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File metadata and controls

137 lines (91 loc) · 3.8 KB

How to start JSDoc

Use the following command in the root directory of the project

npx jsdoc -c jsdoc.config.json

Afterwards the generated HTML files are in ./jsdoc/output_html. You can open the index.html to see the JSDoc documentation.

To configure JSDoc change the jsdoc.config.json file.

Changes to the JSDOC default template

Navigation sidebar


The sidebar is divided into categories, if a category has been added by tag or jsdoc.conf.json.

Add category by tag @category

Use the @category categoryname tag.


 * @module @proceed/core
 * @category universal

The module @proceed/core will be under the universal category in the sidebar.

Add category based on file path

Use the categoryByPath option in jsdoc.conf.json.


"opts": {
    "categoryByPath": {
        "universal": "modules"

The sidebar links for code in the modules folder will be under the universal part of the sidebar. The category is only assigned automatically if there isn't a @category tag already.

To add categories the categories plugin has to be added in jsdoc.conf.json

"plugins": [

Missing category

If there are elements in the sidebar without a category they will be under the root scope part, the last part in the sidebar (if non-categorized elements exist). The title can be changed in the jsdoc.conf.json options:

"opts": {
    "noCategoryTitle": "root scope",

Module classes

Class links are appended to their modules in the sidebar. For it to work classes need to reference their modules with @memberof module:modulename


 * @memberof module:@proceed/core
class ProceedEngine {
   * constructor description

Global: default behavior

functions, members or constants that have a JSDOC comment and are not inside a class and have no @memberof tag will show up under Global in the sidebar.

With @memberof module:modulename or @memberof module:modulename.classname the information can be moved to the module or class page so the link won't show up under Global anymore. For example if the Global link was a function, you will find it under Methods on the module page if you tagged it as member of the module.

Move all Globals to their module page

To make all functions in a file(module) a member of that module, add a separate comment to the beginning of the file with /*_ @module name _/. This will actually add all file content as a member to the module name.

Show a module below another module in the navigation tree

The module has to be a member of the 'parent' module. The parent module can already be a member of another module. For example:

* @module rotation
* @memberof module:@proceed/machine.module:logging

will show in the navigation bar as nav module tree


  • JS-Types link to their MDN page (example: String)
  • Link names of Module Classes only contain the Class name (example: 'Management' instead of 'module:@proceed/core.Management')

required settings in jsdoc.conf.json

Path to the changed publish.js

"opts": {
    "template": "./jsdoc_changes/template"

Files to include (script and css)

"templates": {
        "default": {
				"include": ["./jsdoc_changes/template/static/"]
        "css": ["styles/mstyle.css"]

JSDOC workflow

jsdoc workflow