#This is a sample Comware migration initialization file with device mappings for migratecomware.py # #Syntax: # * Blank lines and lines only containing whitespace will be ignored. # * Use lines beginning with # as comments. These lines will be ignored. # * Use "net=Network_name" to define a network. A network definition line must exist before any # device definition lines. # * Device definition lines. These lines define the IP address of the original Comware switch, # the Meraki MS switch serial number the configuration will be transferred to and optionally # a SSH username and password to log into the Comware device. If username and password are # omitted, default credentials will be used. These lines can have four forms: # # # file # #Examples of net definition and device definition lines, commented out: # #net=Migrated headquarters network # AAAA-BBBB-CCCC admin admin # AAAA-BBBB-DDDD admin@system admin123 #file myconfig.cfg BBBB-CCCC-DDDD # #net=Migrated branch network # AAAA-BBBB-EEEE net=New migrated network AAAA-BBBB-CCCC cisco@system cisco sadd-235u-hf92 file myfile.txt kasa-832r-dajs net=Not Empty net sajk-jfaa-afff net=Second migrated network AAAA-BBBB-DDDD