# Contributing guide. This project has its `main` branch protected, so, whatever change you're proposing should be done in a personal branch which will then be reviwed and merged into the `main` branch. ## Table of contents. - [Basics](#basics-🤏🏼). - [Frontend](#frontend-🦺). - [Backend](#backend-🎭). ## Basics 🤏🏼. Follow these steps to get started. - Clone the repository. ```bash git clone https://github.com/Osilaja78/HealthDatum.git ``` - Create and use a new branch. ```bash git checkout -b branch-name ``` Replace `branch-name` with a suitable name, most preferrably, it should refer to the current feature you're working on. - Then continue to whatever part of the project you would like to make changes, frontend or backend. ## Frontend 🦺. The frontend is built using Next.js and Tailwind CSS, so basic knowledge of these two frameworks is required before being able to contribute. ### Requirements. You need to have the following installed on your PC. - Node.js (v20.5.0 of higher). ### To run the project. - Once you clone the repo, move to the frontend directory ```bash cd frontend ``` - Install the requred dependencies ```bash npm install ``` - Create a `.env` file in the root directory of the frontend and copy the environment variables from the `.env.example`, fill the vars with the appropriate values. - Finally, run the project. ```bash npm run dev ``` ## Backend 🎭. The backend is built using FastAPI, so basic knowledge of the framework is required before being able to contribute. ### Requirements. You need to have the following installed on your PC - Python (v3.10.0 or higher). - MySQL ### To run the project. - Once you clone the repository, move to the backend directory. ```bash cd backend ``` - Create a python virtual environment. ```bash python -m venv env ``` - Activate your virtual environment. ```bash env\scripts\activate ``` - Install all requred dependencies. ```bash pip install -r requirements.txt ``` - Finally run the project. ```bash python main.py # or uvicorn main:app --reload ```