# opentrons platform makefile # https://github.com/Opentrons/opentrons # make OT_PYTHON available include ./scripts/python.mk API_DIR := api APP_SHELL_DIR := app-shell APP_SHELL_ODD_DIR := app-shell-odd COMPONENTS_DIR := components DISCOVERY_CLIENT_DIR := discovery-client G_CODE_TESTING_DIR := g-code-testing LABWARE_LIBRARY_DIR := labware-library NOTIFY_SERVER_DIR := notify-server PROTOCOL_DESIGNER_DIR := protocol-designer SHARED_DATA_DIR := shared-data UPDATE_SERVER_DIR := update-server ROBOT_SERVER_DIR := robot-server SERVER_UTILS_DIR := server-utils SYSTEM_SERVER_DIR := system-server HARDWARE_DIR := hardware USB_BRIDGE_DIR := usb-bridge NODE_USB_BRIDGE_CLIENT_DIR := usb-bridge/node-client PYTHON_DIRS := $(API_DIR) $(UPDATE_SERVER_DIR) $(NOTIFY_SERVER_DIR) $(ROBOT_SERVER_DIR) $(SERVER_UTILS_DIR) $(SHARED_DATA_DIR)/python $(G_CODE_TESTING_DIR) $(HARDWARE_DIR) $(USB_BRIDGE_DIR) # This may be set as an environment variable (and is by CI tasks that upload # to test pypi) to add a .dev extension to the python package versions. If # empty, no .dev extension is appended, so this definition is here only as # documentation BUILD_NUMBER ?= # watch, coverage, update snapshot, and warning suppresion variables for tests and linting watch ?= false cover ?= true updateSnapshot ?= false quiet ?= false FORMAT_FILE_GLOB = ".*.@(js|ts|tsx|yml)" "**/*.@(ts|tsx|js|json|md|yml)" ifeq ($(watch), true) cover := false endif # run at usage (=), not on makefile parse (:=) # todo(mm, 2021-03-17): Deduplicate with scripts/python.mk. usb_host=$(shell yarn run -s discovery find -i 169.254) # install all project dependencies .PHONY: setup setup: setup-js setup-py # front-end dependecies handled by yarn .PHONY: setup-js setup-js: yarn config set network-timeout 60000 yarn $(MAKE) -C $(APP_SHELL_DIR) setup $(MAKE) -C $(APP_SHELL_ODD_DIR) setup $(MAKE) -C $(SHARED_DATA_DIR) setup-js PYTHON_SETUP_TARGETS := $(addsuffix -py-setup, $(PYTHON_DIRS)) .PHONY: setup-py setup-py: $(OT_PYTHON) -m pip install pipenv==2021.5.29 $(MAKE) $(PYTHON_SETUP_TARGETS) %-py-setup: $(MAKE) -C $* setup # uninstall all project dependencies # tear down JS after Python, because Python cleanup depends on JS dep shx .PHONY: teardown teardown: $(MAKE) teardown-py $(MAKE) teardown-js .PHONY: teardown-js teardown-js: clean-js yarn shx rm -rf "**/node_modules" PYTHON_TEARDOWN_TARGETS := $(addsuffix -py-teardown, $(PYTHON_DIRS)) .PHONY: teardown-py teardown-py: $(PYTHON_TEARDOWN_TARGETS) %-py-teardown: %-py-clean $(MAKE) -C $* teardown # clean all project output .PHONY: clean clean: clean-js clean-py .PHONY: clean-js clean-js: clean-ts $(MAKE) -C $(DISCOVERY_CLIENT_DIR) clean $(MAKE) -C $(NODE_USB_BRIDGE_CLIENT_DIR) clean $(MAKE) -C $(COMPONENTS_DIR) clean PYTHON_CLEAN_TARGETS := $(addsuffix -py-clean, $(PYTHON_DIRS)) .PHONY: clean-py clean-py: $(PYTHON_CLEAN_TARGETS) %-py-clean: $(MAKE) -C $* clean .PHONY: deploy-py deploy-py: export twine_repository_url = $(twine_repository_url) deploy-py: export pypi_username = $(pypi_username) deploy-py: export pypi_password = $(pypi_password) deploy-py: $(MAKE) -C $(API_DIR) deploy $(MAKE) -C $(SHARED_DATA_DIR) deploy-py .PHONY: push-api push-api: export host = $(usb_host) push-api: $(if $(host),@echo "Pushing to $(host)",$(error host variable required)) $(MAKE) -C $(API_DIR) push .PHONY: push-update-server push-update-server: export host = $(usb_host) push-update-server: $(if $(host),@echo "Pushing to $(host)",$(error