Changes between 0.8.1 and 0.8.2: -------------------------------- This highlights some important changes since the most recent numbered release. Refer to for more details on CCNx 0.8.2. - This release features a refactored strategy layer, making it straightforward to add new strategies in a modular way. Alongside the traditional "default" strategy there are two new examples, a "parallel" strategy that sends interests on all available faces and a "loadsharing" strategy that sends each arriving interest to just one of the available faces. Strategies may be selected by prefix. This selection may be done using new subcommands to the ccndc utility. * Feature #100929: Implement Junit test suites to facilitate bulk testing. * Feature #100983: strategy layer refactoring * Feature #100984: strategy labels on prefixes * Feature #100990: Restore SYNC_NOISY to INFO * Feature #100992: Add test-security to standard java tests * Feature #100993: Add test-versioning back into standard java tests * Feature #100994: Remove unused cruft from build.xml * Feature #101036: java sync should use Deque operations instead of Stack as recommended in the javadocs * Feature #101039: UDP mode for java netmanagers is not tested in standard testing * Feature #101053: ccncatchunks2 could use improved hole-filling and interest lifetime management * Bug #101030: build.xml setup of ccnr environment is incorrect * Bug #101033: Handling of extremely large values of MaxSuffixComponents is incorrect * Bug #101037: ccn_seqwriter library code should not limit the block size to 4096 bytes * Bug #101042: CcnFileProxy uses deprecated methods * Bug #101046: VLC 2.1.0 release necessitates change in plugin Makefile * Bug #101048: Do not rely on accept(2) returned addr for recognizing a unix-domain socket * Bug #101052: Unbreak objtree build target * Bug #101057: ccn_sign_content / ccn_chk_signing_params do not properly incorporate a timestamp in a template via ccn_signing_params * Bug #101058: ccndc in daemon mode does not exit cleanly when ccnd goes away * Bug #101059: testTimeouts a little too strict * Bug #101060: ccnd cache lookups should take a controllable amount of work * Bug #101061: ccnd minimum interest lifetime problem * Bug #101062: some ccnd logging missing check for logging enabled before calling expensive log procedure * Support #101047: Prepare for ccnx-0.8.2 release Changes between 0.8.0 and 0.8.1: -------------------------------- This highlights some important changes since the most recent numbered release. Refer to for more details on CCNx 0.8.1. - This release fixes a number of bugs, including a serious memory leak in ccnd. * Bug #101029: unbounded test log file growth * Bug #101032: ccnr should start at specified segment on checked start write * Bug #101034: No obvious documentation for how to start ccnr exists on website * Bug #101035: small leak in ccn_fetch should a realloc() fail * Bug #101038: Inconsistent encoding of zero-length name components * Bug #101043: ccnr r_store_lookup_backwards can fail * Bug #101044: valgrind reports memory leak in 0.8.0 ccnd * Bug #101049: ccnd can remove newly arrived content too quickly * Support #101045 Prepare for ccnx-0.8.1 release Changes between 0.7.2 and 0.8.0: -------------------------------- This highlights some important changes since the most recent numbered release. Refer to for more details on CCNx 0.8.0. - The use of symmetric key HMACs in place of public/private key signatures is now an option in both libraries. In situations where it can be used, it provides a much higher performance alternative. - The content store in ccnd has been improved. It now uses a flatname representation for indexing, in the same way that ccnr does. Also, the underlying skiplist implementation has moved into the library, so that applications may take advantage of it in the future. In the process, some old ccnd bugs relating to the handling of extreme values of FreshnessSeconds were fixed. - The more readable escaping convention in URIs is now the default. If for whatever reason you prefer to use only percent-escaping in URIs, use CFLAGS='-g -DCCN_URI_DEFAULT_ESCAPE=4' ./configure before typing make. Note that both forms of escaping are accepted as input. - An example rc startup script is now included, but needs to be installed by hand. It is coded for Ubuntu Linux, but should be easily adaptable to other systems. - This release drops support for Java JDK 1.5. * Issues Resolved: * Bug #100118: ccnd does not handle FreshnessSeconds=0 correctly. * Bug #100119: ccnd should handle large values of FreshnessSeconds * Bug #100558: test-security does not pass * Bug #100897: timeout values should be consistently long throughout java code * Bug #100966: Incorrect processing of CCNS_SYNC_SCOPE=3 * Bug #100977: Problem with verify in CCNInputStream when trying to retrieve key * Bug #100987: Non-portable use of local keyword in Bourne shell scripts * Bug #100998: VLC 2.1.x block_New definition removed * Bug #100999: java BLOCK_AFTER_FIRST_SEGMENT doesn't work in all cases * Bug #101000: sync_diff code should reset differencing data when aborting or completing a comparison * Bug #101004: QueuedContentHandler has a sync error * Bug #101005: CCNx Android Services build out of sync with API changes to CCNx C-lib * Bug #101007: ccn_resolve_version() should distinguish between no response and finding an unversioned object. * Bug #101010: ccnseqwriter command busy-loops when its ccnd goes away * Bug #101011: Compile warning when building new symmetric key code with openssl 0.9.8 * Bug #101012: Improve recovery from node fetch timeout in java sync * Bug #101013: node fetch timeout in java sync implementation should be longer and settable * Bug #101015: ccnd needs to protect against malformed/malicious ccnb encoded data on stream faces * Bug #101018: Java symmetric key code uses old Sun class * Bug #101020: library sync watch functionality needs to use an appropriate scope setting * Bug #101022: update eclipse configuration to include systemtest * Bug #101023: ccnr should not schedule expiry events based on the FreshnessSeconds of stored content * Bug #101026: GACMNodeKeyDirtyTestRepo bugs * Feature #100617: Android code to support 'ccnd' no longer needs to run the script to create keystore. * Feature #100720: Java testing log level setting is confusing * Feature #100874: Implement a keystore that can support symmetric keys * Feature #100890: Add an ordered dictionary to libccn * Feature #100912: Support symmetric key signing and verification on the C side * Feature #100942: Incorporate better hash functions * Feature #100955: Allow AnswerOriginKind = 2 in Interests * Feature #100960: track caller context in ccn_fetch API * Feature #100988: Make =-escaping of ccnx URIs the default * Feature #100995: Review use of "caller" parameter to java NetManager expressInterest * Feature #100997: javasrc System testing should move to javasrc/src/systemtest and 'make test' should be isolated to running unit tests * Feature #101003: Add option to ccnnamelist to make it easier to test parse speed * Feature #101021: Add example rc init scripts * Feature #101024: Improve documentation for deprecated key functionality in the C library * Support #100937: Prepare for ccnx-0.8.0 release * Support #100991: Add support for running on OpenBSD * Support #101019: Spruce up csrc makefiles to make them more easily maintainable Changes between 0.7.1 and 0.7.2: -------------------------------- This highlights some important changes since the most recent numbered release. Refer to for more details on CCNx 0.7.2. - ccnx-0.7.2 is primarily a bug-fix release. Some rare but serious bugs have been fixed, so users are advised to upgrade. - One feature is present in a preview form; if you want to see the more readable URI name representation, use CFLAGS='-g -DCCN_URI_DEFAULT_ESCAPE=2' ./configure before typing make (c only - for java a source change is needed). This is planned to become the default behavior in the next feature release. * Issues Resolved: * Bug #100355: Document StatusResponse codes. * Bug #100629: ccn/ccnr library code base causes numerous build warnings on OpenSolaris/sparc sun4v * Bug #100887: Problem with java sync callback handoff * Bug #100888: LogTest diagnostics are buggy * Bug #100889: ccn_charbuf_putf has extra call to va_end() * Bug #100891: Cannot run csrc 'make depend' unless GCC variable is set * Bug #100892: sync_diff.c code accesses freed memory * Bug #100893: CCNx Android build 'make distclean' and 'make clean' will generate numerous errors * Bug #100894: Fix warnings when compiling ccn_client.c * Bug #100895: Current java code doesn't compile using JDK 1.5 * Bug #100898: ccnd use-after-free error * Bug #100899: sync_diff code still leaks memory when splitting nodes * Bug #100902: Lost carry in ccnb_append_timestamp_blob * Bug #100904: Missing doxygen comments in ccnc.c * Bug #100905: Default ccnd strategy can send to multiple faces too soon * Bug #100906: ccnd can return content in response to an interest with a duplicate nonce * Bug #100908: test_local_tcp can hang indefinitely * Bug #100917: ccnd has a few small leaks and some memory in use at exit that it could clean up * Bug #100920: when using ccn_ccnbtoxml -v the more readable name can violate XML requirements * Bug #100921: Broken link in ccnx technical documentation * Bug #100930: Java decoder can corrupt previously input data in unusual case * Bug #100933: Excess ccnd logging at low log setting * Bug #100943: Various doxygen warnings show up in csrc during > make documentation * Bug #100954: sync code confuses local/remote hashes when recording hashes seen * Bug #100957: sync_diff code still leaks memory when splitting nodes (part 2) * Bug #100963: csrc/lib/ has outdated reference to ccndumppcap * Bug #100967: Java sync node builder cuts off nodes too quickly * Bug #100971: Java sync doesn't pop back correctly after finding update in multi level tree * Bug #100973: ccndc can ccn_charbuf_destroy() an uninitialized charbuf * Bug #100974: HttpProxy's NetFetch doesn't create the keystore it tries to use in place of user's default keystore. * Bug #100975: ccnx logo for Android is too big * Feature #100915: Junit tests and System Tests should be moved to a separate directory, yet retain the same package structure. * Feature #100919: RFE: an easier to read encoding for multiple escaped characters in ccnx URIs * Feature #100941: ccnd could print Excludes in interest to improve debugability * Feature #100964: Update wireshark plugin patches for wireshark 1.8.6 * Support #100903: spelling error -- doc/technical/CCNDStatus.txt: Number of propogating Interests * Support #100911: CCNx makefile needs a pkgbin target to support generating a binary package set * Support #100935: Some users in the CCNx community would like a maven capable build for the javasrc * Support #100936: Prepare for ccnx-0.7.2 release Changes between 0.7.0 and 0.7.1: -------------------------------- This highlights some important changes since the most recent numbered release. Refer to for more details on CCNx 0.7.1. * Issues Resolved: * Bug #100164: SegmentationProfile.getSegment doesn't retry if retrieved segment doesn't verify * Bug #100380: CCNNetworkManager resets static value in constructor * Bug #100753: CCNS_SYNC_SCOPE is undocumented * Bug #100754: TeX problem with ifpdf? * Bug #100782: ccn_resolve_version does not return 1 when name is extended * Bug #100799: SyncTest loop * Bug #100807: Document the xml presentation of ccnd status * Bug #100864: CCN plugin for VLC on Android stalls * Bug #100868: Lots of warnings in java source code * Bug #100870: Makefile typo causes apps to be installed improperly in ./bin and ./lib * Bug #100871: Java sync comparator gives up too early in some cases * Bug #100872: Initialize _lifetime in ForwardingEntry * Bug #100875: Clean up various minor issues in java sync code * Bug #100876: Java sync can recreate bad tree in update * Bug #100877: Synchronization problems with java synccomparator handoff * Bug #100880: Findbugs finds issues in java code * Bug #100885: Cleanup CCNx Android build and bring up to date with latest NDK/SDK * Feature #100157: generalize signing/verification code to support MACs * Feature #100756: restructure sync slice code for java library * Feature #100777: Improve and modernize java library timer mechanisms * Feature #100869: Improve in-line documentation of java sync code * Feature #100878: Start a repository in ccndstart * Feature #100879: Add guest prefix support * Feature #100881: Java BloomFilter should be deprecated * Support #100884: Prepare for ccnx-0.7.1 release Changes between 0.6.2 and 0.7.0: -------------------------------- This highlights some important changes since the most recent numbered release. Refer to for more details on CCNx 0.7.0. * Issues Resolved: * Feature #100862: Routing agents need to learn about the adjacency of the network that they find themselves participating in. Add support for this to ccnd * Bug #100856: ccn_disconnect followed by ccn_connect leaves connection in a semi-functional state * Bug #100855: ccn_destroy() call to EVP_cleanup() causes trouble for any remaining handles and other users of the OpenSSL services * Bug #100442: ccn_charbuf_append_datetime_now unimplemented * Bug #100242: AbstractInputStream null pointer when content length 0 * Bug #100177: CCNFileInputStream mishandles filename with segment number present * Bug #100011: java Exclude filters should be able to match implicit digest name component * Bug #100854: CCNx Android build is broken, missing a string * Bug #100853: Delays with VLC playing ccnx hosted content * Bug #100851: looping in ccnd when running schedule * Feature #100850: ccn_resolve_version() needs to manage timeout/retransmit of interests better * Feture #100816: CCNx Android Service needs a WebView to load ccndstatus from itself * Bug #100861: ccnd expiry of stale data can wait too long when traffic is high * Feature #100858: VLC plugin could use separate preferences for version timeout and media header timeout * Bug #100693: Remove some obsolete code from ccnd matching loop * Feature: #100857: Define a way carry experimental extension fields in the ContentObject schema * Bug #100860: LogTest tests can fail due to unsynchronized parallel execution * Bug #100814: minor C api cleanups * Feature #100847: CCNx Android Services needs to have a toggle to enable/disable sync on startup * Bug #100859: Bugs/problems in sync implementation * Feature #100852: Local ccnd / local prefix auto-configuration Changes between 0.6.1 and 0.6.2: -------------------------------- This highlights some important changes since the most recent numbered release. Refer to for more details on CCNx 0.6.2. This release brings improvements to sync library support in both C (#100785) and Java (#100772), automatic key generation (#100822), better tools for autoconfiguration (#100820, 100838, 100844), stability improvements on Android (#100819), along with the usual assortment of bug fixes and enhancements. * Issues Resolved: * Feature #100772: Provide proper support for sync notification in the java library * Feature #100785: Refactor some of Sync * Feature #100789: Java binary decoder should allow preset of element size * Bug #100804: Reduce the number of prefix registrations in the java tests * Bug #100809: java sync test code needs to delete slices when complete * Bug #100810: Memory leaks in ccnr/sync and client library * Support #100811: Setup a release job on jenkins for CCNx package releases * Bug #100812: mistyped long in ccnd_handle * Bug #100817: CCNx Android Service missing some CCNS_ defaults, and should provide CCNS_DEBUG as a configurable setting, utility api to add routes. * Bug #100819: Android CCNx Service is unstable on ICS, and has trouble restarting in some cases * Feature #100820: Extension of ccndc * Feature #100821: Corrections and extensions for Makefile and configure scripts * Feature #100822: Automatic keystore creation by C-API * Support #100823: Update targets and naming used Android app makefiles * Feature #100824: It should be possible to register to receive a ContentObject in the java lib without writing an interest * Support #100825: Prepare for ccnx-0.6.2 release * Bug #100826: Missing dependency * Bug #100827: face delays in ccnd should be reduced, esp. for datagram faces * Bug #100828: Update VLC plugin * Bug #100830: wireshark plugin displays name components as raw UTF-8 strings instead of %-escaping them * Support #100831: Update ccndc man page to reflect new features * Support #100832: Remove email address from man pages * Bug #100833: Convert uses of old ccn_signed_info_create()/ccn_encode_ContentObject() api to use ccn_sign_content() api * Bug #100838: Broadcast for neighbor discovery * Bug #100839: if ccnd is not running, ccndc does not show help * Feature #100841 Java Merkle tree signing code should log at FINE/FINER rather than INFO for debugging messages * Bug #100842: some source files have acquired CRLF line endings * Bug #100843: ccndc segmentation fault on FreeBSD * Feature #100844: Add example of guest prefix assignment * Bug #100845: SyncTestRepo test occasionally has runaway log output * Feature #100846: seqwriter library code needs a way to set freshness on generated objects * Bug #100848: PACKLIST is missing csrc directory * Bug #100849: JDK 1.6 API used in SyncTreeEntry TreeSet.higher() call Changes between 0.6.0 and 0.6.1: -------------------------------- This highlights some important changes since the most recent numbered release. Refer to for more details on CCNx 0.6.1. * Improvements in interest forwarding (#100321) - Introduce new PIT data structure. Major revision to the way ccnd manages pending interests and improve way interest lifetimes are accounted. In the default strategy, preserve more of the ordering. This change removes the "hack" that allowed a few similar interests from the same source to pass through. This may affect applications that attempt to do hole-filling by resending interests prior to their timeout. For an example, see #100806. * TCP for libccn connections (#100760) - Make it possible to configure only TCP for local connect with -DCCN_LOCAL_TCP, as alternative to Unix-domain socket. This offers a way for devices with sandboxed filesystems such as within the Android context to get around the issue of sharing the UNIX domain file descriptor to connect to ccnd. * C implementation of text chat (ccnc) (#100787, #100790, #100791, #100793) - The *ccnc* utility is a text-based community chat program. Works with existing CCNx chat clients. * Improvements to Android CCNx Services stability (#100784, #100645, 100778, #100781) - Fixed a number of Android CCNx Services stability issues, including refresh updates to IP address in the UI when there an intent CONNECTIVITY_UPDATE is received, improve number of checks on service startup to print useful diagnostics to the user, and avoid problems that may prevent startup and proper functioning of CCNx. Added About menu item to get CCNx version information and added a Reset menu item to clear error states and clear startup/shutdown errors. * Issues Resolved: * Bug #100321: Improve efficiency interest suppression * Bug #100358: DataUtils getBytesFromFile and large files * Bug #100374: has bad logic * Bug #100645: Android CCNx service control - tapping "Start All" button multiple times quickly causes services to fail. * Bug #100682: CCNx tests uses grep flags unsupported by Solaris SunOS default grep but tests still succeed * Bug #100694: Fix ccntestloop stop command to more reliably clean up spawned processes * Bug #100711: Some gitignore files ignore too much * Bug #100728: HttpProxy tries to generate a keystore using a script that is no longer installed * Bug #100733: Binary decoder should increase its buffer size by larger increments at overflow * Bug #100744: CCN_GET_NOKEYWAIT flag to ccn_get() doesn't work * Bug #100746: Compiler erroneously detects uninitialized use of "cmd" in ccnsyncslice.c * Bug #100747: