Welcome to Developer Portifolio 👋

Version Documentation Maintenance License: MIT

> Portifolio to Developer that support switch between two languages ----- ## 💻 Technologies This project was made using the follow technologies: ## Run the project local 1. Install the dependencies: [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/) 2. Clone the project and install the dependencies: ``` git clone https://github.com/RafaelGoulartB/DeveloperPortifolio.git cd DeveloperPortifolio/ npm install ``` 3. Run Developement Mode ``` npm run dev ``` Production Mode ``` npm start ``` ----- ## Author 👤 **Rafael Goulart** * Github: [@RafaelGoulartB](https://github.com/RafaelGoulartB) ## 🤝 Contributing Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check [issues page](https://github.com/RafaelGoulartB/DeveloperPortifolio/issues). ## Show your support Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you! ![Project Image](https://github.com/RafaelGoulartB/DeveloperPortifolio/blob/master/DeveloperPortifolio.png) ## 📝 License Copyright © 2019 [Rafael Goulart](https://github.com/RafaelGoulartB).
This project is [MIT](https://github.com/RafaelGoulartB/DeveloperPortifolio/blob/master/LICENSE) licensed.