visible none none ifinvis null 0 21 visible none none unlesswiz null 19 0 visible .vis none none null null 23 0 rubbish none none unlesswiz null 19 0 rubbish .ignore none none null null 0 0 invisible none none ifinvis null 1 20 invisible none none unlesswiz null 19 0 invisible .invis none none null null 22 0 shelve .shelve none none null null 0 0 unshelve .unshelve none none null null 0 0 mix medication liquid destroyinc second 573 0 mix liquid medication incdestroy second 573 0 climb forest none null null 381 0 invent none none null null 8 0 i .inven none none null null 0 0 level none none null null 833 0 taste none none null null 869 0 wear headdress none null null 382 0 thanks none none null null 822 0 keywords none none null null 823 0 sorry none none null null 13 0 hammer none none null null 714 0 god none none null null 739 0 help none 1 null null 1 0 help .assist none none null null 0 0 h none none null null 1 0 refuse .refuse none none null null 0 0 command none none ifwiz null 6 0 command none none null null 5 0 explain none none null null 2 0 xyzzy none none null null 9 0 hours .hours none none null null 0 0 newhours .newhours none none null null 0 0 go .go none none null null 0 0 sget .sget none none ifwiz null 0 0 sgo .sgo none none null null 0 0 pi none none null null 654 0 pu none none unlesswiz null 486 0 pu .remove anything container null null 0 0 pu .remove anything flame null null 0 0 pu .get none none null null 0 0 letgo none none unlesswiz null 486 0 letgo .drop none none null null 0 0 swear none none ifin null limbo 4 swear none none iffighting null 3 0 swear none none dead null 49 0 kiss person none emotion null 50 328 stroke familiar none ifprop null 9 443 stroke familiar none null null 444 0 stroke person none emotion null 25 552 wake .wake none none null null 0 0 piss none none ifin null limbo 4 piss none none iffighting null 3 0 piss none none dead null 49 0 rape .blind person none ifself null 540 0 rape familiar none testsex null 473 981 rape none none ifin null limbo 4 rape none none iffighting null 3 0 rape none none dead null 49 0 masturbate .blind none none null null 540 0 unlock access none ifprop null 0 185 unlock access none ifprop null 1 185 unlock access yale set null 1 186 unlock access none ifhave key 559 0 ;only works for one set of keys unlock access none null null 184 0 lock access none ifprop null 2 189 lock access yale set null 2 188 lock access none null null 505 0 back .back none none null null 0 0 light torch none unlesswiz null 588 0 light torch none dec null 131 4 fell access tool destroydestroy second 88 0 fell access none null null 90 0 feed serpent none null null 976 0 feed familiar none null null 433 0 feed none none null null 778 0 dig none none null null 596 0 drink none water null null 862 0 drink none none null null 158 0 eat victuals none ifprop null 1 985 eat victuals none destroy null 115 0 eat none none null null 873 0 kill knob none null null 45 0 kill access tool destroydestroy second 88 0 kill access none null null 90 0 kill something tool hurt null 20 0 -4 kill .kill serpent none enable null 1 970 -4 kill .kill none none null null 0 0 -4 proof .proof none none null null 0 0 move .go none none null null 0 0 debug .debug none none null null 0 0 demo .demo none none null null 0 0 laugh .laugh none none null null 0 0 freeze none none unlesswiz null 4 0 freeze .freeze none none null null 577 0 melt none none unlesswiz null 4 0 melt .unfreeze none none null null 578 0 mobile .mobile none none null null 0 0 haste .haste none none null null 0 0 stamina .stamina none none null null 0 0 att .attach none none null null 0 0 det .detach none none null null 0 0 humble .humble none none null null 0 0 tell .tell none none null null 0 0 get bowl none null null 828 0 get serpent none null null 971 0 -1 get .get none none null null 0 0 say .say none none null null 0 0 who .who none none null null 0 0 awho .autowho none none null null 0 0 qwho .quickwho none none null null 0 0 set .set none none null null 0 0 purge .purge none none null null 0 0 save .save none none null null 0 0 quit .quit none none null null 0 0 q none none null null 1508 0 score .score none none null null 0 0 bye .bye none none null null 0 0 bug .bug none none null null 0 0 log .log none none null null 0 0 ctrap .ctrap none none null null 0 0 follow .follow none none null null 0 0 lose .lose none none null null 0 0 begone .begone none none null null 849 0 peace none none unlesswiz null 4 0 peace .peace none none null null 979 0 979 spectacular .spectacular none none null null 0 0 war none none unlesswiz null 4 0 war .war none none null null 980 0 980 l .look none none null null 0 0 map .map none none null null 0 0 brief .brief none none null null 0 0 verbose .verbose none none null null 0 0 p .p none none null null 0 0 exits .exits none none null null 0 0 pronouns .pronouns none none null null 0 0 unsnoop .unsnoop none none null null 0 0 direct .direct none none null null 0 0 exorcise .exorcise none none null null 0 0 open access none ifprop null 0 183 open access 2 set null 0 100 open access yale set null 0 100 open access none ifprop null 2 184 open access none set null 0 100 close access yale set null 2 188 close access none ifprop null 1 187 close access none set null 1 101 spells none none null null 7 0 flush lavatory none iflevel null 2 831 flush lavatory none exp null 1 831 flush none none flush null 762 0 sleep .sleep none none unlessobjplayer null 171 0 sleep .sleep none none ifwiz null 171 0 sleep none none unlessrlevel null 6 650 -50 sleep .sleep none none null null 756 0 wish .flush none none ifdumb null 1 26 wish .flush none none unlessplaying null 10 882 -50 wish .sleep none none sendlevel null 10 