duplicate object file in csrc/ccnd/ * Bug #100748: small memory leak in ccnr when creating a new repository * Bug #100749: Warning in java repo due to method change * Bug #100750: Mac OS X 10.7 Lion users need clear instructions on what build pre-req tools need to be installed * Bug #100755: ccnd should hold unsatisfied scope0 interests * Bug #100758: SyncCacheEntryFetch can miss existing entries * Bug #100764: Java logging for FAC_SEARCH is broken * Bug #100765: BinaryXMLDecoder uses inappropriate algorithm for increasing decoder array sizes and the logging is broken. * Bug #100766: Null pointer dereference in ccnr * Bug #100768: fix potential NULL pointer deref and some uses of realloc() that could result in leaks * Bug #100769: name enumeration attempts to open mid stream * Bug #100770: versioning profile should be more defensive about what a valid version number is * Bug #100771: CCNxProtocol document description of FIB should not refer to destinations * Bug #100778: Android CCNx Service crashes on startup if CCNR "Unable to get repository policy object version" * Bug #100780: CCNx Android makefile should be posix compliant * Bug #100781: Android CCNx Service fails to start CCNR with "Unable to get repository policy object version" * Bug #100783: libccn code should be compiled with PIC on NetBSD * Bug #100784: Android CCNx Service displays loopback address on ICS even when other *faces are available * Bug #100788: exception in ccnlsrepo * Bug #100790: lned does not work properly on Mac OS X 10.5 * Bug #100791: ccnc input logic needs improvement * Bug #100792: MergeSecureKeyCacheTestRepo has initialization bug * Bug #100795: CCNDCacheManager.clearCache() issues too many interests * Bug #100796: Improve performance of ccnr rightmost-child operations * Bug #100800: ServiceDiscoveryProfile suffers from a race condition when publishing a local service key * Bug #100801: ccnr takes a segmentation fault if output fd closed due to other errors * Bug #100802: LatestVersionTest failures with new interest forwarding * Bug #100805: Memory leak in ccnr * Bug #100806: VLC plugin needs updates * Feature #100041: java tools should support a -h argument * Feature #100647: Default support for multiple architectures in MacOS X build * Feature #100701: A number of methods in ContentName have no general test coverage * Feature #100715: Provide interface for applications to set up Sync configuration slices and receive notification of (newly) sync'ed ContentObjects - in java library * Feature #100752: Side door for quickly adding content to a repo * Feature #100759: Extensions to HttpProxy * Feature #100760: C library needs method for connecting to ccnd via TCP in place of Unix-domain socket * Feature #100761: Implement deletion of btrees entries * Feature #100767: ccnsyncwatch should flush output after each line * Feature #100787: Provide a version of ccnchat that uses libccn * Feature #100793: ccnc man page needs to be updated to document new options * Support #100745: Update jenkins CI to use latest NDK/SDK for Android build project * Support #100757: Prepare for ccnx-0.6.1 release * Support #100779: CCNx Android build should explicitly set APP_PLATFORM and APP_ABI Changes between 0.5.1 and 0.6.0: -------------------------------- This highlights some important changes since the most recent numbered release. Refer to for more details on CCNx 0.6.0. * A new varargs constructor has been added to ContentNames, a new Component class has been created, and ContentNameProvider and ComponentProvider interfaces have been provided to simplify the generation and minimize the overhead of building ContentNames. The Component class provides an immutable Component type, which encapsulates the component as a byte[] array, that is designed to hold static components to be passed into ComponentName constructors. In code, a Component should be used wherever possible in lieu of a static final byte[] array or a static final String, to avoid unnecessary copying. The ContentName varargs constructor, and the ContentNameProvider and ComponentProvider interfaces, allow classes to pass ContentNames and Components directly into the ContentName constructor. Most of the static component-related methods that previously existed under ContentName have been moved to the new Component class. The old methods remain available but are deprecated; it is recommended that code be changed to use the new static methods under Component. Please see Component, ContentName, and ContentNameProvider documentation for more information. * Issues Resolved: * Bug 100739 Provide installed command to manipulate Sync configuration slices * Bug 100738 Missing dependencies for csrc/lib/ccn_sync.c * Feature 100732 Tests should use C repo (repo2) instead of the old java one * Bug 100737 ccnr can fail to answer enumeration requests when interests are reordered * Bug 100725 The signing and verification code in the C library needs to conditionally compile elliptic curve (EC) features in case the crypto library is too old or has them compiled out. * Bug 100722 CCN C-library changes for must be brought up to date in Android * Bug 100470 Make in android directory with current tools leaves chaff * Bug 100726 Still some occasional deadlocks in VLC plugin * Feature 100729 VLC CCN plugin should provide access to prefetch offset via VLC option * Feature 100499 Unify ContentName constructors * Bug 100046 OpenSolaris build fails when cc is actually gcc * Bug 100724 Possible memory leaks of crypto allocated memory in merkle hash tree signature verification * Bug 100723 VLC plugin needs prefetcher * Bug 100719 User requested flush should actually flush out to network * Bug 100712 Java repo queue mismatch causes heap space problems * Bug 100704 Improve performance of flow control * Bug 100686 ccnlink parses its arguments incorrectly * Bug 100677 Several utilities do an incorrect close, causing a warning exception * Bug 100671 Netmanager thread can die mysteriously * Feature 100661 Improve logging in flow controller * Bug 100657 VLC plugin needs updates * Feature 100654 Input streams should have a true "blocking" mode * Bug 100608 CCNNetworkObjectTestRepo and other IO tests using the repo need to insure files have reached the repo before testing them * Feature 100574 Add a new logging facility (FAC_SEARCH?) for features like NameEnumeration and PathFinder * Bug 100528 VersioningProfile logging should be part of a facility * Bug 100717 Make loops in doc/manpages * Bug 100708 SyncNodeIncRC implementation is incorrect * Feature 100713 Refactor matching code so Exclude tests can be done separately * Bug 100716 fix couple of compiler warnings in ccn_sync.c * Support 100662 Setup CCNx Open Source project commit notifications via email + outbound tweets for all commits to projectccnx * Bug 100664 Remove ccnd/android_msg.c * Feature 100675 C/Java Libraries should be able to use different digest algorithms based on key type for signing * Bug 100676 Multiple registrations using ccn_set_interest_filter with same prefix do not work well * Bug 100688 Man page for ccntestloop * Feature 100690 Improve decoding performance * Bug 100691 Inconsistent formatting and use of asciidoc markup * Support 100692 Prepare for ccnx-0.6.0 release * Support 100695 Improve comments in ccnd * Bug 100696 Broken link in top-level README * Support 100697 Prepare for ccnx-0.5.2 release * Feature 100698 Add use of deltas to the RootAdvise protocol * Bug 100699 ccndc fails with Unable to create face in ccnx-0.5.1 on guest OS (fixed on 0.6.0) * Bug 100702 Intermittent test_repo_performance failures on slow platforms * Bug 100703 sync header files include other files only needed for implementation * Feature 100706 Integrate ccn_schedule events with ccn_run() * Feature 100707 Provide interface for applications to set up Sync configuration slices and receive notification of (newly) sync'ed ContentObjects * Feature 100709 Update schema and assign DTAG for new sync delta RootAdvise response Changes between 0.5.0 and 0.5.1: -------------------------------- This highlights some important changes since the most recent numbered release. Refer to for more details on CCNx 0.5.1. • As a result of Sun Java JDK packages being removed for Ubuntu (see 001528.html), we are now using OpenJDK for Ubuntu. Please see csrc/README.linux for more information. * Issues Resolved: * Bug 100047 The top-level Makefile's method of populating ./bin does not work with Solaris make * Feature 100576 Topic branch for csrc * Support 100597 Ensure CCNx builds on openjdk1.6/ubuntu packages * Bug 100621 NameEnumeratorTests should have better logging * Bug 100651 autoreg does not work for link adaptor faces * Bug 100653 Timeouts too short in DeprecatedInterfaceTest * Bug 100655 RootAdvise exclusion lists can become too long * Feature 100656 Fix options in SyncTest * Bug 100658 Utilities should default logging to WARNING but respect environment variable settings for logging * Support 100660 Prepare for ccnx-0.5.1 release * Bug 100665 Graphics missing from protocol descriptions * Feature 100666 ccnd should provide a way to specify default staleness * Bug 100667 Man page for synctest can't be accessed from Wiki * Bug 100668 implement destroyface in ccndc * Feature 100669 Add parameter to ccnpoke command for specifying the length of the prefix to be registered * Bug 100670 SyncTest.localStore does not set scope * Feature 100672 Wireshark plugin should decode Exclude filters in Interests * Bug 100673 Repo dtd and xsd missing from CCN documentation wiki * Bug 100674 Sync dtd and xsd missing from doc/technical * Bug 100678 ccngetfile should not print out logs at INFO by default * Bug 100679 Bring sync.dtd and sync.xsd into alignment with implementation * Bug 100680 Repo-1 man page should mention Java repo has been deprecated * Bug 100681 Descriptions in Sync and Create Protocol descriptions should be in BNF * Bug 100683 Saved output from test_repo_performance accumulates without bound * Bug 100684 java repo shutdown needs to wait for data output