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Environment World

The environment state space is the gridworld 6x6. The agent learns how to achieve the right down cell (green)
from any other cell. In the rose cells (bad cells) the agent gets reward = -2, in the yellow cells (usual cells)
the reward = -1, in the single green cell (target) the reward = 10.


R: (0,1) = Right,
L: (0,-1) = Left,
U: (-1,0) = Up,
D: (1,0) = Down


Let the agent be in the cell (0,0), the left-up cell. If the agent should get the action=Up, then he has 10%
chance of going down, 10% of going left and 80% chance of remaining in place because the agent cannot
go up from this cell. The same for the action=Left because the agent cannot go left from the cell=(0,0).
Assume the agent is in the cell=(0,3), and the action=Up. Then the agent has 10% chance of going down,
10% of going left, 10% of going right and 70% chance of remaining in place because the agent cannot go up
from this cell. For the action=Left he has 10% chance of going down, of going right, of remaining in place
and 70% chance of going left. For each action out {Up, Left, Right, Down}, the probabilties of going
to one of 4 cells or of remaining in place are given in the picture below. Here, the transitions rules are
given almost for any cell. For remaining cells, the transitions rules are similarly given.

Examples of transitions

(1) Just sum = state + actions[action]
u_sum = [sum(x) for x in zip(state, actions[action])]

(2) State = states[9] = (1 3) + any action
Let state = (1 3), then

(1 3) + Up = (1 3) + (-1 0) = (0 3)
(1 3) + Right = (1 3) + (0 1) = (1,4)
(1 3) + Left = (1 3) + (0 -1) = (1 2)
(1 3) + Down = (1 3) + (1 0) = (2 3)

(3) State = states[10] = (1 4) + any action

For the state = (1 4), we have

(1 4) + Up = (1 4) + (-1 0) = (0 4)
(1 4) + Right = (1 4) + (0 1) = (1 5)
(1 4) + Left = (1 4) + (0 -1) = (1 3)
(1 4) + Down = (1 4) + (1 0) = (2 4)

Result: Best Policy

key: (0 0) , best action: D
key: (0 1) , best action: R
key: (0 2) , best action: R
key: (0 3) , best action: R
key: (0 4) , best action: D
key: (0 5) , best action: D
key: (1 0) , best action: D
key: (1 1) , best action: D
key: (1 2) , best action: D
key: (1 3) , best action: R
key: (1 4) , best action: R
key: (1 5) , best action: D
key: (2 0) , best action: R
key: (2 1) , best action: R
key: (2 2) , best action: D
key: (2 3) , best action: R
key: (2 4) , best action: R
key: (2 5) , best action: D
key: (3 0) , best action: R
key: (3 1) , best action: R
key: (3 2) , best action: R
key: (3 3) , best action: D
key: (3 4) , best action: R
key: (3 5) , best action: D
key: (4 0) , best action: R
key: (4 1) , best action: D
key: (4 2) , best action: R
key: (4 3) , best action: D
key: (4 4) , best action: R
key: (4 5) , best action: D
key: (5 0) , best action: R
key: (5 1) , best action: R
key: (5 2) , best action: R
key: (5 3) , best action: R
key: (5 4) , best action: R
key: (5 5) , best action: EXIT


Most of the code is based on the webinar code of Willian Paiva.