This Java application is an E-shop
that allows users to register, authorize, and browse products by category. It utilizes
for UI technology and is built on Spring Boot
, Spring MVC
, and new Java 17 technologies.
Users can add items to their cart for purchase. The system is designed to streamline the online shopping experience
by providing a user-friendly interface and incorporating the latest Java technologies for improved functionality and security.
- Java 17
- Spring 3.0.6 (Spring boot, Spring Security, Spring web)
- Maven 3.8.1
- Postgresql 42.6.0
- Lombok 1.18.24
- Modelmapper 3.1.1
- FlyWay 9.19.1
- ThymeLeaf 3.0.6
- Hibernate 6.1.7
- Spring data JPA 3.0.5
- JUnit 5
- user registration and authorization
Clone the project
git clone
- building a plain Application with Spring Boot
- create the User controller
- plug the Hibernate
- connect entities with 1:M and M:M relationships
- add entities validator
- add DTO and converters
- add global search by product name
- add User registration with saving Users to database
- add User authorization
- create shopping cart and opportunity to add products
- add orders storing to DB
- display user's order history
- add the ability to view the list of products of each user order
- add admin page with user's list
- add Spring Security with In-Memory Authentication
- add Spring Security authentication form Login custom page with Database
- add Spring Security roles
Petrovich Alexandr - @Petrovich Alexandr - [email protected]
Here are useful resources for readme writing and designing that I've used in my projects.