to complete before shutting down * Bug 100685 No man page for ccnrepoimport * Bug 100687 No man page for ccnprintlink Changes between 0.4.2 and 0.5.0: -------------------------------- This highlights some important changes since the most recent numbered release. Refer to for more details on CCNx 0.5.0. * Experience shows that many applications need local persistent storage. With the introduction of Repository-based synchronization, we now expect that most nodes will use a local Repository running alongside their local ccnd. As a result, we have changed defaults for storing content in a Repository so that those store operations target only the local Repository. * This release introduces an updated version of the Repository, with much improved scalability, that is capable of easily handling content collections many gigabytes in size. The new Repo, named ccnr, is written in C, has a disk-resident index, and has much higher performance, a smaller footprint, and faster start-up times. The startup and shutdown procedures have changed, as have some of the configuration options and the procedure for obtaining debug information. See doc/manpages/ccnr.1.html for more information about starting, stopping, using, and configuring Repo, Repo policies, and links to Repository protocol descriptions. While the Repo startup procedure has changed, it still must be started explicitly. * This release introduces Sync, a mechanism for CCN components to define collections of named data in Repositories, and for automatically synchronizing copies of identically defined collections in neighboring nodes. Sync is currently embedded in Repo, but will be made available separately in the future. Sync is started automatically when Repo starts unless configured otherwise. See the man page for SyncTest in doc/manpages/SyncTest.1.html for more information about Sync, and how to use SyncTest, a command line tool for testing Sync and creating collections. See doc/technical/SynchronizationProtocol.html for a description of the CCNx Create Collection Protocol and the internal protocol used by Sync Agents in neighboring nodes to keep their collections in synchrony. * The default for a RepositoryFlowControl has changed from allowing any Repository to answer to requiring only a local (connected to the same ccnd as the application) Repository. Direct users of the RepositoryFlowControl class can control the behavior through a (previously present) boolean in the constructor. Users of CCNNetworkObject can still control the local/non-local behavior through the SaveType REPOSITORY (allows non-local Repositories) and LOCALREPOSITORY. The SystemConfiguration option FC_LOCALREPOSITORY is unchanged and can still be used to force a local Repository. It cannot force permission to use a non-local Repository. ccnputfile/ccnputmeta has been updated to have an -allownonlocal option. The default behavior has also changed to require a local Repository if no command-line option is given. * Issues Resolved: * Feature 100112 Repo requires data storage in memory - this is unscalable * Feature 100140 java library should have option of quitting when no ccnd * Feature 100202 Rename ccnget and ccnput command line programs * Bug 100315 CCNNetworkManager does not check semaphore timeout * Bug 100376 CCNNetworkManager ignores semaphore return * Feature 100407 Change BinaryXMLDictionary usage to an interface * Feature 100427 CCNNetworkManager should not dispatch callbacks via separate threads * Bug 100445 ccnx.dtd missing Label elements (fixed in v0.4.2) * Bug 100487 ccnx 0.4.0 does not install with /usr/local/ missing * Bug 100495 Cleanup Dos Newline ^M for target v0.4.1 (fixed in v0.4.1) * Feature 100498 A new DTAG needs to be added for Sync. * Feature 100500 Add java support for sync component * Feature 100517 Junit tests should delimit themselves in the log file * Bug 100524 libccn self-registration timeouts need adjusting * Bug 100532 CCNVersionedOutputStreamTest does superfluous stackdumps * Feature 100536 Java callback interfaces should have more intuitive names * Feature 100537 Java interest callbacks should honor the boolean return * Bug 100542 Lack of atomicity in cancelInterest * Feature 100554 Improved wire encoding of type/value pairs * Bug 100564 Name enumeration can miss quickly inserted content * Bug 100565 Problems in NameEnumerationTest * Feature 100572 Add a FAC_TEST and use this in test logging * Bug 100577 unused * Feature 100578 New c implementation of ccn repository * Feature 100579 Repository-based sync * Bug 100580 The distributed ccn_repo documentation has missing and incorrect information (documentation) * Support 100581 Update readme to provide the dependencies for Mac OS X and Linux (documentation) * Feature 100584 Remove remnants of no longer valid interest refresh decay * Bug 100585 Interest suppression test failures * Bug 100586 README for Android support out of date (documentation) * Bug 100587 @Override causes compile error in java 1.5 * Bug 100588 CCNNetworkManager.get() may take InterruptedException and not unregister the interest. * Bug 100589 CCNxRepoService can not start on android 3.1 * Bug 100590 New repo tests confused by presence of other processes * Bug 100591 Java netmanager must compensate for _registrationChangeInProgress not allowing interrupts * Bug 100592 Synchronization error in InterestTable * Feature 100593 Do better job of logging failures in log test * Feature 100594 More pipelining pieces can be removed due to new netmanagers * Bug 100595 EnumeratedNameListTest fails randomly due to bad randomization * Bug 100596 RepoIOTest can hang * Bug 100599 NameEnumeration calls back user defined handler while holding a lock * Bug 100600 NameEnumeratorTest has synchronization errors * Bug 100601 ccnseqwriter usage information is incomplete * Bug 100602 Some CCNNetworkObject logging is missing facility * Feature 100603 Improve logging of failed verifications in java repo * Bug 100604 ccn_run commands don't have documentation for -debug and -javaopts (documentation) * Support 100609 Develop CCNx Repository protocols doc (documentation) * Support 100610 Prepare for ccnx-0.5.0 release * Feature 100611 LatestVersionTest should use logging instead of println to save information * Bug 100612 ContentObject.html has two references to xsd.html where one should be a reference to dtd.html (documentation) * Bug 100613 Remove unused comments and code in the java source referring to the abandoned ACK protocol * Bug 100614 Fix or remove ccn_btree_prev_leaf * Feature 100615 Create a command-line utility to initialize a .ccnx/.ccnx_keystore * Bug 100616 ccn_keystore_file_init keystores don't exactly match either the Java created keystores or the openssl command generated keystores. * Bug 100618 ccnseqwriter should wait longer for repository response * Bug 100620 CCNFlowControl has logs with missing facility * Bug 100623 ccn_run can wait longer than the timeout * Bug 100625 make test fails on Mac OS X 10.7 (lion) in test_btree_prev_leaf because grep says "regular expression too big" * Bug 100626 CCNx Android apps should be set to use repo2 by default * Bug 100627 NameEnumeratorTestRepo timeout too low * Bug 100628 Wireshark README needs to be updated (documentation) * Feature 100630 Change how the Merkle tree gets bytes to digest * Feature 100632 Infrastructure and use of class to simplify use of threadpools for content or interest handlers when necessary * Feature 100633 Increase priority of netmanager thread * Bug 100634 Remove lint identified by clang checker * Feature 100635 Put top-level CCNx README in MarkDown format (documentation_ * Bug 100636 CCNxChat can not send message on Android 3.1 * Feature 100637 RepositoryFlowControl, and command line programs that write to repositories, should default to scope 1 * Bug 100638 ccnr sync options need to be renamed * Feature 100640 ccnr could use option to limit processing of start-write commands to those with a given scope * Bug 100641 Bad length given to memcpy in IndexSorter_Add * Bug 100644 Merge csrc/lib2 into csrc/lib * Bug 100646 Android CCNx service control - screen layout is too large for Galaxy S * Bug 100648 Java CCNx does not work out of the box on NetBSD 5 * Bug 100649 Increase timeout for end to end tests in build.xml * Bug 100650 Problems with DeprecatedInterfaceTest * Bug 100652 Windows 7 Cygwin build fails during build of ccndumppcap Changes between 0.4.1 and 0.4.2: -------------------------------- This highlights some important changes since the most recent numbered release. Refer to for more details on CCNx 0.4.2. * Issues Resolved: * Feature 100371 Implement marshalling/unmarshalling for Link objects * Bug 100426 test_spur_traffic fails in a FreeBSD jail (Workarounds are documented in csrc/README.freebsd.) * Bug 100509 LocalCopyTestRepo has a "silent" failure * Feature 100516 CCNVersionedInputStreamTest should use standard flosser * Bug 100534 -timeout option in utilities is broken * Feature 100545 Add an averaging counter to CCNStats * Bug 100546 ccncat should fflush output * Feature 100547 ccn_seqwriter needs method to set min/max block sizes when fixed block sizes are required * Feature 100548 CCNTime should cache its binaryTime * Feature 100550 PROP_BLOCK_SIZE should be settable via an environment variable * Feature 100551 ccn_run should allow arbitrary setting of properties * Feature 100552 InterestTable should use a Comparator * Feature 100553 Don't use BigInteger for byte array conversion * Feature 100561 repo should save associated keys along with the file on normal file writes * Feature 100562 Allow deferred verification in libccn * Bug 100567 RepoNameEnumeratorTest should be able to handle new names same as old * Bug 100570 Could use charbuf creator that doesn't initialize buffer to zero * Feature 100571 Make it easy to avoid realloc() as it confuses MacOSX memory leak detector * Bug 100573 Excessive neighbor-check interests * Bug 100575 java input streams don't honor NO_TIMEOUT * Bug 100583 Android apps for CCNx should work with