input[type="number"]#popupWidth:hover, #stylus-options input[type="number"]#updateInterval:hover { border: 1px solid var(--main-color) !important; } body:not(#stylus-options) input:invalid { border-color: var(--warning-disable-all) !important; color: var(--warning-disable-all) !important; background-color: darken(colorRed, 80%) !important; } fieldset, [style-id], .disabled { border-color: var(--hover-background); } .CodeMirror.cm-s-default.CodeMirror-wrap.CodeMirror-active { outline-color: var(--main-color); } /* Stylus in chrome specific */ #manage\.onlyEnabled\.invert, #manage\.onlyLocal\.invert, #manage\.onlyUsercss\.invert { color: var(--dimmer-text); box-shadow: var(--shadow) !important; } #advanced.collapsible h1 { color: var(--main-text) !important; } #advanced.collapsible h1:hover { color: var(--main-color) !important; } .block, .color-swatch { border-color: var(--hover-background) !important; } body #options-title { color: var(--main-text); background: var(--hover-background); } #options-close-icon svg path { fill: var(--dimmer-text); } #options-close-icon:hover svg path { fill: var(--main-color); } /* Install *.user.css page */ .CodeMirror-linewidget .applies-to { background-color: var(--second-background) !important; border-color: var(--hover-background) !important; } .applies-type { background-color: var(--hover-background) !important; color: var(--main-text) !important; border: 1px solid var(--hover-background) !important; } .applies-type:hover, #options .option label:hover { color: var(--main-color) !important; } .config-dialog label { border-color: var(--hover-background) !important; } .config-dialog select, .beautify-options select { background-color: var(--hover-background) !important; color: var(--main-text) !important; border: 1px solid var(--hover-background) !important; } .config-dialog select:hover, .beautify-options select:hover { color: var(--main-color) !important; } /* userCSS button */ .install.reinstall { background: var(--hover-background) !important; } .header { border-color: var(--hover-background) !important; } /* Checkboxes * * input[type="checkbox"] cant have a bg, else .onoffswitch goes square */ input[type="checkbox"] { border-color: var(--hover-background) !important; box-shadow: var(--shadow) !important; } input[type="checkbox"]:not(.slider) { background-color: var(--second-background) !important; border-color: var(--hover-background) !important; box-shadow: var(--shadow) !important; } input[type="checkbox"]:hover, input[type="checkbox"]:not(.slider):hover, .filter-selection:hover input[type="checkbox"], #enabled-label input[type="checkbox"]:not(.slider).style-contributor:hover { border-color: var(--main-color) !important; } input[type="checkbox"]:checked:not(.slider) + .svg-icon.checked { fill: var(--main-color) !important; } /* fixes the popup/manager elsewhere checkbox hover */ .style-name:hover input[type="checkbox"]:not(.slider), #stylus-popup .entry.disabled .style-name:hover input[type="checkbox"]:not(.slider), #stylus-popup .entry.enabled .style-name:hover input[type="checkbox"]:not(.slider), #stylus-manage .style-name:hover .checker[type="checkbox"], #options label input[type="checkbox"]:not(.slider):hover, #options label:focus-within input[type="checkbox"]:not(.slider), #basic-info-enabled input[type="checkbox"]:not(.slider):focus-within, #filters .filter-selection input[type="checkbox"]:not(.slider):focus-within, #filters .filter-selection input[type="checkbox"]:not(.slider):hover, #filters .filter-selection:focus-within input[type="checkbox"]:not(.slider), #filters .filter-selection:hover input[type="checkbox"]:not(.slider), .entry .style-name:focus-within input[type="checkbox"]:not(.slider), #stylus-manage .style-name:focus-within input[type="checkbox"]:not(.slider), #stylus-popup #find-styles-inline-group:focus-within input[type="checkbox"]:not(.slider), #stylus-popup #find-styles-inline-group:hover input[type="checkbox"]:not(.slider), #stylus-popup #installed .style-name:focus-within input[type="checkbox"]:not(.slider), #stylus-popup #installed .style-name:hover input[type="checkbox"]:not(.slider), #add-style-as-usercss-wrapper input#newStyleAsUsercss[type="checkbox"]:hover, #add-style-as-usercss-wrapper input#newStyleAsUsercss[type="checkbox"]:focus-within, label#enabled-label:hover input#enabled[type="checkbox"].style-contributor, label#enabled-label:focus-within input#enabled[type="checkbox"].style-contributor, label#preview-label:hover input#editor\.livePreview[type="checkbox"], label#preview-label:focus-within input#editor\.livePreview[type="checkbox"], input#enabled[type="checkbox"]:hover, #basic-info-enabled input[type="checkbox"]:not(.slider):hover, body:not(#stylus-options) input.exclude-by-domain-checkbox:not(:invalid):not(.slider):focus, body:not(#stylus-options) input.exclude-by-domain-checkbox:not(:invalid):not(.slider):focus-within, body:not(#stylus-options) input.exclude-by-domain-checkbox:not(:invalid):not(.slider):hover, body:not(#stylus-options) input.exclude-by-url-checkbox:not(:invalid):not(.slider):focus, body:not(#stylus-options) input.exclude-by-url-checkbox:not(:invalid):not(.slider):focus-within, body:not(#stylus-options) input.exclude-by-url-checkbox:not(:invalid):not(.slider):hover { border-color: var(--main-color) !important; background-color: var(--main-background) !important; } /* override the browser built in style for checkbox sliders */ .onoffswitch span { border-color: var(--main-color); } .onoffswitch span::before { background: var(--hover-background); } .onoffswitch input:checked + span { background-color: var(--dimmer-text); } .onoffswitch input:checked + span, .onoffswitch input:checked + span::before { border-color: var(--dimmer-text); } .onoffswitch input:checked + span::before { background-color: var(--main-color); } /* This fixes the color and hover of ff input range */ .firefox input[type="range"] { filter: invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg) brightness(1.2); } /* This fixes the misalignment between: * [ ] checkbox and label */ #disableAll, #find-styles-inline-group label input[type="checkbox"]:not(.slider) { margin-top: 2px !important; } #find-styles-inline-group .checked { padding-top: 2px !important; } /* This fixes the disable all checkbox bg being too bright on hover */ #stylus-popup input#disableAll[type="checkbox"]:not(.slider):hover, #stylus-popup input#disableAll[type="checkbox"]:not(.slider):focus, #stylus-popup input#disableAll[type="checkbox"]:not(.slider):focus-within { border-color: var(--warning-disable-all) !important; background-color: var(--second-background) !important; } #stylus-popup #disableAll-label:hover, #stylus-popup #disableAll-label:focus-within { color: var(--warning-disable-all) !important; } /* Colorpicker * This prevents the format change arrow from being cut off to the right, * and in addition when hovering/focus we get the nice --main-color. */ .colorpicker-format-change { top: 3px; right: -1px; padding-right: 2px; } .colorpicker-format-change-button:hover { color: var(--main-color) !important; } .colorpicker-input:hover, .colorpicker-input:focus { border-color: var(--main-color) !important; } }