name: deepsignalpenv channels: - bioconda - pytorch - conda-forge dependencies: - python>=3.8 - pip - cudatoolkit=10.2 # 10.2 is ok for 1.7.0-1.11.0 - numpy>=1.19.2,<1.20 # <1.20 is for tombo - h5py>=2.8.0,<3 # <3 is for tombo - statsmodels>=0.13.2 - scikit-learn>=1.0.2 - pytorch::pytorch=1.11.0 # add channel prefix (pytorch::) to make sure the cuda version being installed? - scipy=1.7.3 - pandas - samtools>=1.12 # will install dependence->htslib, which includes tabix and bgzip - minimap2>=2.23 - deepsignal-plant=0.1.6 - pip: - ont-tombo==1.5.1 # using conda to install tombo causes conflicts?