modern Android SDK (r13-r15, see android/ for details) Changes between 0.4.0 and 0.4.1: -------------------------------- This highlights some important changes since the most recent numbered release. Refer to for more details on CCNx 0.4.1. * The ant features used to process properties, -D= do not work with ant 1.7.1. If you have not done so already, you need to update to ant 1.8.2. Update in supported Ant version is reflected in README. * Proper args for using the 'ccn_repo signal' command is reflected in README. * Issues Resolved: * Feature 100203 Rename updateheader command line program * Feature 100224 Deprecate backward-compatibility support for older header profile * Bug 100250 InterestMessage.txt section on Exclude incomplete * Feature 100261 Inline documentation for ThumbnailProfile should be improved * Feature 100333 CCNReader.isContentInRepository should use repo sync protocol * Support 100336 The ./README file needs updating * Bug 100381 KeyValuePair used in HashSet without defining hashCode() * Bug 100457 LatestVersionTest does not work as expected * Feature 100459 Junit tests should not set log levels individually * Bug 100471 CCNFlowServerTest should use AssertionThreadRunner * Bug 100472 Repo namespace argument doesn't check old namespace * Bug 100474 CCNNetworkObject logging should use FAC_IO * Bug 100475 Spelling errors * Bug 100482 Bad timing causes duplicate repo listeners * Bug 100483 jot stub script should use seq if it exists * Bug 100484 Timing window in flow control * Bug 100485 InterestTable add without capacity set leaks memory * Bug 100486 Java unregister prefix needs to reregister other prefixes sometimes * Bug 100488 PrincipalKeyDirectory can access uninitialized method variables * Bug 100489 Verification failures on recent versions of Android * Bug 100493 ccnchat uses more handles than necessary * Feature 100496 Need a (C library) routine to check whether a ccn_upcall_info describes the final block * Bug 100497 ccnls could use option to set scope on generated interests * Bug 100501 C library needs ability to create CCNx keystore * Feature 100502 ccn_seqwriter needs method for getting filename * Feature 100505 ccnget should have flag to allow retrieval of unverified content * Bug 100506 Environment variable problems when running multiple tests * Bug 100507 CCNOutputStream doesn't deregister prefixes on close * Bug 100508 CCNNetworkObject does unneccessary prefix registration via flow controller * Bug 100510 RepoIOTest adds extra nonce in policy change test * Support 100511 Add runtime flag to change version of repo used in junit test framework * Bug 100512 Problems with NetworkTest * Bug 100513 Cleanup javasrc to match new handling of C library keystore creation * Bug 100514 need utility to extract names from a file of ccnb encoded objects * Bug 100515 EndToEndTest needs to wait for both programs to startup * Bug 100518 Memory leak in libccn handle_key * Bug 100520 Key-fetching in libccn needs hardening * Bug 100521 java prefix registration waiting needs cleanup * Bug 100522 Random log test errors on some platforms * Bug 100523 verifications randomly fail running under Android Gingerbread * Bug 100527 Infrequent Scope 2 Failures * Bug 100529 Java interest handling needs to parse InterestLifetime * Bug 100530 advancePipeline should not loop after closed handle * Feature 100533 Show interest scope in ccnd log * Bug 100538 Install ccnsimplecat program * Feature 100535 Add the ability to set a default scope on a CCNHandle. * Feature 100541 ccnnamelist should be able to read from a pipe as well as mmap accessible files Changes between 0.3.0 and 0.4.0: -------------------------------- Refer to for more details on CCNx 0.4.0. * The 'ping' responder in ccnd is deprecated. For compatibility, it is still present by default, but further use should be phased out. The libraries have been changed to use local service discovery instead. The java option "" is replaced by "org.ccnx.ccndid.timeout". (100187, 100188, 100189) * Responsibility for key saving has been shifted from the client library to repo. The Java API did not change but, as the result of a protocol change, the new library is not compatible with the old repo. (100288) * The Java library now uses TCP to communicate with ccnd, rather than UDP, to avoid problems and inefficiencies caused by UPD packet drops. (100078) * An explicit lifetime element has been added to Interest messages in order to give applications control of their timeouts. (100127) * FlowControl addNameSpace is now logged at info in the constructor. (100180) * ContentObjects are now created earlier to improve throughput by more efficiently balancing tasks between different threads. (100197) * Performance of writes has been improved by avoiding copies when the application is only calling write with integral multiples of the segment size. (100206) * The ccnseqwriter command has been installed and documented. (100227) * The traffic meters in the ccnd status display have been improved by metering activity in both directions, splitting out by content/interest, and showing rates as well as totals. (100256) * Android ccnChat uses a multicast interface by default, which does not work well in the emulator. To address this, an option to use a point-to-point face has been added to the configuration screen. (100267) * A sequence number has been added to each packet, encoded so that it is distinguishable from interest and content packets, that allows the receiving side to detect missing packets. (100275) * The CommonOutput doPut() method now returns the version written so command line utilities know the version name just created. In addition, logging in the while() loop in do_write has been isolated for improved performance. (100276) * java.library.path and -Xcheck:jni are now forwarded to daemon (100279) * Stream access for CCN segments has been added to the C library. (100283) * Support was added to the library for splitting an interest when the exclusion list gets too big. (100290) * The ccncat command was converted to use the ccn_fetch library in order to take advantage of pipelining. (100291) * Efficiency of flow controller was improved with more fine grained locking. (100299) * Counters were added to the CCNNetworkManager to facilitate debugging. (100300) * stats and clearstats signals were added to Repo. (100302) * A categorized statistics interface was added. (100306) * The efficiency of getRegisteredPrefix was improved. (100309) * An example of ccnb encoding of a data packet payload in Java was created. (100312) * The KeyDirectory class was split into a KeyDirectory base class and a PrincipalKeyDirectory subclass to make the KeyDirectory structure available for purposes other than Access Control. (100316) * The HTTP proxy demo code was added. (100322) * The performance of ContentName.fromURI() was improved. (100323) * Facility-based logStackTrace and logException methods were added. (100326) * Additional tests were added to verify that the InterestListener continues to auto-refresh the interest even when an InterestFilter for the same exact name as the InterestListener is closed on the same handle. (100327) * Performance was improved for ContentName.componentParseURI(). (100331) * A StatusResponse message type was added to allow such things as an error response for prefix registrations. (100341) * CCN_FORW_TAP was added to repo prefix registration. (100342) * Repo no longer unnecessarily uses multiple Interest handlers. (100343) * Implemented more useful interactions between forwarding flags. In particular, the definition of CCN_FORW_TAP includes the provision that it is not subject to capture, and flags that have an effect on the prefix as a whole (including CCN_FORW_CAPTURE) do not change behavior depending on the setting of CCN_FORW_ACTIVE. (100345) * Synchronization in InterestTable was improved. (100353) * CCNNetworkManager was updated to limit thread creation for handlers. (100354) * The following enhancements were made to ccntestloop: (100356) - Accumulate testout directories outside of javasrc - Read config via script - Handle start/stop/restart/status verbs - All output to files (when using start verb) - Handle kill better - Record pid - Allow configuration of port range * Instances of ccnd are now allocated dynamically to allow more testing flexibility. (100363) * The log command in utilities now sets the level for all facilities. (100364) * Java interest handling code now has a log facility. (100366) * A Java library routine that sets the ccnd caches stale has been created to ensure that readbacks are actually from repo and not from the cache. (100367) * Logging between CCNNetworkManagers and CCNNetworkChannel has been made unique. Note that there is no relationship between CCNNetworkManager ids and Channel ids. (100432) * openssl for Android builds are now based on 1.0.0d. (100438) * ccnChat was updated to publish its keys under the chat channel namespace. (100439) * A testing framework was added to make assertions in child threads catchable. (100454) * ccnd is now able to sense the presence of other end (i.e., to distinguish between loss of connection and simple lack of incoming data). (100461) * Added a junit to check that prefixes are as expected in the FIB when doing localRepoSync. (100464) * [Support] Instructions in the README for ccnchat were enhanced. (100338) * [Support] Description of forwarding flags used in ccn_set_interest_filter_with_flags (100467) * Issues Resolved: * Bug 100091 Long running java applications can't recover from ccnd restart * Bug 100094 infinite loop building wireshark plugin * Bug 100196 SecureKeyCache debug output incorrectly describes output * Bug 100199 Incorrect values of DEFAULT_DIGEST_LENGTH * Bug 100201 Missing man(1) pages * Bug 100205 make "test-alone" target less dependent on name resolution * Bug 100209 Too much processing of interests in repo * Bug 100219 make test for csrc fails if CCN_LOCAL_PORT is set * Bug 100241 ccnd answers success before tcp connection completes * Bug 