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CartPole - known also as an Inverted Pendulum

Hill Climbing with Adaptive Noise Scaling

In this notebook, we train the Hill Climbing Agent with
Adaptive Noise Scaling for OpenAI Gym's Cartpole environment.

Real CartPole system

Clickable image, get the real CartPole (or Inverted Pendulum)
system trained from scratch in just 7 trials (on youtube).

Inverted Pendulum

Policy-based method

Hill Climbing is the policy-based method and does not use policy-gradient methods
such as gradient ascent. In policy-based methods, instead of learning a value function
that tells us what is the expected sum of rewards given a state and an action, we learn directly
the policy function that maps state to action (select actions without using a value function).

The environment is solved in just 113 episodes!

Other CartPole projects

Class Policy

The only values that class Policy contains are weights.
We should find such weights which maximize
the return value (= sum of all rewards with discounts).

Finding the action, example

state is 4-dimensional vector

array([-0.04363321, -0.14877061, 0.01284913, 0.2758415 ])


self.w =
array([[5.48813504e-05, 7.15189366e-05], [6.02763376e-05, 5.44883183e-05], [4.23654799e-05, 6.45894113e-05], [4.37587211e-05, 8.91773001e-05]])

x =, self.w)
array([1.25283361e-06, 1.42018566e-05])

probs = np.exp(x)/sum(np.exp(x))
array([0.49999676, 0.50000324])

action = np.argmax(probs

Adaptive Noise Scaling

Let R be the current accumulated return, and best_R be best return found.

If R >= best_R we gradually reduce the extra element containing noise:

   noise_scale = max(1e-3, noise_scale / 2)
   policy.w += noise_scale * np.random.rand(*policy.w.shape)

otherwise we gradually increase the additional element that contains noise

   noise_scale = min(2, noise_scale * 2)
   policy.w = best_w + noise_scale * np.random.rand(*policy.w.shape)


Most of the code is based on the Udacity code for the Hill Climbing algorithm applied to CartPole.