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Project 2: Continuous Control


For this project, we work with the Reacher environment. The environment for this project involves controlling
a double-jointed arm, to reach target locations. A reward of +0.1 is provided for each step that the agent's hand
is in the goal location. Thus, the goal of your agent is to maintain its position at the target location for as many
time steps as possible. The accompanying research paper can be found here. For demonstrating the collective robot
reinforcement learning see the Googl AI Blog paper.

Trained Agent

The observation space (i.e., state space) has 33 dimensions corresponding to position, rotation, velocity, and angular velocities of the arm. The action space has 4 dimensions corresponding to torque applicable to two joints. Every entry in the action vector should be a number between -1 and 1.


The environment is simulated by Unity application Reacher lying in the subdirectory Reacher_Windows_x86_64. We start the environment as follows:

  env = UnityEnvironment(file_name='Reacher_Windows_x86_64/Reacher.exe')

We are considering the version of the environment with 20 agents. After each episode, we add up the rewards received
by each agent, to get a score for each agent. This yields 20 (potentially different) scores. We then take the
average score over all 20 agents. The environment is considered solved, when the average (over 100 episodes)
of those average scores is at least +30.

Prepare environment on the local machine

You need at least the following three packages:

  1. deep-reinforcement-learning (DRLND)
    The instructions to set up the DRLND repository can be found here. This repository contains material related to Udacity's Deep Reinforcement Learning Nanodegree program.

  2. ml-agents (ML-Agents Toolkit) To configure the ML-Agents Toolkit for Windows you need to complete the following steps:

    2.1 Creating a new Conda environment:

    conda create -n ml-agents python=3.6

    2.2 Activating ml-agents by the following command:

    activate ml-agents

    2.3 Latest versions of TensorFlow won't work, so you will need to make sure that you install version 1.7.1:

    pip install tensorflow==1.7.1

    For details on installing the ML-Agents Toolkit, see the instructions here.

  3. Unity environment Reacher

    For this project, we not need to install Unity because the environment already built. For 20 agents, the environment
    can be downloaded as follows:

    Windows (64-bit), click here
    Windows (32-bit), click here

    Download this environment zip into p2_continuous-control/ folder, and unzip the file.

Train the Agent

Run the notebook Continuous_Control.ipynb

[1] import UnityEnvironment
[2] env = UnityEnvironment(file_name='Reacher_Windows_x86_64/Reacher.exe') # create environment
[3] Environments contain brains which are responsible for deciding the actions of their associated agents. We check for the first brain available.
[4] Examine the State and Action Spaces. We get the information frame as follows:

 Number of agents: 20   
 Size of each action: 4    
 There are 20 agents. Each observes a state with length: 33   
 The state for the first agent looks like: [ 0.00000000e+00 -4.00000000e+00  0.00000000e+00  1.00000000e+00    
    -0.00000000e+00 -0.00000000e+00 -4.37113883e-08  0.00000000e+00    
     0.00000000e+00  0.00000000e+00  0.00000000e+00  0.00000000e+00    
     0.00000000e+00  0.00000000e+00 -1.00000000e+01  0.00000000e+00    
     1.00000000e+00 -0.00000000e+00 -0.00000000e+00 -4.37113883e-08    
     0.00000000e+00  0.00000000e+00  0.00000000e+00  0.00000000e+00    
     0.00000000e+00  0.00000000e+00  5.75471878e+00 -1.00000000e+00    
     5.55726624e+00  0.00000000e+00  1.00000000e+00  0.00000000e+00   

[5] Create env_info and agent:

 env_info = env.reset(train_mode=True)[brain_name]      
 agent = Agent(state_size=state_size, action_size=action_size, random_seed=15)     

[6] Define and run the main function ddpg :

  scores = ddpg()

The environment was solved in 195 episodes, see Continuous_Control.ipynb or REPORT.ipynb.

[7] Print graph of scores over all episodes. After the episode 143, the score achived the value 30.

Weights of the Trained Agent

The weights of the trained agent are saved into the files checkpoint_actor.pth and checkpoint_critic.pth.

Watch the Trained Agent

Run the notebook WatchAgent.ipynb

[1] Start the Environment for Trained Agent
[2] Prepare Player play
[3] Play Before Training

  play(agent, episodes=2)      
  Episode: 0 Average Score (over agents): 0.0      
  Episode: 1 Average Score (over agents): 0.0      

[4] Load Trained Weights
[5] Play After Training

 play(agent, episodes=3)
 Episode: 0 Average Score (over agents): 38.78149913316592   
 Episode: 1 Average Score (over agents): 38.71349913468585   
 Episode: 2 Average Score (over agents): 38.77949913321063   

Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG)

For other DDPG project, see LunarLanderContinuous.


Most of the code is based on the Udacity code for DDPG.
Thanks to Amita K. from the Udacity Knowledge forum for the great tip cocerning the
convergence of the algorithm, see ch. Hyperparameters in my Report file.