100247 ccnchat -text should exit on end-of-file * Bug 100253 Storing getopt() result as char instead of int * Bug 100254 KeyManager reports "initialization of BouncyCastle provider did not proceed properly" * Bug 100255 Typo in doc/technical/InterestMessage.txt * Bug 100257 Error messages from ccndc are inscrutable * Bug 100258 ccndc should honor CCNX_DIR for locating keystore * Bug 100259 Code to avoid double syncs doesn't actually avoid double syncs * Bug 100260 Metadata profile getLatestVersion * Bug 100262 Do not default to for multicast * Bug 100264 ccndstatus shift bug * Bug 100265 Clean build fails on android * Bug 100266 ccn_ccnbtoxml fails to detect unreasonable attr/blob length * Bug 100268 Null fault in ccn_parse_interest * Bug 100269 CCNx Java library should not use Log.severe unless it's reporting a severe problem. * Bug 100270 CommandMarker.binaryArgumentStart duplicates work if it fails * Bug 100271 Fix some small inefficiencies in ContentName and DataUtils * Bug 100272 reduce calls to count() in InterestTable.compareTo * Bug 100274 Remove ccnd_internal_client_reschedule() * Bug 100277 ccnbx usage inconsistent * Bug 100278 Cleanup PlatformTest junit * Bug 100280 repo version information should be separate from the DB * Bug 100281 repo should not extend CCNHandle for internal gets * Bug 100284 ccnchat no longer builds on Mac OS X 10.5 * Bug 100285 LinkObjectTestRepo can pull wrong data * Bug 100286 Some net manager related routines still don't use isLoggable * Bug 100287 Repo should check for command markers more efficiently * Bug 100292 Null fault in handle_prefix_reg_reply() * Bug 100293 latest version test can fail intermittently * Bug 100294 wireshark plugin uses wrong FT/BASE combination for signature field * Bug 100296 MLAC distinguishing hashes are different for same name * Bug 100298 prefix registration timing error * Bug 100303 ccn_fetch code needs to deal with non-fixed block streams * Bug 100304 ccnd notice.txt responder needs to start even if interest has CCN_AOK_NEW unset * Bug 100305 Signed BigInteger in VersioningProfile problems * Bug 100307 VersionNumber uses Arrays.copyOf * Bug 100310 Adjust log level of message that says javalib is using TCP * Bug 100314 Races in csrc test scripts * Bug 100317 Format string error in ccn_fetch.c * Bug 100318 ccncat loops if ccnd is shut down * Bug 100319 Standard tests run test.profiles.ccnd tests twice * Bug 100320 TreeSet6 init problem * Bug 100324 Incorrect synchronization in CCNNetworkObjectTest causes random errors * Bug 100325 Log.getLevels array copy * Bug 100329 Make ccnd + apps runnable inside a FreeBSD jail * Bug 100330 Add CCND_LISTEN_ON to export list in ccndstart script * Bug 100334 const error in ccn_fetch.c * Bug 100335 InterestEndToEndUsingPrefixTest has bad sycnchronization * Bug 100337 Set _localPort correctly in CCNNetworkManager to avoid bogus messages * Bug 100339 Test for repo sync can fail intermittently * Bug 100340 repo NE responses * Bug 100344 Looping on some java platforms * Bug 100346 org.ccnx.ccn.test.protocol.ContentNameTest takes too long * Bug 100347 repo sync doesn't sync linked keys correctly * Bug 100348 NetFetch should not use fields not in Solaris * Bug 100350 CCNNetworkManager setupTimers should be synchronized * Bug 100351 Interest table creates unnecessary objects * Bug 100352 CCNNetworkManager should log when it throws away a ContentObject * Bug 100357 Close file handles * Bug 100359 CCNx Access Control Specification missing * Bug 100360 Useless code in * Bug 100362 test_spur_traffic fails on Solaris when ipv6 is enabled * Bug 100365 Code cleanup for profiles.versioning * Bug 100368 test_scope2 failures * Bug 100369 Incorrect throw in CCNNetworkChannel causes compile error * Bug 100370 Access control tests fail after KeyDirectory refactoring * Bug 100373 NetworkKeyManager duplicates _handle * Bug 100375 null value in * Bug 100377 FaceManager.FaceInstance.toFormattedString incorrect * Bug 100378 CCNNetworkChannel uses improper synchronization on Boolean * Bug 100379 ACLTable uses new Boolean(...) * Bug 100383 Rationalize line endings in sources * Bug 100384 HttpProxy only builds with native openssl * Bug 100386 ccnputfile reports "Cannot read file." * Bug 100387 Compilation warnings on Ubuntu Linux * Bug 100388 CCNx-Android-Services is missing * Bug 100389 Cleanup code in profiles.ccnd * Bug 100390 CCNxWrapper needs locking * Bug 100391 Error in InterestEndToEndUsingPrefixTest leads to intermittent failures * Bug 100392 Unnecessary floating point calculations in MerkleTree * Bug 100393 LogStructRepoStore synchronizes on Integer * Bug 100395 CCNNetworkObject improper finalize * Bug 100398 Remove deadlocks from VersioningInterest * Bug 100399 CCNHandle uses broken double-checked lock * Bug 100401 CCNFlowController.UnmatchedInterest should be static * Bug 100402 Various Repo inner classes should be static * Bug 100403 CCNAbstractInputStream$IncomingSegment should be static * Bug 100404 CCNNetworkManager uses wait without a loop * Bug 100405 SystemConfiguration circular initialization with Log * Bug 100408 InputStreams should use the default verifier * Bug 100412 CCNAbstractInputStream locking * Bug 100414 CCNNetworkManager uses improper synchronization on Boolean * Bug 100415 CCNAbstractInputStream - wrong ContentObject in matching interest check * Bug 100416 InputStreams do not verify all incoming content * Bug 100418 CCNNetworkManager getRegisteredPrefix can miss direct prefixes * Bug 100419 CCNNetworkChannel needs to close ReadSelector * Bug 100420 PrefixRegistrationManager needs to protect against subclassed ContentName * Bug 100421 Logging in PublicKeyCache does not use facilities * Bug 100422 Self-registration should be allowed from a DC face * Bug 100423 Intermittent failures in RepoIOTest testLocalSyncInputStream * Bug 100424 Track VLC change for access_t psz_path/psz_location fields * Bug 100425 Android startup slow * Bug 100429 Parameterized logging fails when parameter is at the start of the string * Bug 100430 Android CCNxServiceControl has problem with async startup * Bug 100431 CCNNetworkChannel and no ccnd * Bug 100433 Rationalize treatment of apps by top-level Makefile * Bug 100434 FaceManager not prepared for StatusResponse in place of FaceInstance * Bug 100435 CCNHandle should not create new NetworkManager * Bug 100437 Calling CCNHandle.getHandle() results in 2 CCNHandles and 2 Network Managers being created * Bug 100440 Intermittent error in LastSegmentTest * Bug 100444 reset processing segment if content object is dropped * Bug 100447 Daemon start needs to pass java.library.path to daemon * Bug 100448 Inefficient coding in InterestTable * Bug 100449 null pointer in delivery thread for CCNAbstractInputStream * Bug 100450 Incorrect use of wait in tests * Bug 100451 LocalCopyWrapper potential deadlocks * Bug 100452 vlc plugin compilation on ubuntu 10.04 x64 fails * Bug 100453 RepositoryFlowController condition variable * Bug 100455 CCNFlowControlTest should use ThreadAssertionRunner * Bug 100458 Remove dead code from RepositoryFlowControl * Bug 100460 Cleanup of Waiter * Bug 100463 CCNFlowControl shouldn't sync on unmatchedInterests * Bug 100465 Access control tests fail with handle problems * Bug 100466 BasicKeyManager should recreate its handle when needed * Bug 100468 Preserve real git status in gitwrap * Bug 100469 file input stream skip and seek cause pipelining errors * Bug 100473 wireshark plugin does not work with tcp * Bug 100476 Mac OS X build fails using gcc4.2.1+Mac OS X Kernel10.7.3+ fink on linker stage of csrc * Bug 100479 RepoIOTest saves default key to repo incorrectly Changes between 0.2.0 and 0.3.0: -------------------------------- * Android support. This release includes support for Android 2.1 platform development. (100246) * Self-registration protocol. This functionality allows clients to register the prefixes for interests they wish to receive. (100071, 100072, 100073) The old form of self-registration (operating on the prefix ccnx:/ccnx/reg/self) has been removed. (100114) * Prefix registration on incoming connections. For a ccnd to act as a hub (as in a hub-and-spoke configuration) there needs to be a way to get prefix registration on incoming connections. Eventually, routing agents will perform this operation. This implementation retains the 'flooding' behavior of earlier releases for selected prefixes. NOTE: this requires explicit additional configuration via CCND_AUTOREG setting. (100225) * ccnd_destroy(). This functionality provides improved flexibility beyond exit() to free up all resources. (100051) * destroyface(). Implementation of the previously documented functionality. (100068) * ccnChat improvements: * This release changes ccnchat() to display user friendly names instead of partial key digest (100214). * ccnchat is refactored to be re-usable, called from the GUI and the module. It is also available on the command line: bin/ccnchat -text namespace (100234). * ccnchat now verifies the first packet: if verification fails, it rejects that version and looks for a later one. (100163) * Performance improvements in CCNNetworkObject. This release includes a revamp of the network objects including a few major API changes (100088): * Write constructors create flow controllers at construction time, leaving lazy creation for read constructors. Write constructors make/take a FC start listening for interests for their base name immediately (if they know it) * The repository is the default behavior for network objects, rather than "raw". * Support a customized DTAG dictionary. This release changes the ccn_ccnbtoxml and ccn_xmltoccnb tools so that a customized dictionary could be provided at runtime; this enables the tools to be used for protocols that live outside of the CCNx base. (100129) * Key naming. This release defines the KeyProfile (100055) and uses it for key ids, guids, and other component types (100131). This change is incompatible with existing header naming; backward compatibility is enabled by default. * Still-pending