882 crash .crash none none null null 0 0 change .change none none ifwiz null 0 0 change none none ifsmall null 27 0 change .flush none none unlessrlevel null 10 968 -50 change .change none none null null 756 0 enchant .enchant none none flush null 0 0 police .police none none flush null 0 0 unveil .unveil none none null null 0 0 resurrect .resurrect none none null null 0 0 reset none none unlesswiz null 486 0 reset .reset none none null null 889 0 keep .keep none none null null 0 0 unkeep .unkeep none none null null 0 0 putin .insert none none null null 0 0 takeout .remove none none null null 0 0 fod .fod none none null null 0 0 sick none none ifdisenable null 1 834 sick none none ifdisenable null 3 871 sick none none ifdisenable null 16 871 sick none none null null 834 0 fix .insert torch container unlessprop null 0 0 fix torch container destroydestroy second 771 0 fix .insert anything flame null null 781 0 fix .insert none none null null 0 0 search none none null null 370 0 how none none null null 11 0 please none none null null 14 0 consume none none null null 874 0 winter none none ifwiz null 958 0 -33 summer none none ifwiz null 974 0 -41 flee none none ifberserk null 814 0 flee .flee none none null null 0 0 drop .drop none none null null 0 0 locations .rooms none none null null 0 0 summon none none null null 4 0 make none none null null 4 0 where none none null null 4 0 wizards none none iflevel null 10 504 berserk .berserk none none null null 0 0 weigh .weigh none none null null 0 0 value .value none none null null 0 0 converse .converse none none null null 0 0 write none none flush null 888 0 read forum none null null 548 0 password .password none none null null 0 0 retaliate tool none retal null 10 0 retaliate none none iffighting null 46 0 retaliate none none null null 47 0 when .time none none null null 0 0 diagnose .diagnose none none ifwiz null 0 0 deafen person none ifdeaf null 1 32 deafen .deafen person none unlessrlevel null 4 44 deafen person none noifr null 0 0 deafen person none ssendemon null 52 756 -56 deafen none none null null 24 0 blind person none ifblind null 1 31 blind .blind person none unlessrlevel null 4 41 blind person none noifr null 0 0 blind person none ssendemon null 53 756 -56 blind none none null null 24 0 paralyse person none ifparalysed null 1 30 paralyse .paralyse person none unlessrlevel null 4 38 paralyse person none noifr null 0 0 paralyse person none ssendemon null 54 756 -56 paralyse none none null null 24 0 dumb person none ifdumb null 1 29 dumb .dumb person none unlessrlevel null 4 35 dumb person none noifr null 0 0 dumb person none ssendemon null 55 756 -56 dumb none none null null 24 0 cure person none unlessrlevel null 8 755 cure person none noifr null 0 0 cure person none ssendemon null 57 756 -56 cure none none null null 24 0 examine none none null null 245 0 ;;vocabulary action synonyms syn info explain diag diagnose cripple paralyse deaf deafen daytime when da when persona purge personas purge personae purge delete purge dump save levels level apologies sorry oops sorry apologise sorry ta thanks thank thanks attatch att attach att assist help instruction command commands command instructions command information explain syntax command shut close raise open lower close lift open retreat back logout bye plugh xyzzy ignite light burn light cremate light extinguish douse quench douse chop fell cut fell flip toss roast cook bake cook thaw melt unfreeze melt ptrans go propel drop grasp get ingest eat expel swear mtrans score speak tell sen tell attend l mbuild log atrans drop vomit sick spew sick puke sick pronoun pronouns pn pronouns pns pronouns ex exorcise inventory i hrs hours times hours k kill ki kill skin kill smash kill break kill upturn kill strangle kill tip kill empty kill swat kill press kill depress kill push kill attack kill exterminate kill sacrifice kill slay kill flog kill hit kill fight kill strike kill frig enchant b back restore resurrect res resurrect supercede reset chill freeze mobiles mobile rest sleep nap sleep kip sleep doze sleep speed haste sp haste hasten haste directory direct dir direct force make chase follow pursue follow track follow unbrief brief unverbose verbose banish begone chant say recite say snopp snoop unsnopp unsnoop watch snoop nsnoop unsnoop unwatch unsnoop unwatch unsnoop observe snoop dot fod bung fix insert fix hang fix put fix manipulate fix wizad wizard wicth witch wiard wizard wiazrd wizard wiz wizard wi with locs locations loc locations shit piss urinate piss wee piss cunt swear arse swear anus swear fuck rape fucking swear bugger swear bloody swear penis swear vagina swear prick swear fanny swear masterbate masturbate wank masturbate g get remove get steal get give drop tether fix sh shout bellow shout yell shout call summon goto go supergo sgo superget sget sg sget slide move moveto go sc score experience score status score points score pts score diary log script log look l describe l desc l pour drop spill drop splash drop throw drop dr drop cast drop run flee f flee fl flee ask tell whisper tell take get carry get catch get screw rape bang rape pause quit qq quit qu quit players who autowho awho aw awho quickwho qwho qw qwho wq qwho wa awho pretend p whom who player who suggestion bug suggest bug complaint bug complain bug question bug typo bug moan bug report bug idea bug query bug memo bug message tell feature bug devour eat pinch steal pickup pu lg letgo putdown letgo pd letgo donate drop gi drop st steal fling drop pw password newpassword password witches wizards sta stamina snog kiss ret retaliate pat stroke rub stroke hug stroke pet stroke cuddle stroke dep visible vis visible indep invisible invis invisible undemo demo