This project is basically the same as the ESP-SOCKET project. The difference is only that a temperature and humidity sensor HTU-21D has been added. Therefore, the original text is fully valid also for this project (only the word "SENSOR" must be used everywhere instead of "SOCKET").
I realized that the potential of ESP8266 is very little used in the ESP-SOCKET project and that it should be very easy to use it more. As a first possibility of improvement I was thinking of adding some sensor. I had the HTU-21D sensor at home, so it was the simplest thing for me to add the HTU-21D sensor. Eventghost plugin should allow to set any number of significant levels. If any of the levels are exceeded (and / or the value drops below), the corresponding event should be triggered. A change of relay state must trigger an event in EventGhost too.
An ESP-12 module with at least 32Mbit Flash (equals to 4MBytes)
A HTU-21D module.
In contrast to the ESP-SOCKET project, one additional library was needed here:
- HTU21D - an Arduino library for SHT21, HTU21D & Si70xx written by enjoyneering79
As can be seen from the pictures, this time I worked in two steps: