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LFS458 course - Student playground

This terraform script will create the following resources:

  • GCP Firewall rule
  • For each student two GCP instances with a public IP (the public ips are stored under ips)
  • For each student an indiviual ssh keypair will be generated (and be stored under keys)
  • For each student an zip file will be created (and stored under packages)


  • terraform (v0.12.7)
  • puttygen (tested with Release 0.71)
  • GCP Account
    • Every student requires 10 vCPUs and 5 public IP addresses. You will run into your quotas very quickly. Raise GCP quotas process.


We need to create the terraform.tfvars file that contains all variables to use this terraform script:

cp terraform.tfvars.example terraform.tfvars

Now fill in all the required variables (e.g. your student names). If you want to also send mails with the provided Python script add all information to mail_info.yaml in the mail folder. The student list can be read from the yaml file with the following command: yq r ./mail/mail_info.yaml 'attendees.[*].Short' -c -j.

Run terraform

In the first step we need to initialize all the modules and providers:

terraform init

See here how to setup GCP and terraform

Now we can verify everything with the plan step: terraform plan if everything looks fine just apply the changes: terraform apply

Run in Docker

The provided dockerfile set up a system with all required software. To deploy the training environment run:

docker build -t lfs458-prep
docker run -it -u "$(id -u):$(id -g)" --rm -v $(pwd):/wd -w /wd lfs458-prep init
docker run -it -u "$(id -u):$(id -g)" --rm -v $(pwd):/wd -w /wd lfs458-prep apply

Sending Mails

Ensure that the Gmail API is activated.

virtualenv --python=python3.7 .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
cd mail
pip install -r requirements.txt

Adjust the files under mail:

  • Add all your attendees to the mail_info.yaml file
  • Adjust the mail text in mail_template.txt

Finally send the mails and thee attachments with: python3

Clean up

In order to clean up everything just run: terraform destroy

Cleanup in Docker

In order to clean up everything using the docker setup, run:

docker run -it -u "$(id -u):$(id -g)" --rm -v $(pwd):/wd -w /wd lfs458-prep terraform destroy

Save Homes

If you want to save the homes for your students, run the script This will copy all the contents of /home/student from the machines onto your machine. Then zip the files up and place them in $(pwd)/homes.