interests behavior. This release changes how ccnd keeps track of the outbound faces for an interest. In the new representation, pe->outbound is kept in send order instead of the reverse, and the new index pe->sent is advanced as the faces are used. This leaves a trail of the faces that have been used already, giving more flexibility in altering the outbound list to the right of pe->sent. (100103) * Repository publishes public key. Any app that wants to depend on name enumeration, checked writes, etc, needs to be able to validate who a repository is. This release includes publishing the repository key using localhost key discovery, making it easier to configure where the repository publishes its key. (100144) * javax.xml streams. Removed as many dependencies as possible such that their use is isolated to the text xml encoder/decoder. (100053) * Access control to stream/object encryption. The access control system allows you to assign keys to content/recipients, and automatically retrieve keys. In this release, the output and input streams (and the network objects that use them) retrieve keys and automatically encrypt content. (100063) * Bulk import to repo. This release supports bulk importing of a sequence of content objects (data) from a file in a single operation. The file must contain content objects in wire format. The repository can incorporate the file as a new storage file directly if that is compatible with its store format. (100210) * Local repo save and save-type override. This release supports objects and streams to be written to a local (same device) repo (100213). In addition, it implements an environment variable to allow objects to be saved in a local repository even if they were generically coded to be written to any/multiple repos (100223). * Localhost tcp peers considered friendly. Now ccnd considers tcp connections from localhost to be "friendly" and only considers incoming localhost udp traffic to be "friendly" if it starts out with a heartbeat packet. (100120) * Next-neighbor scope. For applications that want to be assured that they are communicating only with immediately neighboring machines, this release defines a new allowed Scope value in the interests. (Scope = 2) (100123) * EnumeratedNameList methods. This release includes methods to replace deprecated methods in EnumeratedNameList. (100230) * Capture-prefix flag. In the FIB, if a shorter registration has the CCN_FORW_CHILD_INHERIT set, a registration for a longer match can't be used to prevent the interest from being propagated. This release includes a flag that can be applied on the longer prefix to override the effect of CHILD_INHERIT on the shorted prefixes. (100116) * Prefix registration using a ContentName. In this release, the PrefixRegistrationManager accepts a ContentName object for the prefix to register in addition to a URI encoded string. (100186) * Multicast traffic. ccnd is now able to set up multicast using the standard ccnd socket. This involved changing the way ccnd keeps track of the sending side when the multicast cannot be done using a single socket. Instead of keeping 2 fds per face, ccnd now keeps 1 fd and a faceid to be used for datagram sends. Because the faceids are never reused, the bookkeeping becomes simpler. A user-visible side effect of this is that there are now faces visible in the status display that are not used for ccnx traffic. These represent the stream listeners and the datagram sockets that are shared among other faces. They carry the face flag CCN_FACE_PASSIVE. (100135) * Timeouts. Timeouts are now settable for situations which may require longer than usual timeouts. (100153) * Key cache. You can set a variable to control whether or not to save/load the key cache. This variable is set to false by default. (100154) * ccn directory location. libccn now uses the CCNX_DIR environment variable. (100026) * Compatibility with openssl-1.0.0beta4 and following. ccn is now compatible with the STACK_OF macro and related changes in the OpenSSL code. (100095) * Local service discovery protocol. This release introduces the CCN_FORW_LOCAL forwarding flag. The presence of this flag in a FIB entry marks the namespace as local to the host (more specifically, to apps directly connected to the ccnd in question). This is in support of implementing a host-local namespace useful for local service discovery. The ccnd does its best to make sure that content within such a namespace comes only from local apps, and is delivered only to local apps. There is one known flaw in the current implementation, namely that an off-machine attacker could cause a stale content object in the local space to become fresh again. To do this, the attacker would have to already have a copy of the C.O., which was supposed to be machine-local. Thus there must also be some collusion going on for this to happen. (100134) * Logging changes. This release includes a number of changes to logging configuration and content: * Log messages use the facility name for the logger name instead of org.ccnx.ccn.CCNHandle for everything. This change makes it easier to find specific facility related messages in large log files. The DEFAULT_APPLICATION_CLASS must be a prefix in the Logging namespace of the other loggers so that they inherit the handlers added to it. (100185) * ccntestloop now keeps logs for failed runs and the last few successes, and deletes the rest. (100220) * This release allows you to reduce the number of messages produced by specify CND_LOG for ccndstart so ccndstart will discard messages about stuffing the cache. (100069) * Stream open/close events are now logged. (100181) * FAC_USERxx facility names include more complete logging. (100183) * Many small bug fixes to address issues with tests. * Clarity and documentation: The RepositoryDataListener method and variable names better reflect the current functionality (100216); there is now a manpage entry for ccndstatus (100232). * Interests. Bugs fixed for interest handling behavior include: * Repo generating new responses to ccnls interests (100102) * Java library sending explicit AnswerOriginKind in interests, using the default value (100106) * Change default behavior for ccnput command to wait for interest (100117) * ccnd occasionally retransmits interest (spurious interest re-expression fixed) (100121) * ccnd can occasionally fail to remove interests from prefix table (100226) * Pipeline fixes. The release includes the following fixes in the area of pipelining data segments: * MetadataProfile getLatestVersion() will no longer append a version based on the current time if there is no version found in the network in the passed-in timeout (100233) * Pipeline code sent the first segment interest when version was not known yet (100141) * Pipelining initialization problem: Some timing circumstances caused pipelining to hang (100194) * Repo pipelining now issues new interest before processing received content failed verification and advancing the pipeline (100221) * Streaming fixes. The release includes the following fixes in the area of streaming data: * CCNAbstractInputStream now uses Long instead of String for readerReady (100204) * NullOutputStream now provides byte string methods to reduce call overhead (100212) * Input streams now call close() and close() shuts down pipelining and closes any headers that might be retrieved (or attempted). (100235) * ccn_resolve_version(). The exclude filter is now fixed to always return the highest version; ccn_resolve_version() returns quickly if a version is already present. * Repo FreshnessSeconds. This release increases the FreshnessSeconds on repository startWrite() response to 12 sec from 1 sec so transactional data are not held for a long time in ccnd. (100139) * Issues Resolved: * Bug #100012 java ContentObject code calculates digest on content only * Bug #100018 content explorer takes exception when there is no repo * Bug #100044 ccnget -c returns incorrect status * Bug #100061 ccnd Exclude processing needs performance improvement * Bug #100066 unsolicited content should not cause ccnd to toss good content * Bug #100074 fails if $USER is not set * Bug #100076 Use of $$ in csrc/tests/test-* considered harmful * Bug #100085 ccnchat doesn't work with java 1.5 by default * Bug #100090 Java ContentType definition for ENCR does not match the one in ccn.h * Bug #100093 seg fault in ccndc * Bug #100098 ccnchat gets illegalArgumentException for empty line * Bug #100099 Implement unreg action in ccnd - unregister prefix * Bug #100108 Some system loggers can't handle log parameters * Bug #100109 Java prefix registration should not use interest nonces * Bug #100110 ccnd blocks when attempting a connect * Bug #100113 ccnd does not allow clearing of flags in FIB * Bug #100124 Logging can cause repository to deadlock * Bug #100126 Java header creation inconsistent with ccnx.xsd header schema * Bug #100130 ccnsendchunks / ccncatchunks block size problems * Bug #100136 Nonce-based interest suppression in ccd is incomplete * Bug #100137 The handling of responses from the ccnd internal client does not cope with multiple messages in the buffer, causing them to be discarded. * Bug #100151 All Repo related logging should use FAC_REPO * Bug #100176 EnumeratedNameList.getNewData only gets data once * Bug #100179 ServiceKeyDiscoveryTest hardwires data writing into "." * Bug #100184 getLatestVersion resets the attempt time * Bug #100191 Java ForwardingEntry object validation is incorrect * Bug #100200 The constructor for PublisherPublicKeyDigest(String) should raise an exception if the string is not a proper base64Binary encoding. Both that and the PublisherPublicKeyDigest(byte []) constructor should probably raise an exception if the input is too long, rather than silently truncating. * Bug #100208 It is possible for WaitForPutDrain to go into an endless loop rather than throwing an exception when the buffer hasn't been drained correctly. * Bug #100231 Fix ccndc delete command to correctly remove prefix registration rather than attempting to destroy a face. * Bug #100240 Java library missing some forwarding flag definitions * Bug #100244 CCNNetworkManager code should log using FAC_NETMANAGER facility * Bug #100252 Reduce number of writing threads in network manager Changes between 0.1.2 and 0.2.0: -------------------------------- NOTE: 0.2.0 introduces some changes to the core CCNx protocol, most notably a change in the definition of ephemeral digests. * The implicit digest component used as the last component in the name of a ContentObject, used in Links and Exclude filters, now use the digest of the entire encoded ContentObject, rather than merely the digest of the CO's content field. This allows exclusion of inadvertent or malicious traffic with the same name and content but different signing information from the intended traffic. Described in doc/technical/DigestComponent.txt * Removed dependency on javax.xml.streams. Replaced with stream-based XML Pull parser as implemented in the kXML library ( This removes the JDK 1.5-specific requirement for JSR 173 jars; JDK 1.5 users can delete jsr173.jar and jsr173_ri.jar from their lib directories. * Repositories now have their own key pairs, rather than using the user's default key. This will enable policy-related communication with the repo and more sophisticated, multi-repository name enumeration protocols. * Implementation of the registration protocol, which allows clients to register with ccnd the prefixes for Interests they wish to receive, is well under way (see issues #100071, #100072, #100073). Until this code is stable, we will retain the default Interest flooding behavior. * Initial version of Java-based registration control client, ccndcontrol, analogous to ccndc. * Added new ccnFileProxy application, and start script bin/ccnfileproxy; this proxies a specified portion of local file space to CCNx. Note that the proxy currently does not respect access controls, and will make all files it can read available. * Logging cleanups and improvements throughout. * Bump CCN_API_VERSION to 2000. * Make a more palatable C API for signing content objects; see ccn_sign_content(...). * Fix -v handling for ccnputfile. * Remove troublesome uses of $$ in csrc/tests/test_* (Bug #100076) * Fix to not rely on $USER. Use the id command instead. * Start to make configuration settings more robust to platform variations; improved options for controlling KEYSTORE_DIRECTORY, CCN_DIR and username. * Fix ccnd to verify the signatures in face management and registration requests. * Added a C library mechanism for obtaining ccndid, needed by self-registration. * Allow ccndsmoketest to send zero-length datagrams if so instructed. * Remove unused ccn_signed_info_create_default() from API. * Add vlc parameters to control: ccn-fifo-maxblocks -- the maximum number of blocks held in the FIFO ccn-fifo-blocksize -- the size of blocks queued in the FIFO * Improved vlc plugin to use data prefetching, and attempt reconnection when disconnected from ccnd. * Make the XML jar file a property so it can be overriden on the command line if using different library. * Cleanup, bug fixes and additional tests for access control code. * Many small bugfixes to address issues with tests. * Issues Resolved: * Feature #100010 Change implicit digest component * Bug #100012 java ContentObject code calculates digest on content only * Bug #100020 repo policy files should be able to span multiple ContentObjects * Bug #100022 hashtb.c needs the delayed finalization case to be implemented Was included in 0.1.2. * Bug #100031 ccnd should check for AF_UNIX * Bug #100034 CCNWriter doesn't take preexisting Interests * Bug #100048 perror calls in ccnd should use ccnd_msg instead * Bug #100050 Refactor ccnd for improved flexibility in file locations and logging Added CCN_LOCAL_SOCKNAME and CCND_KEYSTORE_DIRECTORY variables. * Feature #100050 Refactor ccnd for improved flexibility in file locations and logging * Feature #100053 remove dependency on javax.xml streams * Feature #100054 repository needs its own keys * Feature #100066 unsolicited content should not cause ccnd to toss good content * Feature #100067 Refactor ccnd keystore directory * Feature #100068 Implement destroyface in ccnd * Feature #100069 make less chatty * Feature #100071 Self-registration protocol in ccnd * Bug #100076 Use of $$ in csrc/tests/test-* considered harmful * Bug #100077 Please write some more code here (reduced debugging output) * Bug #100079 ccnputfile does not write any segments for zero-length files * Bug #100083 ccnd not listening to both ipv4 and ipv6 tcp addresses on Linux Known issues: * intermittent Java test failures, usually around failure to retrieve segments; there is work in process that we expect will fix most of these * intermittent failures of the C test test_destroyface * intermittent JVM crashes on Java 1.5 on OSX Leopard * the default ant/jUnit on Solaris 11 doesn't work; you need to copy over the ant-junit.jar from /usr/grails/1.0.3/ant/lib/ant-junit.jar to /usr/share/lib/ant/ant-junit.jar Changes between 0.1.1 and 0.1.2: -------------------------------- NOTE: ccnChat will not inter-operate with older versions due to fix for #100030. * Changes to crypto implementation for compatibility with older versions of BouncyCastle and configurations with varied crypto support. Also improved handling of crypto providers. * Added stopall argument to ccn_repo command to stop all running repos on machine. * Turned off ccnd message about heartbeats by default (use CCND_DEBUG=128 to get these messages back). * Fixed ccnput to allow name components after the version marker, generate FinalBlockID where appropriate. * Added support for file segmentation convention to ccncatchunks2. * Centralized timeout definitions in Java library to SystemConfiguration. * Improved VLC plugin, incl. using name "ccnx", supporting versioned files. * Small improvements to ContentExplorer such as option to save a file to filesystem. * Enlarged time scale for C test_scale to reduce chance of spurious failure. * Added scripts for running experiments with content distribution. * Handle null return from readLine for binary decoding in Java library (#100025). * Improvements to CCNFilterListener support in Java library (#100027). * Improvements to repo performance (#100017) * Issues Resolved: * Bug #100009 Repository makes duplicate data requests. * Bug #100014 Update code to use IANA allocated port. Replaced temporary port number with registered ccnx port number 9695. See * Bug #100015 ccndc only processes last command in config file. * Bug #100016 Repo should not process each piece of content as a potential policy update. * Bug #100019 Incorrect marker byte used for enumeration, repo protocols. * Bug #100021 Repo should have a simple way to specify prefix on startup. * Bug #100023 c tests minsuffix and contenthash failing. * Bug #100024 BasicKeyManager passes null to generateConfigurationException. * Bug #100030 ccnChat/default network string shouldn't use Java serialization. Converted Java CCNStringObject to use UTF-8 string encoding. * Bug #100039 ccn.h should have an API version identifier. * Introduce Java ContentEncodingException and use IOException rather than using XMLStreamException widely. * Bug fixes and additional tests for AccessControlManager. * Bug fixes for name enumeration. * Improvement of internal state handling in * Adjustments to logging level of some Java tests. * Reorganization of some Java tests to help track down intermittent failures. * ContentExplorer checks for presence of VLC plugin. * Bug fixes for Java test CCNNetworkObjectTestRepo. * Build fixes for Mac OS X 10.6 * Added optimization for Java network objects based on immutable values. * Fixed broken parameter check in ccndc. * Merged specifications of infinite timeout values for Java API. * Improvements to Java CCNFlowControl and creation of simple in-memory server to serve keys. * Improved exception handling for Java network objects. * Cleaned up XML handling for repo policy files. * Added new support for local repo write unit tests. * Eliminated timersub from signbenchtest.c for portability. * Improved interest reexpression in Java library. * Minor refinements to Java log messages. * Revisions to Java documentation. * Minor improvements to C library. Changes between 0.1.0 and 0.1.1: -------------------------------- * Fixed timing window bug in RepositoryFlowControl affecting repository writing. * Minor improvements to logging in Java library. * Minor changes in build/packaging, Java import list. * Fixed varargs handling in C library for C99 compliance and to fix operation on FreeBSD/amd64. * Auto-generated documentation has been improved, particularly in some Java classes. * ccncatchunks2 now produces a summary output. * org.ccnx.ccn.profiles.access.AccessControlProfile.principalInfoToNameComponent now takes a PrincipalInfo object as input rather than individual values from such object. * The logging level for the Java end-to-end test has been increased to help track down intermittent bugs. * Bugs have been fixed in, CCNNetworkObjectTestRepo. * ccnls now prints a usage message if not given useful input (#100004). * Java ContentName now has additional convenience constructor. * New naming structure for test data has been introduced to use test-specific, timestamped names for unit tests. This is not yet fully implemented in test suite. * Java Eclipse project name is now CCNx-Java, and the README now explains how to import the Eclipse projects from files in the distribution to get the cross-references. * The BinaryEncoding and SignatureGeneration technical documentation has been slightly repaired. * Java lib CCNAbstractInputStream now decrypts content objects as a unit, improving random access performance for streams without significant security penalty. (#100007). * ContentExplorer now handles errors better and has fewer blocking threads and new UI menu options that are not fully implemented. Version 0.1.0: -------------- Initial public release.