host variable required)) $(MAKE) -C $(UPDATE_SERVER_DIR) push .PHONY: push push: export host=$(usb_host) push: $(if $(host),@echo "Pushing to $(host)",$(error host variable required)) $(MAKE) -C $(SHARED_DATA_DIR) push-no-restart sleep 1 $(MAKE) -C $(API_DIR) push-no-restart sleep 1 $(MAKE) -C $(SERVER_UTILS_DIR) push sleep 1 $(MAKE) -C $(NOTIFY_SERVER_DIR) push sleep 1 $(MAKE) -C $(SYSTEM_SERVER_DIR) push sleep 1 $(MAKE) -C $(ROBOT_SERVER_DIR) push sleep 1 $(MAKE) -C $(UPDATE_SERVER_DIR) push .PHONY: push-ot3 push-ot3: $(if $(host),@echo "Pushing to $(host)",$(error host variable required)) $(MAKE) -C $(SHARED_DATA_DIR) push-no-restart-ot3 $(MAKE) -C $(HARDWARE_DIR) push-no-restart-ot3 $(MAKE) -C $(API_DIR) push-no-restart-ot3 $(MAKE) -C $(SERVER_UTILS_DIR) push-ot3 $(MAKE) -C $(NOTIFY_SERVER_DIR) push-ot3 $(MAKE) -C $(ROBOT_SERVER_DIR) push-ot3 $(MAKE) -C $(SYSTEM_SERVER_DIR) push-ot3 $(MAKE) -C $(UPDATE_SERVER_DIR) push-ot3 $(MAKE) -C $(USB_BRIDGE_DIR) push-ot3 .PHONY: term term: export host = $(usb_host) term: $(if $(host),@echo "Connecting to $(host)",$(error host variable required)) $(MAKE) -C $(API_DIR) term # all tests .PHONY: test test: test-py test-js # tests that may be run on windows .PHONY: test-windows test-windows: test-js test-py-windows .PHONY: test-e2e test-e2e: $(MAKE) -C $(LABWARE_LIBRARY_DIR) test-e2e $(MAKE) -C $(PROTOCOL_DESIGNER_DIR) test-e2e .PHONY: test-py-windows test-py-windows: $(MAKE) -C $(HARDWARE_DIR) test $(MAKE) -C $(API_DIR) test $(MAKE) -C $(SHARED_DATA_DIR) test-py .PHONY: test-py test-py: test-py-windows $(MAKE) -C $(UPDATE_SERVER_DIR) test $(MAKE) -C $(ROBOT_SERVER_DIR) test $(MAKE) -C $(SERVER_UTILS_DIR) test $(MAKE) -C $(NOTIFY_SERVER_DIR) test $(MAKE) -C $(G_CODE_TESTING_DIR) test $(MAKE) -C $(USB_BRIDGE_DIR) test .PHONY: test-js test-js: yarn jest \ --coverage=$(cover) \ --watch=$(watch) \ --updateSnapshot=$(updateSnapshot) \ --ci=$(if $(CI),true,false) # lints and typechecks .PHONY: lint lint: lint-py lint-js lint-json lint-css check-js circular-dependencies-js PYTHON_LINT_TARGETS = $(addsuffix -py-lint, $(PYTHON_DIRS)) .PHONY: lint-py lint-py: $(PYTHON_LINT_TARGETS) %-py-lint: $(MAKE) -C $* lint .PHONY: lint-js lint-js: yarn eslint --quiet=$(quiet) ".*.@(js|ts|tsx)" "**/*.@(js|ts|tsx)" yarn prettier --ignore-path .eslintignore --check $(FORMAT_FILE_GLOB) .PHONY: lint-json lint-json: yarn eslint --max-warnings 0 --ext .json . .PHONY: lint-css lint-css: yarn stylelint "**/*.css" "**/*.js" .PHONY: format format: format-js format-py PYTHON_FORMAT_TARGETS := $(addsuffix -py-format, $(PYTHON_DIRS)) .PHONY: format-py format-py: $(PYTHON_FORMAT_TARGETS) %-py-format: $(MAKE) -C $* format .PHONY: format-js format-js: yarn prettier --ignore-path .eslintignore --write $(FORMAT_FILE_GLOB) .PHONY: check-js check-js: build-ts .PHONY: build-ts build-ts: yarn tsc --build .PHONY: clean-ts clean-ts: yarn tsc --build --clean # TODO: Ian 2019-12-17 gradually add components and shared-data .PHONY: circular-dependencies-js circular-dependencies-js: yarn madge $(and $(CI),--no-spinner --no-color) --circular protocol-designer/src/index.tsx yarn madge $(and $(CI),--no-spinner --no-color) --circular step-generation/src/index.ts yarn madge $(and $(CI),--no-spinner --no-color) --circular labware-library/src/index.tsx yarn madge $(and $(CI),--no-spinner --no-color) --circular app/src/index.tsx yarn madge $(and $(CI),--no-spinner --no-color) --circular components/src/index.ts