# okta-listroles(1) -- Output a list of roles available to assume. ## SYNOPSIS okta-listroles ## DESCRIPTION The okta-listroles tool allows you to authenticate to Okta and list the roles that are available to be assumed. ## FIELDS "accountName" The AWS account name and number the role belongs to. "roleOptions" A list of roleName and AWS IAM roleArn pairs available without a given account. "roleName" The name of the AWS IAM Role. "roleARN" The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of the AWS IAM Role. ## EXAMPLES Running a command like this: okta-listroles Will prompt for Okta credentials (or reuse your session) and output something like this to standard output: [ { "accountName": "Account: example-corp (123456789012)", "roleOptions": [ { "roleName": "Admin", "roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/Admin" } ] }, { "accountName": "Account: example-research (654321234567)", "roleOptions": [ { "roleName": "Admin", "roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::654321234567:role/Admin" } { "roleName": "ReadOnly", "roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::654321234567:role/ReadOnly" } ] } ] # SEE ALSO [okta-credential_process(1)](okta-credential_process.1.md)