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CO2 Calc App

This is a Blazor Server introduction project.

It shows the following points:

  • Routing
  • Components
  • Bindings
  • Events
  • Methods


Create project and NavMenu

  1. Create project Blazor Server App
  2. Start project to check if it works
  3. Add a Navlink into NavMenu.razor (copy and replace href, oi-icon and Name)
<div class="nav-item px-3">
    <NavLink class="nav-link" href="calc">
        <span class="oi oi-calculator" aria-hidden="true"></span> CO2 Output Calc

Calc Page

  1. Create Calc.razor Page in Pages
  2. Add Page Routing @page "/calc"
  3. Show result
  4. Add PageTitle Component <PageTitle>CO2 Output Calc</PageTitle>
  5. Change <h3> text to CO2 output
  6. Create field Kilometres private int Kilometres = 100;
  7. Add label and input
<input type="number" @bind="Kilometres"/>
  1. Create record Transportation
public record Transportation(string? Title, double Co2PerKmInGramm);
  1. Create List of Transportation and instance values
private List<Transportation> Transportations = new()
    new ("Car 🚗", 147),
    new ("Airplane 🛫", 230),
    new ("Train 🚝", 32)
  1. Add foreach loop below input without variables
@foreach (var t in Transportations)
    <div class="card w-25 mt-2">
        <div class="card-body">
            <h2 class="card-title"></h2>
            <hr />
            <p class="card-text fw-bold"> kilograms</p>
  1. Add Title to h5 @t.Title
  2. Add Method to calculate
private double CalculateCo2InKg(double co2value) => (co2value * Kilometres) / 1000;
  1. Add Method to card p class @CalculateCo2InKg(t.Co2PerKmInGramm)
  2. Add @bind:event="oninput" to input.

The least C# way

@code {
    int Kilometres = 100;

    List<Transportation> Transportations = new List<Transportation>()
        new Transportation{Title = "Car 🚗", Co2PerKmInGramm = 147 },
        new Transportation{Title = "Airplane 🛫", Co2PerKmInGramm = 230 },
        new Transportation{Title = "Train 🚄", Co2PerKmInGramm = 32 }       

    class Transportation
        public required string Title { get; set; }
        public required double Co2PerKmInGramm { get; set; }

    double CalculateCo2InKg(double co2value)
        return (co2value * Kilometres) / 1000;