import * as process from "child_process"; import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; import * as k8s from "@pulumi/kubernetes"; import * as http from "http"; import { spawn } from "child_process"; import { meta } from "@pulumi/kubernetes/types/input"; export interface PromPortForwardOpts { localPort: number; targetPort?: number; } // Use `kubectl port-forward` to forward Prometheus service locally; because this command will run // forever, this function returns a handle to the process that must be called to kill the process. // Usually you want to pass this in to `checkHttpLatency`, which will properly clean this up: // // util.checkHttpLatency(canary, containerName, {forwarderHandle: forwarderHandle [...]}) // // This is useful for when we can't run Pulumi in-cluster, in which case simply calling to the // appropriate KubeDNS URL is not sufficient. export function forwardPrometheusService( service: pulumi.Input, deployment: pulumi.Input, opts: PromPortForwardOpts ): pulumi.Output<() => void> { if (pulumi.runtime.isDryRun()) { return pulumi.output(() => {}); } return pulumi.all([service, deployment]).apply(([s, d]) => pulumi.all([s.metadata, d.urn])).apply(([meta]) => { return new Promise<() => void>((resolve, reject) => { const forwarderHandle = spawn("kubectl", [ "port-forward", `service/${}`, `${opts.localPort}:${opts.targetPort || 80}` ]); // NOTE: we need to wrap `forwarderHandle.kill` because of JavaScript's `this` // semantics. forwarderHandle.stdout.on("data", data => resolve(() => forwarderHandle.kill())); forwarderHandle.stderr.on("data", data => reject()); }); }); } export interface CheckLatencyOpts { // Duration of time to periodically poll latency metrics. In seconds. durationSeconds: number; // Period of time to wait between polling metrics. In seconds. Defaults to 1. periodSeconds?: number; // Quantile of latency responses to check. One of: {0.9 | 0.99}. quantile: 0.9 | 0.99; // Threshold on which we will fail the deployment. In microseconds. thresholdMicroseconds: number; // Location of the Prometheus endpoint to query. prometheusEndpoint: string; forwarderHandle: pulumi.Output<() => void>; } // Polls Prometheus on some customizable period and checks that the HTTP request latency for a // specified quartile does not exceed some maximum threshold. export function checkHttpLatency( canary: k8s.apps.v1beta1.Deployment, containerName: string, opts: CheckLatencyOpts ): pulumi.Output { if (pulumi.runtime.isDryRun()) { return pulumi.output(Promise.resolve("")); } const url = `http://${ opts.prometheusEndpoint }/api/v1/query?query=http_request_duration_microseconds%7Bjob%3D%22kubernetes-pods%22%2C%20app%3D%22${containerName}%22%7D`; // // Turn an `http.get` into a `Promise`. // const kill = opts.forwarderHandle || (() => {}); return pulumi.all([canary.urn, kill]).apply(([_, kill]) => { console.log("Checking HTTP metrics"); // Poll Prometheus for metrics. If they drop below the specified threshold, we return error // immediately. return pollP8s(url, opts).then(latency => { kill(); return latency; }); }); } function pollP8s(url: string, opts: CheckLatencyOpts): Promise { let timedOut = false; setTimeout(_ => { timedOut = true; }, opts.durationSeconds * 1000); let count = 1; function pollRecursive(): Promise { return getHttpLatency(url).then(bodyText => { // // Validate that the HTTP latency in microseconds has not gone above the safe threshold. // If it has, reject, and if it hasn't, recursively poll until the timeout. // let microseconds = ""; const kontinue = () => { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(_ => { resolve(microseconds); }, (opts.periodSeconds || 1) * 1000) ).then(pollRecursive); }; const body = JSON.parse(bodyText); if ( == 0) { if (timedOut) { throw new Error(`Failed metrics check: no HTTP latency measurements returned`); } // No data yet. Return. return kontinue(); } for (const result of { const quantile = result.metric["quantile"]; microseconds = result.value[1]; // Check HTTP latency metrics. Recursively poll if the metrics have not met the // unacceptable latency threshold. if (quantile == opts.quantile) { if (microseconds == "" || microseconds == "NaN") { if (timedOut) { throw new Error( `Failed metrics check: querying HTTP latency got '${microseconds}'` ); } // Ignore invalid data. return kontinue(); } if (parseFloat(microseconds) > opts.thresholdMicroseconds) { console.error( `Failed metrics check: required < ${opts.thresholdMicroseconds.toString()} microseconds, got '${microseconds}'` ); throw new Error( `Failed metrics check: required < ${opts.thresholdMicroseconds.toString()} microseconds, got '${microseconds}'` ); } if (timedOut) { return Promise.resolve(microseconds); } return kontinue(); } } throw new Error( `Failed metrics check: required < 20000 microseconds, got '${microseconds}'` ); }); } return pollRecursive(); } function getHttpLatency(url: string): Promise { // // Turn Prometheus metrics check into a `Promise` // return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const request = http.get(url, response => { if ( response.statusCode === undefined || response.statusCode < 200 || response.statusCode > 299 ) { reject(new Error("Failed to load page, status code: " + response.statusCode)); } // Append to the body until the end. const body: string[] = []; response.on("data", chunk => body.push(chunk.toString())); response.on("end", () => resolve(body.join(""))); }); // Handle error case. request.on("error", err => reject(err)); }); }